
読む力を鍛えよう! 若い学習者の読書の自立 FLEX

この 6 週間のコースでは、生徒は長時間座って本を読む方法を学びます。また、知らない単語を読むのに役立つ読書戦略を学び、練習します。
Jesi Luxon


Each week you're welcome to record a video of your child reading their book and sharing the books they've read throughout the week. I will listen to your child reading their story and then record and send a video to your child encouraging them in their reading. I will also send a message to the parent giving them feedback on their child's reading.


英語レベル - 不明
米国の学年 Pre-Kindergarten - 2
**Please Note: This is a flexible schedule course, allowing your learner to watch the videos and practice the skills when it is convenient for you. There are no live meetings for this course, but I do utilize virtual platforms to enhance interaction among learners (see the *interaction* below)

In this course you get:
✅ 5 video lessons per week 
✅ 3 worksheets per week
✅ an option to have the lessons completely digital 
✅ a way for your child to record themselves reading and receive feedback on a weekly basis 

In this class learners will be encouraged to enjoy reading independently. Sometimes young children can approach reading independently with reluctance. Children usually enjoy when other people read stories to them but they become overwhelmed reading books by themselves. In this class young children will learn strategies they need to sit and read a book independently for an extended period of time. They will also learn and practice 6 different reading strategies that will help them become more confident readers. Young learners have the ability to sit and read a book independently for 10-20 minutes if they: practice building their stamina in reading, know strategies they can use to help them read words, and are encouraged to keep reading by people around them. 

Is this class beneficial if my child can not read words yet? Absolutely! 
If your child is younger (4-5) they will focus more on reading the pictures. 
Please note: the age of your child does not dictate their reading ability. Some 4 year old's will be reading words and some 7 year old's might still be reading pictures. This is okay. The focus for this class will be on recognizing where our ability is, and gaining the ability to improve our reading stamina. Every child is unique and possesses different strengths and weaknesses when it comes to reading. 

*Reading Stamina*
Each day students will have the opportunity to listen to a video that teaches them how to sit and read a book, practices a new reading strategy for the week, and reviews past reading strategies. 
This lesson will include:
-There are 3 ways to read a book: read the pictures, read the words, retell the story. 
- Practice our reading strategy for the week and review past reading strategies. 
-When we sit and read we: read the whole time, stay in one spot, and start right away. 
-What is looks like to read a book: Our eyes are on our story and our brains are thinking about the story.
-The teacher will tell your child to start reading their books until the timer is over. Your child will see me (the teacher) reading along with them while the timer is going on. During that time I will be modeling: looking at my book, using my finger to read, and moving my mouth to show student's that I'm reading my book out loud. 
-When the timer goes off I will celebrate your child's ability to sit and read their book. If we've increased out reading time I will encourage your child to fill out the reward sheet included in the lesson. This reward sheet is a way for your child to track their progress in their reading. 

*Student Practice*
Each week students will be provided with a worksheet/digital activity to help them practice the Looking Lion reading strategy throughout the week. Worksheets will be uploaded each Monday. Parents can print these worksheets out or have the option for their child to complete the worksheets online through Nearpod (see directions for Nearpod in materials)

*Weekly Plan*
Week 1: Building our reading independence (3-4 minutes) Reading Strategy: Looking Lion 
This week students will:
     -Learn what it means to stay in one spot and read a book the whole time
     -Learn about the reading strategy Looking Lion. Looking Lion looks at the picture to figure out the meaning of unknown words.
There will be 3 video lessons for the week:
     -Video #1: Students will learn how to stay in one spot and read a book the whole time. Students will also be introduced to the reading strategy Looking Lion and practice the Looking Lion song. (Reading Stamina 3 minutes) 
     -Video #2: Students will dive into the reading strategy looking lion more and have opportunities to see it modeled by the teacher and 
      practice with the teachers guidance. 
     -Video #3: Students will will learn how to stay in one spot and read a book the whole time. Students will review the reading strategy 
      Looking Lion. (Reading Stamina: 4 minutes) 

