
サマーキャンプ: 出版された小説家と一緒に章立ての本や物語の本を書く

Kim Purcell MFA
この楽しくインタラクティブなキャンプでは、生徒たちは毎日物語や章を書き、文章力を急速に向上させます。最終的には、生徒たちが Lulu.com や Amazon.com で本を自費出版できるようサポートします。


英語レベル - B1
米国の学年 2 - 5
Intermediate レベル向け
Teacher-Created カリキュラムに準拠
Common Core State Standards (CCSS) に準拠
4 lessons//1 Week
 Week 1
Lesson 1
Plot and What Every Chapter or Story Needs
Story Focus: What is your plot? What does every story or chapter need? A hook, interesting characters, a strange/scary setting, a goal, and a problem! Language focus - Details, use of colors and light, voice and personality Grammar focus - POV, capitals and periods, paragraphs and quotation marks.
Lesson 2
Descriptions, Voice, and Personality
Story Focus: How do you describe the setting and characters in an interesting, scary, or funny way? Writing focus - Describe, using all the senses, learn to use metaphors and similes, dialogue Grammar focus - Use correct punctuation for dialogue.
Lesson 3
Adventure, Suspense, Excitement, Goals and Problems
Story Focus: How do you build a scene so that it's full of tension and excitement? How do you balance thoughts, reactions, dialogue, and actions to pull in a reader? Writing focus - Use specific nouns and listing, use strong verbs, start each sentence in a new way. Grammar focus - Indenting paragraphs, verb tense (present/past)
Lesson 4
Twists, Turns, Reveals, Beautiful Language
Story Focus: How do you add in surprises and twists? How do you give information? How do you shock the reader? Writing focus - Beautiful Language - Alliteration, Repetition, Onomatopoeia Grammar focus - Use correct punctuation for dialogue.
  • Students will learn everything they need to know to write a novel. This is listed in detail above, but we will cover all areas of craft, including character, setting, plot, tension, dialogue, and literary devices. This will not only help them with their fiction, but also every area of writing.
I have over twenty years of experience teaching in a multi-sensory, interactive and joyful way. I'm a novelist with two acclaimed young adult novels published by Penguin and Disney-Hyperion. They both made top national lists, including Columbia's Bank Street Books and NPR's Top Books, as well as many state lists. As a novelist, I've done school visits at high schools across the US and Canada. Penguin is also publishing my writer's guide: The Busy Writer's Guide to Finishing a Novel in 100 Days. It comes out in 2026. 

Besides my experience as a novelist and author, I have twenty years of teaching experience, teaching both creative writing and ESL. I currently run a successful afterschool writing program in the LA area. I was the curriculum director of the famous nonprofit, WriteGirl LA, helping to design their multi-sensory way of teaching writing to teens. Besides teaching on Outschool, I have private groups of homeschooled teens I teach, many of them for several years.

My goal is to help my students feel more joyful through writing, to recognize the power of their unique voice and to build their creative confidence.
授業以外に週あたり 0 - 1 時間の学習が期待されます
頻度: Available upon request
フィードバック: Available upon request
詳細: I will encourage them to complete one scene a day.
頻度: Available upon request
詳細: I will read their writing each day they send it to me. I will tell them what I love, and give them suggestions to help them improve.
This class is designed to be low-pressure and fun, suitable for ASD, ADHD, Dyslexia, and ESL. There is no requirement to read out loud or even speak out loud. Students can use the chat to communicate. They do a lot of writing.
Students will need a notebook, a pen, markers and a computer for writing. I will be giving them a guide for brainstorming before the class, as well as a daily guide for each session to give them ideas for what to work on when they sit down to write outside of the camp. 
I will be using examples from children’s books. 
参加しました January, 2022
修士号 Vermont College of Fine Artsから
修士号 Vermont College of Fine Artsから
I love helping my students improve their writing and seeing their confidence grow. 

My classes are fun and inclusive. I have over twenty years of experience teaching in a multi-sensory and interactive way: English, literature, fiction,... 


4 クラス分
週に4回、 1 週間
55 分

258 人がクラスを受けました
年齢: 8-10
クラス人数: 6 人-12 人

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