

Heather Carson
この 9 週間のコースでは、学生は実数、方程式、関数、傾き、傾き切片形式から代数 1 の基礎を学びます。


米国の学年 8 - 9
Intermediate レベル向け
9 lessons//9 Weeks
 Week 1
Lesson 1
Module 1
Notes taken from Edpuzzles and Edpuzzle Quizzes: M1L1: Real Numbers: Comparing and Ordering M1L2: Simplifying Square Roots M1L3: Properties of Real Numbers 30 question assignment
 Week 2
Lesson 2
Module 2
Notes taken from Edpuzzles and Edpuzzle Quizzes: M2L1: Evaluating Expressions/Is It a Solution M2L2: Writing Expressions and Equations M2L3: Solving 1 and 2 Step Equations 30 question assignment
 Week 3
Lesson 3
Module 3
Notes taken from Edpuzzles and Edpuzzle Quizzes: M3L1: Solving Multi-Step Equations M3L2: Solving Equations with Variables on Both Sides M3L3: Proportions 30 question assignment
 Week 4
Lesson 4
Module 4
Notes taken from Edpuzzles and Edpuzzle Quizzes: M4L1: Domain and Range; Functions M4L2: Domain and Range From a Graph M4L3: Domain and Range from a Graph; Continuous Functions 30 question assignment
 Week 5
Lesson 5
Module 5
Notes taken from Edpuzzles and Edpuzzle Quizzes: M5L1: Slope M5L2: Slope Intercept Form M5L3: Slope Intercept Form; Mixed Scales 30 question assignment
 Week 6
Lesson 6
Module 6
Notes taken from Edpuzzles and Edpuzzle Quizzes: M6L1: Standard Form and Intercepts M6L2: Standard Form Word Problems M6L3: Standard Form to Slope Intercept Form 30 question assignment
 Week 7
Lesson 7
Module 7
Notes taken from Edpuzzles and Edpuzzle Quizzes: M7L1: Linear Word Problems Given Slope and Y-Intercept M7L2: Patterns and Arithmetic Sequences M7L3: Writing Equations of a Line Given Slope and a Point 30 question assignment
 Week 8
Lesson 8
Module 8
Notes taken from Edpuzzles and Edpuzzle Quizzes: M8L1: Linear Word Problems: Given Slope and a Point M8L2: Writing Equations of Lines Given 2 Points M8L3: Linear Word Problems: Given 2 Points 30 question assignment
 Week 9
Lesson 9
Module 9
Notes taken from Edpuzzles and Edpuzzle Quizzes: M9L1: Adding Polynomials M9L2: Subtracting Polynomials M9L3: Word Problems with Polynomials 30 question assignment Review of Mods + Quarter 1 Assessment (may be taken more than once)

Mod 1 assignments include the 3 edpuzzle quizzes and the 30 question assignment. Each mod is set up similarly (3 topics, 3 edpuzzles, and a 30 question assignment)
Homework per week includes: watching 3 lesson videos (and taking the quiz at the end...students may use their notes) completing 30 question assignment work must be shown.
授業以外に週あたり 2 - 4 時間の学習が期待されます
at the end of this course, students will receive their certificate of completion if they receive at least a 60% average on the covered material. This includes quizzes, assignments, and the end of quarter test. The certificate will have their overall percentage for this quarter of the course. I will make myself available for this course for 12 weeks for those students who are looking for a letter grade and certificate of completion. I check the classroom notifications and will respond within 1-2 days. If students need one on one help through video, it may be beneficial to sign up for one of my one on one tutoring classes. These are 45 minute one on one sessions.
Grading will be offered as a way to measure proficiency in the course. Before moving to quarter 2, students should have a proficiency int he quarter 1 content. Students can retake tests in order to achieve this. 90-100% A 80-89% B 70-79%C 60-69%D Students need to have at least a 60% in order to move to the quarter 2 material. I will make myself available for this course for 12 weeks for those students who are looking for a letter grade and certificate of completion. I check the classroom notifications and will respond within 1-2 days. If students need one on one help through video, it may be beneficial to sign up for one of my one on one tutoring classes. These are 45 minute one on one sessions.
It covers the entire algebra 1 curriculum in 36 modules. This is not a class intended for struggling learners. If your child has struggled with the fundamentals of prealgebra in the past, you will want the 1A algebra course instead.
Students should be familiar with computational skills (like fractions, decimals, and percentages as well as basic operations). Students should also have exposure to solving up to 2 step equations. Students are allowed to use a calculator.
Students will need to download the binder for the 9 weeks of content. There will be a link to the binder, a fraction calculator, a graphing calculator, and a formula sheet. 
Parental consent is needed for edpuzzle. Please realize that by signing up for this course, you are consenting to the use of Edpuzzle with your child. 

This is the information on parental consent for edpuzzle:
This school year, students will be using Edpuzzle as a complementary education tool
that will allow them to watch video lessons in class or at home and complete
assignments related to these lessons. The use of this web-based software and
application is intended to further engage students and also to better identify each of
their learning processes.
Edpuzzle can be used through two types of accounts: teacher and student accounts.
Student accounts and information related to them is stored completely privately and
is only accessible to us as your children’s teachers. With their Edpuzzle accounts,
students will watch video lessons, respond to questions to evaluate their
understanding of the subject and get feedback from their teacher regarding their
The Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) protects the online privacy of
children under the age of 13 and requires web-based service providers as Edpuzzle to
obtain parental consent prior to the collection, use, and disclosure of that child's
personal information. Due to COPPA’s requirements and just like any other web- or
cloud-based educational tool, Edpuzzle requires that schools obtain parental consent
to set up Edpuzzle accounts on students’ behalf and allow students under the age of
13 to access and use those accounts.
If your child is under 13, we need your consent to create your child’s student account
on their behalf. By signing up for this course, you are thereby giving the consent.
To learn more about Edpuzzle, please visit their website at www.edpuzzle.com and
consult their Privacy Policy and Terms of Use at www.edpuzzle.com/privacy and
www.edpuzzle.com/terms, respectively.
I have been teaching algebra for over 20 years!  I love teaching and helping students be more successful. I understand things like math anxiety and struggling learners, so I take a "small skills" approach to teaching. This means that instead of... 


weekly or ¥180 for all content
9 録画済みレッスン
9 教師からのフィードバック週間
コンテンツへの 1 年間のアクセス

Ages: 13-15

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