

メキシコシティ出身の認定ネイティブ教師による初心者向けスペイン語。充実したカリキュラム。スペイン語 1 の 1 年間。スピーキング、リスニング、ライティング、リーディングのすべてをカバー。ゲーム、印刷物、クイズ、ライティング プロンプト、ストーリーなどで復習します。
Señor Eliu
New on Outschool


84 ライブミーティング
56 授業時間
週あたり 1-2 時間. Homework will be assigned in a post in the virtual classroom. Homework may include custom worksheets and word searches, all designed by me. I will also assign appropriate reading assignments and writing prompts for students to complete. Parents decide whether or not their children do the homework. I want them to do it, but I cannot send constant reminders about it.
Learner will be assessed in four ways for this course. 1) After most classes, I will write a general feedback report in the virtual classroom for the entire class, including a summary of what we covered in that lesson. 2) I will give letter grades for homework assignments ONLY if you, as the parent, directly ask me to. If students send me a photo of their completed writing or reading assigments, I will give written feedback and a letter grade, if parents want a grade. 3) I will provide grades for all the quizzes and tests in this course. 4) I provide grades and feedback for all of the individual speaking assessments, for each student.


英語レベル - 不明
米国の学年 4 - 6
Beginner レベル向け
¡Bienvenidos! In this full immersion, full curriculum Spanish 1 course, we'll learn Spanish for beginners from zero. 
Don't see a time that works for you? Try my wife's SELF-PACED, video-course version of this class!

Search on Outschool for: Full Curriculum Spanish 1 with Teacher in Mexico City: Semester 1 (Self-Paced)

or copy this link:

Parents please note: I do not speak any English in this class.  Scroll down to the PARENTAL GUIDANCE section for important details and how this is an advantage for you.

What you expect from this class? Here is a breakdown of how each week will be structured.
Further down in the class syllabus section, you can see specifics on the topic and content of each lesson.

Each week, we'll work with the Spanish language in various ways, so you get a well-rounded understanding of the language. 

This structure is based on the practice in the Vistas 6th Edition textbook (not affiliated with me, and not a requirement for this course.) 

The structure for each week will look something like this (with some wiggle room for swapping days):

Class #1: Vocabulary Introduction and Reading Practice. In the first class of each week, I'll present students with new vocabulary and sentence or grammar structures that we'll be using that week. We'll practice with the vocabulary reading some Spanish as a group in class, so kids can see the words in natural context. I'll also assign level-appropriate reading homework.

Class #2: Listening and Speaking Practice. For this class, students will work together to ask and answer questions regarding the target vocabulary for the week in Spanish. *Please note that this will require students to actively participate and speak in class.*

Class #3: Games and Review. In our final class for each week, we'll play specially designed review games that help students recycle the vocabulary that they've studied and worked with throughout the week with me. (I design the games in Nearpod, see PARENTAL GUIDANCE section below.)

Sometimes, there will be a QUIZ to help students further review.

Please scroll down to the CLASS SYLLABUS to see what we will do for every single one of the 84 classes, respectively.

*I reserve the right to change or adjust class content if I find that it's not a good fit for the group.*

Students do not need any previous knowledge of Spanish to enroll in this course. We'll start from the very beginning.

PARENTS, please read the PARENTAL GUIDANCE section below regarding refund policies, technology and skills required for this class, and more important information.

1) Can I/my child get official school credit for this course?

That depends completely on your school or district. Outschool doesn't officially confer school credit for its courses, but you can reach out to your school district directly to find out what qualifies for school credit. I can also design any type of course completion certificate that you need, customized with whatever wording you need, to help you.

2) If my child isn't quite in the right age range for this class, can he/she still sign up?

YES! The ages on my class listings are a general guideline, and also required by Outschool when I list a new class. If you have a younger (or older) learner who you think would be a good fit for a class, then they are welcome to join us in whatever class you think is best. For example, I offer classes for younger kids and for teens. Sometimes, parents want their 11 or 12-year-old in a teens class. Fine by me! You know your child better than I do. If they would be more comfortable in a class that isn't exactly written to match their age group, no problem at all.

3) Can I get a refund if I decide to withdraw my child?

Outschool has many different refund policies, depending on the type of class you've signed up for, and the payment style you choose. Teachers on Outschool are also able to (sometimes) choose a general type of refund policy for their classes. Just because one teacher offers a very flexible refund policy, doesn't mean all will.

I ask that you please take your purchase seriously when enrolling your child in my classes, and consider that asking for a refund directly impacts a small business of just one person. Please remember that you are not enrolling with a corporation or a big business. Most teachers on Outschool are self-employed, sole proprietors and depend on the income from our classes. 

Of course, extenuating circumstances come up. We're human and have crazy lives, after all! To read very specific details on my personal refund policy, please scroll down to the PARENTAL GUIDANCE section.

4) Do you offer any discounts?

Yep! I offer seasonal discounts and coupons sometimes, and I always offer discounts for the following:
-buy one, get one 50% off (upfront payments only, not weekly payments)
-get $100 off any full curriculum/year-long course I offer (upfront payments only)

***Must message me personally and mention these discounts. Honestly, I like to see that people have taken the time to read my class description.***

5) Can I get the vocabulary lists, homework, and any other printables in advance?

