2 ライブミーティング
週あたりの授業時間数 1 時間 20 分宿題:
週1時間. Optional homework.テスト
Oral assignments - Feedback provided Vocabulary assignment (Game Quizz) At the end of each class, there's a game suitable for their age using one of the platforms authorized by Outschool. Students simply click on a provided link in the chat to join, without the need to create an account, ensuring a safe experience. Additionally, after each class, I post instructions for assignments to be completed at home. These assignments include two activities: a game quiz consisting of 10 to 12 questions to practice the vocabulary from the class and posting an audio or video in the classroom or privately to practice their oral skills. While these assignments are optional, they are highly recommended to accelerate the Spanish learning process and build confidence in speaking the new language. I provide feedback on these assignments.この文章は自動翻訳されています
英語レベル - 不明
米国の学年 5 - 8
Beginner レベル向け
Use code: PaolaR20 Topics to include / Los temas a tratar: WEEK 1 / SEMANA 1. 1.1 Perfect Day - El día perfecto 1.2 Gum chewing - Masticar chicle 1.3 School Day - El día escolar 1.4 Childhood Memories - Los recuerdos de niño 1.5. Married - Casado 1.6. If you get lost - Si te perdieras 1.7. Your name - Tu nombre 1.8. Outdoor activity - Actividad al aire libre WEEK 2 / SEMANA 2. 2.1 Sick - Enfermo 2.2 Animals - Animales 2.3 Ice cream o Pizza - Helado o pizza 2.4 Favorite word - Palabra favorita 2.5. Superpower - Superpoder 2.6. Pleasures - Gustos 2.7. Decorate - Decorar 2.8. To fly - Volar WEEK 3 / SEMANA 3. 3.1 Fingers and Lips - Dedos y labios. 3.2 Can't fall asleep - No puedo dormir. 3.3 To laugh - Reír 3.4 Sadness - Tristeza 3.5. Favorite place - Lugar favorito 3.6. Challenge - Desafío 3.7. Teacher - Maestra 3.8. Brave - Valiente WEEK 4 / SEMANA 4. 4.1 Dollars - Dólares 4.2 Colors - Colores 4.3 Animals - Animales 4.4 Age - Edad 4.5. I remember -Recuerdo 4.6. Scared - Asustado 4.7. Help - Ayudar 4.8. Bilingual and Monocycle - Bilingüe y monociclo WEEK 5 / SEMANA 5. 5.1 Never ever - Nunca jamás 5.2 Job - Trabajo 5.3 Time of the day - Hora del día 5.4 Planets - Planetas 5.5. Happy -Feliz 5.6. Count - Contar 5.7. Go to bed - Acostarse 5.8. Cartoon - Dibujos animados WEEK 6 / SEMANA 6. 6.1 Breakfast - Desayuno 6.2 Recess - Recreo 6.3 Chores - Quehaceres 6.4 Play - Juego 6.5. TV Shows -Series de TV 6.6. Birthday - Cumpleaños 6.7. Sky - Cielo 6.8. Cookies - Galletas WEEK 7 / SEMANA 7. 7.1 Brother and Sister - Hermano y hermana 7.2 Zoo Animal - Animal de Zoológico 7.3 Fly or Swim - Volar o Nadar 7.4 Scares - Sustos 7.5. Family - Family 7.6. The best month - El mejor mes 7.7. Snow or beach - Nieve o playa 7.8. Ice cream - Helado WEEK 8 / SEMANA 8. 8.1 Cat and dog - Gato y perro 8.2 To be alive - Estar vivo 8.3 Time machine - Maquina del tiempo 8.4 Tattoo - Tatuaje 8.5. To lie - Mentir 8.6. A better world - Un mundo mejor 8.7. Recycle - Reciclar 8.8. Traits - Rasgos WEEK 9 / SEMANA 9. 9.1 Age - Edad 9.2 School - Escuela. 9.3 College - Universidad. 9.4 The best day - El mejor día 9.5. Adult - Adulto 9.6. Sad - Triste 9.7. Boys and Girls - NIños y niñas 9.8. In the morning - Por la mañana WEEK 10 / SEMANA 10. 10.1 Homework - Tarea 10.2 Read - Leer 10.3 Colors - Los colores 10.4 Inside and Outside - Dentro y fuera 10.5. School and house - Escuela y casa 10.6. Neighborhood - Barrio 10.7. Room - Habitación 10.8. Stranger - Desconocido WEEK 11 / SEMANA 11. 11.1 Cartoons - Dibujos animados 11.2 Teen - Adolescente 11.3 TV - Televisión 11.4 Videogames - Videojuegos 11.5. Disobeying - Desobedeciendo 11.6. Wealth and kindness - Riqueza y bondad 11.7. Children - Hijos 11.8. Embarrassment - Verguenza WEEK 12 / SEMANA 12. 12.1 Clean Earth - El planeta tierra limpio 12.2 Allowance - Gasto o domingo 12.3 Listening Skills - Saber escuchar 12.4 Snake or Raccoon - Serpiente o mapache 12.5. Get married - Casarte 12.6. Mean - Malvado/a 12.7. I care about family - Me preocupa la familia 12.8. Bedtime - Hora de acostarse WEEK 13 / SEMANA 13. 13.1 Gifts - Regalos. 13.2 Birthday - Cumpleaños 13.3 Elective - Optativa 13.4 Help your community - Ayuda a tu comunidad 13.5. Song/Singer - Canción/Cantante 13.6. School calendar -Calendario escolar 13.7. Rainy day - Día lluvioso 13.8. Something difficult - Algo difícil WEEK 14 / SEMANA 14. 