
サマーキャンプ: この夏、小説家と一緒に小説を書こう

Kim Purcell MFA
生徒たちは夏休み中に小説の書き方と完成方法を学びます。その作品を出版したり、Scholastic Writing Contest に応募したりすることができます。


英語レベル - B1
米国の学年 7 - 10
Advanced レベル向け
Teacher-Created カリキュラムに準拠
8 lessons//2 Weeks
 Week 1
Lesson 1
Brainstorming Your Book/World/Characters/Plot
You will learn how to brainstorm your story idea/world/characters/plot. You'll do side writing to come up with a solid story. If you are in the second or third two weeks of this camp, you'll brainstorm your upcoming scenes.
Lesson 2
Writing Your First or Next Chapter
We'll talk about the core key elements of any scene and you'll brainstorm your next scene: Hook, Setting, Voice, Goals, Thoughts, Actions, Conflict, Problems, Decisions, Cliffhanger. Then, you'll write it!
Lesson 3
Dialogue and Characters
You'll work on advancing your characterization and dialogue skills. Learn how to add subtext, body language, differentiated expressions, humor, and reveals.
Lesson 4
Tension and Suspense
You'll learn how to add all of the important tension tools no matter what type of book you're writing. For example, you'll add hooks, scene questions, foreshadowing, cliffhangers, and reveals.
 Week 2
Lesson 5
Beautiful Language
Today's class will focus on multi-sensory writing and literary devices. You'll add all of the devices to your writing.
Lesson 6
Character Arcs and Desire Line
Books are all about characters, so today, we'll look at how your characters are growing and developing in your book and how to show this in the prose. You'll learn how the character's desire needs to be present in every scene and how to show it changing as they grow. We'll also look at how to show their strengths, weaknesses, past memories, thoughts, wisdom, and growth.
Lesson 7
Goals, Obstacles, Stakes
Show the character's desire line. Show their pursuit of the goal, obstacles that stop them, and the stakes if they don't get their goal.
Lesson 8
Common Writing Mistakes and How to Fix Them
Here, I cover common writing mistakes and specific mistakes I've noticed in this group over the course of the camp.
  • They will learn everything about writing a novel: plotting, characterization, tension, pacing, world-building, and literary devices.
I have over twenty years of experience teaching in a multi-sensory, interactive and joyful way. I'm a novelist with two acclaimed young adult novels published by Penguin and Disney-Hyperion. They both made top national lists, including Columbia's Bank Street Books and NPR's Top Books, as well as many state lists. As a novelist, I've done school visits at high schools across the US and Canada. Penguin is also publishing my writer's guide: The Busy Writer's Guide to Finishing a Novel in 100 Days. It comes out in 2026. 

Besides my experience as a novelist and author, I have twenty years of teaching experience, teaching both creative writing and ESL. I currently run a successful afterschool writing program in the LA area. I was the curriculum director of the famous nonprofit, WriteGirl LA, helping to design their multi-sensory way of teaching writing to teens. Besides teaching on Outschool, I have private groups of homeschooled teens I teach, many of them for several years.

My goal is to help my students feel more joyful through writing, to recognize the power of their unique voice and to build their creative confidence.
You'll need to write at least five days a week for at least two hours a day - which means at least an hour of writing outside of the class time. You'll finish a quarter of your book each week. Set a realistic goal. It can be a short book or a long book, depending on how much time you have.
授業以外に週あたり 4+ 時間の学習が期待されます
Students hand in pages once a week. I will send you an email and tell you what's wonderful and give you suggestions. At the end of the month, I'll give you suggestions for what could work on for the next draft.
This camp works for teens with ADHD, Dyslexia, ASD, and Anxiety. I have experience helping all types of learners. My classes are low-pressure and joyful. We use the chat, students can turn off monitors, and we don't read work out loud. 
No pre-reqs. 
A notebook, computer, markers, strange household objects. 
They will see examples from young adult novels and literary adult novels. 
I will be giving students an ebook with specific skills to focus on for each chapter. They also need their own favorite book to use as a mentor text. 
参加しました January, 2022
I love helping my students improve their writing and seeing their confidence grow. 

My classes are fun and inclusive. I have over twenty years of experience teaching in a multi-sensory and interactive way: English, literature, fiction,... 


毎週または¥160 8 クラス分
週に4回、 2 週間
55 分

47 人がクラスを受けました
年齢: 11-16
クラス人数: 6 人-16 人

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