
アナログ時計で時間を知るパート2 分に注目

Teacher Kathy Ortiz
このクラスでは、生徒は毎時間の 5 分と 1 分まで時間を伝えることに集中して練習します。練習には時計が必要です。


米国の学年 3 - 5
Students will learn and improve their skills of telling time on a analog clock including minutes after the hour. 
I am a homeschool mom of 20+ years and I have been teaching children basic math and language arts classes during this time. I have a Masters Degree in Teaching and Learning with Technology. I love helping students learn real life skills that is needed for them in every day life. Learning to tell time on analog clock is something I feel is becoming a lost art, but I still feel it is a necessary life skill. 
Practicing telling time on a analog clock is recommended to help reinforce what the student has learned.
授業以外に週あたり 0 - 1 時間の学習が期待されます
Students will be given the opportunity in class to practice telling time on a analog clock.
 クラス登録時に 2 の学習素材が提供されます
Students need to be able to tell time to the 15, 30, and 45 min mark, or take my part 1 class before taking this class. Paper, Pen or Marker, analog clock to practice with. Students need to have a toy analog clock they can move the hands on to practice with in class. Or a print out of a black clock (provided in the classroom) that they can draw on multiple times the hands of the clock to practice the skills they are learning in class. At the end of each class, we will play an interactive game on the website nearpod.com. It is best if the student has an alternate device from the one they are in the outschool classroom on, open a browser, and load this website. I will provide the code in class. and it will be at the end of class. Let me know if you have any questions.
Parents are advised to be nearby if help is needed. Students need to take the Part 1 of this class before Part 2 or they will understand what we are doing in class. Parents need to be sure they have provided and prepped a toy clock that the hands can be moved, or a print out the student can draw the hands on the clock with, before class has started. This way the students are ready to go when the class starts. 
Students are required to take the Part 1 of my what time is it class before the part 2. 
My name is Teacher Kathy Ortiz. Gamification Classes! What is Gamification you ask? All of my classes are set up in a way that we use interactive online games from nearpod.com, kahoot.it, blooket.com, and gimkit.com to help students have fun while... 


50 分

44 人がクラスを受けました
Ages: 8-11
クラス人数: 1 人-4 人

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