
サマーキャンプ: 高校生向けプロジェクトベースの Python (レベル 2)

AI Code Academy
この 10 セッションのオンライン ライブ コース (レベル 2) では、8 つの楽しいアプリケーションとボーナスの最終プロジェクトを通じて、学生は Python コーディング スキルを強化します。このプログラムは、少なくとも 10 時間の Python 経験を持つ学生を対象としています。


10 lessons//2 Weeks
 Week 1
Lesson 1
Environment Setup
Due to the higher complexity of projects, students will learn to write and run python locally using Thonny. Students will learn how to use some of the helpful features of this beginner-friendly Python IDE to understand errors in their code. Additionally, pip will be introduced, and students will install a module using the package manager in Thonny. Project 1: Turtle Test Program Students will write a short turtle graphics program to test out their new programming environment.
Lesson 2
Intro to Pygame
Pygame is a cross-platform module in Python. It includes computer graphics and sound libraries the students will be able to use in their programming. Students learn the basics of creating graphics like dots and bouncing rectangles. Project 2: Raining Circles Students will use what they’ve learned to create their own animation of colorful circles from a pygame template project.
Lesson 3
GUI with Pygame
Students are introduced to pygame events, and use what they have learned so far to create their first GUI program that allows a user to place dots on a screen. With a few simple additions, they finish this lesson with a basic painting program. Project 3: Basic Painting Program Students will create a simple program to paint on the screen with different colors.
Lesson 4
More Pygame Features
Students will extend their projects from the previous lesson to include more features. They will learn to create a scalable interface, use images in pygame, and implement smarter collision detection. Project 4: Advanced Painting Program Students will add more features to their basic painting program to change the brush size and create a scalable canvas.
Lesson 5
Game Design 1
Students will make their first game using pygame, using object-oriented concepts to create their own version of the game Pong. Project 5: Pong Students create the classic game of Pong and apply collision detection in pygame.
 Week 2
Lesson 6
Game Design 2
Students make their most advanced pygame project yet, creating a multiple file program that generates enemies and obstacles in an infinite runner style game. Project 6: Infinite Runner Students create an infinite runner style game that generates enemies and obstacles that the player must avoid or launch a projectile at to clear.
Lesson 7
Using Official API
Students are introduced to the requests module and learn how to retrieve weather data from an official API. Project 7: Weather Forecast Students use an API to retrieve weather data and print out a forecast for a chosen address.
Lesson 8
Analyzing Big Data
Building off the previous lesson, students gain experience visualizing data with matplotlib and are prepared for our ML in Python with Big Data course. Project 8: Plotting Temperatures Students use temperature data collected from an API and matplotlib to generate plots and compare temperatures over time for different locations
Lesson 9
Review and Final Project Workshop
All previously taught concepts are reviewed, with special attention given to topics students wish to apply to their own final projects. Students can get help with any issues they have encountered while working on final projects.
Lesson 10
Final Project
The students will create their own program applying what they have learned throughout the class. Upon completion, the projects are demonstrated by their creators.
Technical Requirements:

PC (Windows 10) or Mac (macOS 10.13)  with at least a 2GHz processor and 2GB of RAM (4GB of RAM is recommended).

No Chromebooks!!!

Broadband internet with at least 1.8Mbps download and 900Kbps upload speeds. Please make sure to remove your firewall if any

Webcam - Either external or built-in (many laptops have an integrated camera).

Microphone and Speakers - We recommend headphones with an integrated microphone 
参加しました April, 2020
Project-based, STEM Coding + AI Programs + Mathematics

Early registration, Sibling and Multi-Course Bundle discounts Available!

The list of our summer camps can be found in this file:... 


10 クラス分
週に5回、 2 週間
75 分

年齢: 13-17
クラス人数: 4 人-10 人

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