Week 2: Building our reading independence (5-6 minutes) Reading Strategy: chunky monkey
This week students will:
     -Review what it means to stay in one spot and read a book the whole time
     -Learn about the reading strategy Chunky Monkey. Chunky Monkey finds small words hiding inside big ones. 
     -Review the reading strategy: looking lion
There will be 3 video lessons for the week:
     -Video #1: Students will learn how to stay in one spot and read a book the whole time. Students will also be introduced to the reading strategy Chunky Monkey and practice the Chunky Monkey song. (Reading Stamina 5 minutes) 
     -Video #2: Students will dive into the reading strategy Chunky Monkey more and have opportunities to see it modeled by the teacher 
      and practice with the teachers guidance. 
     -Video #3: Students will will learn how to stay in one spot and read a book the whole time. Students will review the reading strategy 
      Chunky Monkey. (Reading Stamina: 6 minutes) 

Week 3: Building our reading independence (7-8 minutes) Reading Strategy: Stretchy Snake
This week students will:
     -Review what it means to stay in one spot and read a book the whole time
     -Learn about the reading strategy Stretchy Snake. Stretchy Snake sounds out letters and letter pairs to blend the sounds together 
      and read the words. 
     -Review the reading strategy: looking lion and chunky monkey
There will be 3 video lessons for the week:
     -Video #1: Students will learn how to stay in one spot and read a book the whole time. Students will also be introduced to the reading strategy Stretchy Snake and practice the Stretchy Snake song. (Reading Stamina 7 minutes) 
     -Video #2: Students will dive into the reading strategy Stretchy Snake more and have opportunities to see it modeled by the teacher 
      and practice with the teachers guidance. 
     -Video #3: Students will will learn how to stay in one spot and read a book the whole time. Students will review the reading strategy 
      Chunky Monkey. (Reading Stamina: 8 minutes) 

Week 4: Building our reading independence (9-10 minutes) Reading Strategy: Lips the Fish
This week students will:
     -Review what it means to stay in one spot and read a book the whole time
     -Learn about the reading strategy Lips the Fish. Lips the Fish makes the first sound of a word to figure out an unknown word.  
     -Review the reading strategy: looking lion, chunky monkey, and stretchy snake. 
There will be 3 video lessons for the week:
     -Video #1: Students will learn how to stay in one spot and read a book the whole time. Students will also be introduced to the reading strategy Lips the Fish and practice the Lips the Fish song. (Reading Stamina 9 minutes) 
     -Video #2: Students will dive into the reading strategy Lips the Fish more and have opportunities to see it modeled by the teacher 
      and practice with the teachers guidance. 
     -Video #3: Students will will learn how to stay in one spot and read a book the whole time. Students will review the reading strategy 
      Lips the Fish. (Reading Stamina: 10 minutes) 

Week 5: Building our reading independence (11-12 minutes) Reading Strategy: Flippy Dolphin
This week students will:
     -Review what it means to stay in one spot and read a book the whole time.
     -Learn about the reading strategy Flippy Dolphin. Flippy Dolphin flips the vowel sound in a word to read it correctly.  
     -Review the reading strategy: looking lion, chunky monkey, stretchy snake, and lips the fish.
There will be 3 video lessons for the week:
     -Video #1: Students will learn how to stay in one spot and read a book the whole time. Students will also be introduced to the reading strategy Flippy Dolphin and practice the Flippy Dolphin song. (Reading Stamina 11 minutes) 
     -Video #2: Students will dive into the reading strategy Flippy Dolphin more and have opportunities to see it modeled by the teacher 
      and practice with the teachers guidance. 
     -Video #3: Students will will learn how to stay in one spot and read a book the whole time. Students will review the reading strategy 
      Flippy Dolphin. (Reading Stamina: 12 minutes) 

