

Mrs. Karow


1 ライブミーティング
1 時間 30 分 授業時間


Students will have fun learning about the engineering aspects of the design process including the forces behind downhill skiing.

Students will apply what they’ve learned and let their creative juices flow as they build two downhill skiers out of everyday common household items. They will then race their designs down a ski ramp while they predict the outcome based upon what they have learned during the design and building phase. They will then test their hypothesis and review what they have learned.

At the end of this class students will be able to:
• Ask questions, make observations, and gather information about a situation people want to change to define a simple problem that can be solved through the development of a new or improved object or tool.
• Develop a simple sketch, drawing, or physical model to illustrate how the shape of an object helps it function as needed to solve a given problem.
• Develop an understanding of the attributes of design.
• Develop an understanding of engineering design.
• Develop an understanding of the role of troubleshooting, research and development, invention and innovation, and experimentation in problem solving.

And most importantly…..Have fun learning!
Students will learn:
• How to Use the Engineering Design Process 
• How to Compensate for Friction and Forces
* How to Work collaborating with peers
• How to Design a prototype
• How to Plan and sketch a design
• How to Execute a design with available resources
• How to Hypothesize
• How to Self Evaluate Work


MATERIALS UPDATE: In the midst of quarantines and closures, I am aware that it may be difficult for some families to obtain all supply items listed for the class. I have been contacted by several parents that they are missing an item or two. That’s okay. In fact, it adds a great learning component to the class and fits in well during these times.

Although a list of recommended supplies is given, you can take the class without the exact supplies. Sticks from outside can be substituted for craft sticks, wrapping paper for newspaper, and sandwich bags for plastic wrap; are just a few examples. Encourage your child to be creative just as if they were a groundhog in the wild foraging for supplies to build a shelter! Children are remarkably resourceful and have come up with some great substitutions over my last few days of classes.

If you are able to a pick through a craft bin or still have an open store nearby, the list of supplies is:

Students will need the following resources before the start of class.
• Ski Ramp (smooth wood or plastic board about 5 x 40 inches)
• Craft Sticks / Popsicle Sticks
• Straws
• Plastic wrap
• Pipe cleaners
• Tape
• Aluminum foil
参加しました March, 2020
Hello! My name is Amy but my students call me Mrs. Karow or Ms. K. Although I am originally from Wisconsin, I live in the beautiful lowcountry area of Charleston, South Carolina.

I am a creative teacher who knows all students can be successful learners and works to create a classroom atmosphere that is stimulating, encouraging, and adaptive to the varied needs of my students. I am committed to creating a learning environment that is engaging and encourages student growth. I strive to create hands-on lessons that will capture a student's imagination and breed success. I am passionate about art, math, reading, English, science, and of course teaching! I have a degree in communications and over 15 years of varied teaching experience. I have home-schooled both of my children and now that they are older have more free time to share my love of teaching with a new group of students! I currently teach elementary and middle school math, science, ELA, and art as well as math and reading remediation. I most enjoy helping students who have previously struggled with math and reading become confident in their skills while growing by leaps and bounds. I also enjoy working with gifted students, showing them how to build a link between learned concepts, discover their interests, and connect what they have learned to what they enjoy.

Since all students are unique and each parent has different learning goals in mind for their student, I am happy to meet with parents for parent/teacher conference sessions. At this time we can discuss your educational goals, areas for improvement, and necessary accommodations for your learner. You can request a time for this meeting with me by sending me a message in Outschool.

Thank you for your consideration of me as a part of your learner's educational journey. I am honored and hope to see your learner in class soon!




90 分

62 人がクラスを受けました
年齢: 9-14
クラス人数: 3 人-12 人

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