1 ライブミーティング
週あたりの授業時間数 50 分この文章は自動翻訳されています
ADHD can make simple things in life way more difficult than they have to be from social interactions to staying focused in class but it can also be an advantage at times as well. In this class students will have the opportunity to discuss their struggles and their triumphs as they navigate a world living with ADHD. Having myself grown up with ADHD I am well aware of the difficulties that youth face as they try to understand themselves and meet their goals. Over the years and through obtaining my degree in psychology and as I complete my training to become a certified ADHD coach I have found that the more I learn about how my brain works the more I have been able to thrive with ADHD. In this class students will learn about how their ADHD brains work as well as be able to discuss how these differences affect them in life. This class will serve as a type of social group for youth to connect with others who have similar struggles and difficulties. The class will consist mainly of discussion as well as some activities to help students build on their life skills and is student lead. ADHD has so many positives once you have discovered how to use it to your advantage. This class aims to empower students to tap into their often over active minds and use that by effectively channeling it in ways which will help them pursue their passions in life. Each week we will discuss different challenges that youth with ADHD face based on the needs/ interests of the group. While the nature of the group is student lead some tentative week topics are as follows. Week of March 22nd: ADHD question period ( learners will get to ask any questions they have regarding ADHD) Week of March 29th: ADHD and school ( Discussion about how ADHD effects learners in school) Week of April 5th: ADHD and Social interactions Week of April12: ADHD and Emotions
学士号 University of Ottawa から 心理学 へ
I have a degree in psychology and have taken many courses on child development and child psychology as well as abnormal psychology. I myself have also grown up with ADHD which has given me direct experience and a unique insight into the subject. Through my life I have consistently taken every opportunity to learn more about ADHD and the different coping strategies which exist.
I am also currently in a training program to become a certified ADHD coach.
50 分
102 人がクラスを受けました
年齢: 14-17
クラス人数: 4 人-9 人