
クリエイティブな思考を持つ人のための STEM サマー キャンプ: Engineer It!

Susan Laforet, M.Ed Curriculum and Instruction
Rising Star
この 4 日間のキャンプでは、学習者はキャンプの各日に異なる問題を解決することに挑戦し、エンジニアリングのさまざまな側面に焦点を当てます。


英語レベル - 不明
米国の学年 2 - 5
Beginner - Advanced レベル向け
Teacher-Created カリキュラムに準拠
Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) に準拠
4 lessons//1 Week
 Week 1
Lesson 1
Sail Away
Students will be introduced to the Engineering Design Loop, steps all engineers use to solve problems. They will explore simple machines (wheel and axel) and how air resistance affects motion. They will be presented with the problem of the day - Can you build a wind powered car that moves, using common household materials?
Lesson 2
Each lesson will begin with a review of the Engineering Design Loop. This lesson focuses on aerospace engineering, and will include principles of forces on Earth, how NASA must design rockets to escape Earth's gravitational pull. They they will build a rocket, using straws and paper. Each student will use the scientific method to test their rocket's flight, and change variables to see if they can make it go as far as possible.
Lesson 3
Safe Flight
Continuing with our exploration of flight, students will explore how the design of airplanes affects their speed and distance. We will collaborate on which design will fly farthest, and students will build their first plane. After testing their planes, they will explore how changing variables might change the direction or speed of the flight path.
Lesson 4
Catch that Bug!
We return to our exploration of simple machines in this final day of camp. This challenge will center of using levers, but campers may choose to use any of the six simple machines in their design. They will be tasked with building a working, moving trap to catch insects, using common household materials.
  • Students will understand the basic principles of engineering, learn about the engineering design loop, and collaborate to solve a different engineering problem each day.
I have been sharing my love of science and math and STEM with elementary students in public schools for over 28 years. I served most of that time in the classroom and then moved into Instructional Coaching to help other teachers improve their practice in those areas. I have a Bachelor of Fine Arts and a Master of Education in Curriculum and Instruction.
Classes with Ms. Susan are fun, engaging, and hands on, with an inquiry approach in everything we do. My goal is to latch on to the natural curiosity children have about the world around them and use that to explore science, engineering, and math concepts in a rich and meaningful way.  I believe in teaching in ways that children learn, using strategies and activities that foster a love of learning. As a retired teacher, I am not bound by district or state policies and I am able to use fun, creative lessons to instill the academics that children need to master, not the ones they need to pass state assessments.
One of my favorite quotes from Carl Sagan sums up my approach to science education - "Science is a way of thinking much more than it is a body of knowledge." In Ms. Susan's Super Science and Math classes, students will be challenged to think!
頻度: 含まれる
詳細: Informal assessments will be included using games such as Time to Climb (NearPod) and Gimkits.
頻度: 含まれる
詳細: Certificate of Completion provided at the end of the course.
Complete material list may be found at
All of the lessons will be presented through the interactive NearPod platform and may include games such as Time to Climb, Gimkit, or Kahoot. Some lessons will include videos from YouTube, either pre-screened or recorded by the teacher.  Students will NOT conduct internet searches for the research aspect, but will use the Symbaloo site created by the teacher to access verified, safe, and prescreened websites and articles.
参加しました July, 2021
Rising Star
テキサス 教員免許 初等教育で
修士号 Grand Canyon Universityから
I have been sharing my love of science and math with elementary students in public schools for over 26 years. I served most of that time in the classroom and then moved into Instructional Coaching to help other teachers improve their practice in... 




4 クラス分
週に4回、 1 週間
85 分

1 人がクラスを受けました
年齢: 8-12
クラス人数: 1 人-8 人

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