6 録画レッスン
6 週間
Let's combine quality children's literature with hands-on fun in the kitchen in this FLEX class! This is a self-paced class, to give you the ability to fit it into your busy schedule, pause as needed, and replay videos as many times as you'd like. However, there will be several posts through each week and I will provide personal, typically video, feedback on learners’ posts, if they choose to post in the classroom. Each mini lesson and recipe will be provided via prerecorded video. That way, learners and their families can log on when it best suits them to participate. I will also provide alternate ideas and "twists" on recipes, so you can try them in different ways through the week. There will be response posts each week as well, which learners can use to interact more with the content and/or classmates. This class encourages a love of reading and books, reading skills and comprehension practice, and more ELA skills, while also introducing the basics of kitchen safety and cooking. Family participation is welcome, as cooking together is a wonderful way to bond with your children! Each week, learners will be assigned a different book to read before each meeting (no purchase necessary; check your library and Youtube for free read alouds!). Each week will focus on a different, quality storybook. In the pre-recorded videos and activities posted to the classroom, we will work on many reading skills such as: predictions, summarizing the events in the book, story elements, making connections, sequencing, drawing conclusions, and more! Learners will be invited to share in response posts as well, which will include both comprehension and opinion-based questions. Mini-lessons and posts will be meant to inspire a love for literature and reading in young learners. I will provide personalized feedback throughout the week to each and every learner via video and chat/discussion in the classroom. Then, in the week's second video, we will prep, create, and (if it does not need additional setting time) taste a treat that is related to the book! The time required to prepare the recipes each week may vary slightly, depending on the number of learners enrolled and their age/ability level, and some recipes may need additional setting or cooking time. This is a great way to encourage your child to try different foods and flavors they may not otherwise be interested in! Recipe cards will be provided along with a step-by-step cooking video. Fancy kitchen equipment and experience are not necessary. Recipes will be kid-friendly without too many complicated ingredients, but young learners will still need some assistance. Recipes will also be able to be altered to meet dietary restrictions as needed. Helping in the kitchen develops so many different skills for young children, such as: -Direction following -Kitchen and cooking skills and safety -Ingredient knowledge -Fine motor skills -Measuring -Science concepts
Learners will work on and improve their:
-Reading comprehension
-Expressive and receptive language
-Other ELA skills
-Discussion skills
-Turn taking
-Cooking skills
-Kitchen safety
-Direction following
-Fine motor skills
-Science concepts
6 レッスン
6 週間以上レッスン 1:
Predicting lesson, "Mouse Mess" cracker snacker recipe.
レッスン 2:
Characters lesson, "Pete's a Pizza" biscuit pizza recipe.
レッスン 3:
Setting lesson, "The Gruffalo" gruffalo crumble parfait recipe.
レッスン 4:
Cause & Effect
Cause & effect lesson, "If You Give a Moose a Muffin" chocolate chip banana muffins recipe.
As we will be working in the kitchen, parental guidance is necessary whenever an appliance and certain tools are used.
In addition, please review ingredient lists for any possible allergens.
Ingredients and tools will be common items you may already have. I suggest an apron or covering, or wearing clothes that are okay to get a bit messy!
毎週6 録画済みレッスン
6 間の講師サポート
コンテンツへの 1 年間のアクセス
31 人がクラスを受けました
年齢: 4-9