14.1 Close Friends - Amigos cercanos 14.2 Weekdays - Días de la semana 14.3 Role model - Modelo a seguir 14.4 To visit - Visitar 14.5. Long car trip - Viaje largo en automóvil 14.6. Ideal dream - Sueño ideal 14.7. Rather - Prefiero 14.8. Toppings - Ingredientes WEEK 15/ SEMANA 15. 15.1. Healthy breakfast - Desayuno saludable 15.2. Moon/Ocean - Luna/Oceano 15.3. Family pet- Mascota familiar 15.4. Being out of this country - Estar fuera de este país 15.5. Meaning - Significado 15.6. Favorite Dessert - Postre favorito 15.7. Learn - Aprender 15.8. Broccoli or Carrots - Brócoli o zanahorias WEEK 16/ SEMANA 16. 16.1. Number - Número 16.2. Room - Habitación 16.3. Happiness- Felicidad 16.4. Favorite place - Lugar favorito 16.5. A better school - Una escuela mejor 16.6. Musical Instrument - Instrumento musical 16.7. Breakfast - Desayuno 16.8. Exercise - Ejercicio WEEK 17/ SEMANA 17. 17.1. School recess - Receso escolar 17.2. To live - Vivir 17.3. Ice cream types - Tipos de helado 17.4. First name - Primer nombre 17.5. Close family member - Familiar cercano 17.6. Secrets - Secretos 17.7. Sunset or sunrise - Puesta de sol o amanecer 17.8. A baby or a dog - Un bebé o un perro WEEK 18/ SEMANA 18. 18.1. Best place to live - El mejor lugar para vivir 18.2. New Year's Eve - Víspera de año nuevo 18.3. Telling jokes - Contar chistes 18.4. Fly - Volar 18.5. The world of a book - El mundo de un libro 18.6. The richest person - La persona más rica 18.7. Dream - Sueño 18.8. Annoying sound - Sonido molesto WEEK 19/SEMANA 19. 19.1. Fun person - Persona divertida 19.2. Spell your name - Deletrea tu nombre 19.3. Lunch - Almuerzo 19.4. Screaming or whisper - Gritar o susurrar 19.5. Cleaning - Limpieza 19.6. Robot - Robot 19.7. Morning thoughts - Pensamientos matutinos 19.8. Favorite smell - Olor favorito WEEK 20/SEMANA 20. 20.1. Talk - Hablar 20.2. Lying - Mintiendo 20.3. Fly or breathe - Volar o respirar 20.4. Famous - Famoso 20.5 Library - Biblioteca 20.6. Smile - Sonreír 20.7. Roller coaster - Montaña rusa 20.8. Superhero - Superhéroe WEEK 21/SEMANA 21. 21.1. A must-have - Algo indispensable 21.2. Family size - Tamaño de familia 21.3. Sandwich - Emparedado 21.4. Toys - Juguetes 21.5. Gift - Regalo 21.6. Outfit - Atuendo 21.7. Trust - Confiar 21.8. Talent - Talento WEEK 22/SEMANA 22. 22.1. The colors we wear - Los colores que llevamos 22.2. The coolest thing - Lo más genial 22.3. Without internet - Sin internet 22.4. Surprise - Sorpresa 22.5. The best view - La mejor vista 22.6. Thought - Pensamiento 22.7. School Day - Día escolar 22.8. Collection - Colección WEEK 23/SEMANA 23. 23.1. On a daily basis - Diariamente 23.2. Unfair treatment - Trato injusto 23.3. The smile power - El poder de una sonrisa 23.4. Pandemic highlights - Lo mejor de la pandemia 23.5. Dinosaur - Dinosaurio 23.6. I could live without ... - Podría vivir sin ... 23.7. Feathers or Iron - Plumas o hierro 23.8. Wonderful lamp - Lámpara maravillosa WEEK 24/SEMANA 24. 24.1. Faster - Más rápido 24.2. Crafty - Artista 24.3. Rare houses - Casas raras 24.4. Sleeping position - Posición para dormir 24.5. Aging - Evejecer 24.6. Skills - Habilidades 24.7. Theme party - Fiesta temática 24.8. Full glass - Vaso lleno WEEK 25/SEMANA 25. 25.1. Exhausting - Agotador 25.2. Dog bread - Raza de perro 25.3. Be able to see - Poder ver 25.4. Soda - Refresco 25.5. Extreme sports - Deportes extremos 25.6. Worst - Peor 25.7. Movie industry jobs - Trabajos en la insdustria del cine 25.8. Old or young - Viejo o joven WEEK 26/SEMANA 26. 26.1. Devices - Dispositivos 26.2. Prank - Traverura 26.3. Trip - Viaje 26.4. Vegetables - Verduras 26.5. Traditional toys - Juguetes tradicionales 26.6. Museums - Museos 26.7. Son - Hijo 26.8. Birth - Nacimiento WEEK 27/SEMANA 27. 27.1. Expressions - Expresiones 27.2. Bucket list - Lista de cosas por hacer 27.3. Taste - Sabor 27.4. Food allergies - Alergies a los alimentos 27.5. Game console - Consola de videojuegos 27.6. Kangaroo or whale - Canguro o ballena 27.7. Make money - Ganar dinero 27.8. Never - Nunca WEEK 28/SEMANA 28. 28.1. Sloth - Perezoso 28.2. Favorite emoji - Emoji favorito 28.3. All-expenses-paid trip - Viaje todo pagado 28.4. Animal bites - Mordeduras de animales 28.5. Movies - Películas 28.6. Horse sports - Deportes ecuestres 28.7. Animal Type - Tipo de animal 28.8. Talk or breathe - Hablar o respirar WEEK 29/SEMANA 29. 29.1. Seat - Asiento 29.2. Annoying - Tedioso 29.3. Be sick - Estar enfermo 29.4. Doctor 29.5. Owner - Dueño 29.6. It makes me upset - Me pone de malas 29.7. Popcorn - Palomitas de maíz 29.8. Types of sneakers - Tipos de tenis WEEK 30/SEMANA 30. 