Week 6: Building our reading independence (13-15 minutes) Reading Strategy: Skippy Frog
This week students will:
     -Review what it means to stay in one spot and read a book the whole time.
     -Learn about the reading strategy Skippy Frog. Skippy Frog skips the unknown word and reads the whole sentence to figure out the 
      unknown word.  
     -Review the reading strategy: looking lion, chunky monkey, stretchy snake, lips the fish, and skippy frog. 
There will be 3 video lessons for the week:
     -Video #1: Students will learn how to stay in one spot and read a book the whole time. Students will also be introduced to the reading strategy Skippy Frog and practice the Skippy Frog song. (Reading Stamina 13 minutes) 
     -Video #2: Students will dive into the reading strategy Skippy Frog more and have opportunities to see it modeled by the teacher 
      and practice with the teachers guidance. 
     -Video #3: Students will will learn how to stay in one spot and read a book the whole time. Students will review the reading strategy 
      Skippy Frog. (Reading Stamina: 15 minutes) 

Each week you're child will be asked to record a video of themselves reading their book and/or sharing the books they've read throughout the week. This can be done in the message board or on an online platform called flipgrid. Flipgrid makes it easy for younger learners to share and respond to each others videos. I will listen to your child's video and then record and send a video to your child encouraging them in their reading. I will also send a message to the parent giving them feedback on their child's reading. 

In this class your child has 2 different options for watching the videos and completing the work for each week:
Option #1: I will upload videos and worksheets into the classroom each week. This option is great if you want to print the worksheet and have your child fill out the worksheet during the recorded lesson. This option requires more help from an adult. 
Option #2: Each week I will upload a Nearpod lesson that your child can complete for the week. This option is great if you want your child to complete the lesson more independently. The worksheets are uploaded into the Nearpod lesson for your child to complete the lesson on their computer. Using a touchscreen or i-pad is usually easier for younger students to color and complete worksheets online. With this option your child can still print the worksheets and complete them with crayons and a pencil.


-Students will improve their ability to sit sit in one spot and read the whole time 
-Students will learn strategies to increase their reading stamina and practice using these strategies
-Students will know how to use the reading strategy Looking Lion look at pictures to help with unknown words
-Students will know how to use the reading strategy Chunky Monkey to find small words inside big words to help them read multi-syllable words. 
-Students will know how to use the reading strategy Stretchy Snake to sound out each letter in a word
-Students will know how to use the reading strategy Lips the Fish to make the first sound in a word to help them read an unknown word
-Students will know how to use the reading strategy Flippy Dolphin to flip the vowel sound in a word
-Students will know how to use the reading strategy Skippy Frog to skip over a word and read the whole sentence and then come back and to the beginning of the sentence and figure out the unknown word


Your child will need:
-3-5 books that are interesting to your child and preferable on their reading level 
-paper, crayons, pencil (if you choose to do the Nearpod lesson you do not need these materials)
-5,10, and/or 20 minute sand timer (optional) this is not needed for class but will be beneficial for your child when they practice building their stamina at home. Many children are even using "Alexa" as their reading stamina timer now. I like students to have a timer in front of them so that, they can see how much time they've been working. 

In this class your child has 2 different options for watching the videos and completing the work for each week:
Option #1: I will upload videos and worksheets into the classroom each week. This option is great if you want to print the worksheet and have your child will out the worksheet during the recorded lesson. 
Option #2: Each week I will upload a Nearpod lesson that your child can complete for the week. This option is great if you want your child to complete the lesson completely online. The worksheets are uploaded into the Nearpod lesson for your child to complete the lesson on their computer. Using a touchscreen or i-pad is usually easier for younger students to color and complete worksheets online. 

What if we don't have books at home?
-You can check books out at your local library 
-You can create an account on EPIC (free for 30 days) and your child can find numerous books on their reading level and interest. https://www.getepic.com/

 クラス登録時に 1 の学習素材が提供されます
Nearpod This class will have the option for your child to complete the lesson in Nearpod. The code for the lesson will be posted on the classroom page every Monday. Since this is a 6-week class these lessons will be active for 6-weeks from the start of class. How do I use Nearpod? There will be a pdf document and video included in the classroom page that will show you and your child how to use and navigate a Nearpod lesson.
参加しました October, 2020
I have a bachelors degree in Elementary Education. 
I am certified to teach in grades k-6. 
I am also Reading Endorsed and ESOL (English as a second language) Endorsed. 
This is my 8th year of teaching. I have taught first, second, and fifth grade.





6 週間
5 人がクラスを受けました
年齢: 4-8

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