30.1. Homework - Tarea 30.2. Dyed hair - Pelo teñido 30.3. Improve - Mejorar 30.4. Books - Libros 30.5. Pet - Mascota 30.6. Pokemon types - Tipos de Pokémon 30.7. Superpower - Super poder 30.8. Shoes - Zapatos Spanish Immersion class. The class is taught in Spanish. It presents conversation topics to encourage students to express their points of view in Spanish and improve their oral skills in a relaxed and fun environment. Main slides in Spanish and English for better understanding. However, students are expected to participate in Spanish. In this ongoing course, students meet 40 minutes twice a week. Clase impartida totalmente en español. Se presentan temas de fácil comprensión buscando que los alumnos expresen sus puntos de vista en español. La meta es mejorar sus habilidades orales en un ambiente relajado. La presentación contiene la información en español e inglés para asegurar la comprensión. La participación de los alumnos será en español. Class structure: a) Presentation of the conversation topic - Presentación del tema de conversación. b) Presentation of an example of a conversation. - Presentación de un ejemplo de una conversación. c) Student participation - Participación de los estudiantes. e) Interactive practice through games - Práctica interactiva mediante juegos. Required experience or knowledge learners need: a) Reading skills. b) Test Zoom: turn off / turn on the microphone and video
Improve students' Spanish oral skills in a relaxed and fun environment.
According to the global scale, there are three levels:
A (beginner-basic)
B (intermediate-independent)
C (advanced-proficient).
The Spanish Immersion Conversation Class curriculum corresponds to the level: Intro to Spanish B1.1 on the global scale.
Global Scale
Can understand with ease virtually everything heard or read. Can summarize information from different spoken and written sources, reconstructing arguments and accounts in a coherent presentation. Can express him/herself spontaneously, very fluently, and precisely, differentiating finer shades of meaning even in more complex situations.
Can understand a wide range of demanding, longer texts and recognize implicit meaning. Can express him/herself fluently and spontaneously without much obvious searching for expressions. Can use language flexibly and effectively for social, academic, and professional purposes. Can produce clear, well-structured, detailed text on complex subjects, showing controlled use of organizational patterns, connectors, and cohesive devices.
Can understand the main ideas of complex text on both concrete and abstract topics, including technical discussions in his/her field of specialization. Can interact with a degree of fluency and spontaneity that makes regular interaction with native speakers quite possible without strain for either party. Can produce clear, detailed text on a wide range of subjects and explain a viewpoint on a topical issue, giving the advantages and disadvantages of various options.
Can understand the main points of clear standard input on familiar matters regularly encountered in work, school, leisure, etc. Can deal with most situations likely to arise whilst traveling in an area where the language is spoken. Can produce simple connected text on topics that are familiar or of personal interest. Can describe experiences and events, dreams, hopes & ambitions and briefly give reasons and explanations for opinions and plans.
Can understand sentences and frequently used expressions related to areas of most immediate relevance. For example, very basic personal and family information, shopping, local geography, and employment. Can communicate in simple and routine tasks requiring a simple and direct exchange of information on familiar and routine matters. Can describe in simple terms aspects of his/her background, immediate environment, and matters in areas of immediate need.
Can understand and use familiar everyday expressions and very basic phrases aimed at the satisfaction of needs of a concrete type. Can introduce him/herself and others and can ask and answer questions about personal details such as where he/she lives, people he/she knows, and things he/she has. Can interact in a simple way, provided the other person talks slowly and clearly and is prepared to help.
毎週 ( $17クラスごとに )週に2回
40 分
238 人がクラスを受けました
年齢: 10-14
クラス人数: 3 人-12 人