Absolutely. Sometimes parents only have access to a printer briefly, and I get it. Just message me and I'll send you the materials in advance. 
Disclaimer: I may design new homework and activities as the course progresses. I am always making new resources for my students, so you may occasionally get something new to print out. 

6) Do you offer 1-on-1 classes?

I sure do! Please check my profile to sign up for private Spanish tutoring.

7) I don't see a time on your schedule that works for me. Is there anything you can do?

The times listed on my individual class listings aren't necessarily the only times I am open to teach. If you are interested in a specific class, but you don't see a time that works for you listed, please message me directly and I'll do my best to set something up for you. 

My wife also offers a video-course version of this class. Check it out here:


8) My child is just starting to learn Spanish. Will they feel comfortable in this class, since you won't speak much English?

This is actually an ADVANTAGE for your kids, because they'll have to use Spanish to communicate with me. I will make myself understood with written English on screen (where needed), pictures, and miming.

I make it clear to my students that I may not understand them if they speak to me quickly in English. The first class or two might feel a bit odd as they get used to it, but kids adjust quickly and get used to it.

You'd be surprised how fast kids adjust! And while you might feel nervous about it at first, the fact that kids must use Spanish with me gets them speaking Spanish very, very quickly. Give it a try!

9) My child is a bit more advanced in Spanish. Do you offer any classes for them?

If your child is already converational in Spanish, you can check out my full immersion conversational Spanish class here:


If you want a SPANISH 2 course, please check my wife's Spanish 2 Full Curriculum Course here:


Please note that the teacher is not permitted to provide links to access Zoom. Classes on Outschool must be accessed via the Outschool website. 
Please note that this is a beginners' Spanish class. This material is not designed for intermediate or advanced students. 

Please see the PARENTAL GUIDANCE section below for information regarding refund policy, camera policy, student participation and behavioral expectations, instructions for NEARPOD, and more.
Got a question I didn't answer here? I'm happy to help! Shoot me a message and I'll get back to you as soon as I can. 

Thanks for reading!
In this class, students will basically learn how to discuss in SPANISH: 

-their routines
- pets
-introduce themselves
-appearance and personality
-colors and numbers 1-100
-telling time
-different foods
-ordering in a restaurant


84 レッスン
28 週間以上
レッスン 1:
Introductions: Vocab Presentation and Reading
 I will teach students vocabulary surrounding how to say hello, asking for and giving your name, and asking how someone is doing. We'll also do reading practice, and I'll assign a reading activity for homework. 
40 分のオンラインライブレッスン
レッスン 2:
Introductions: Speaking Practice
 In this lesson, we will use a written dialogue as the basis for speaking practice. Students will use this to see the model of the speech, then practice taking turns as a group speaking. This is a full immersion lesson, so I speak only Spanish. I will help students will written English on screen where needed, correcting pronunciation, and pictures. Homework will be a Spanish writing assignment, following the theme for this week. 
40 分のオンラインライブレッスン
レッスン 3:
Introductions: Review and Game Day!
 We'll play review games as a group to review what we've learned this week in a fun way. 
40 分のオンラインライブレッスン
レッスン 4:
My Personality and Appearance: Vocab Presentation and Reading
 I will teach students vocabulary surrounding describing their personality and basis physical appearance. We'll also learn how to use the verb SER. We'll also do reading practice, and I'll assign a reading activity for homework. 
40 分のオンラインライブレッスン


NEARPOD Please note that I use Nearpod for my lessons. Nearpod is a website that allows teachers to create slide presentations with interactive activities for students. A link will be provided via the Zoom chat box during the live class to access Nearpod. I will also provide the necessary 5 digit code to access the lesson. If students wish, I can also provide them with a link to access the lesson on their own time after class. STUDENTS DO NOT NEED A NEARPOD ACCOUNT TO ACCESS THIS FEATURE. ********************** KAHOOT I may use Kahoot in this class, or I may not. Kahoot is a website where teachers design quiz games for students to test their knowledge and review what they've learned. If I use Kahoot in class, I will provide students with the necessary link and Game PIN to access the Kahoot game. I will also include this information in the virtual classroom, for students who wish to play the Kahoot game at a later time. STUDENTS DO NOT NEED A KAHOOT ACCOUNT TO USE THIS FEATURE. ********************* CANVA I may need to use canva to present the class material in the event that the NEARPOD website is down. This would be a rare event and only in an emergency. Please note that students do not need a Canva account for me to use this feature. Students will not need to log into Canva. In the event that I use canvas to present the lesson, this will only be via screen share. ********************** YOUTUBE occasionally my classes include a very brief YouTube video. This is only in a class or two, but it adds to the class experience when I choose to use it. YouTube videos that I use are very short, usually under 2 minutes long. Students do not need a YouTube account and they do not need to sign into YouTube for me to use this feature in class. I will simply share a video that is embedded into the near pod material that is sourced from YouTube. This will be used only on the screen share and students do not need to sign into YouTube to use this feature. ******* BLOOKET and GIMKIT I use Blooket and Gimkit to do review games. These are websites where I create review games based on what we've studied. Students don't need an account for these games. I send links to both in the Zoom chatbox, where students can sign in and play. ****** ZOOM LINKS Please note that I cannot provide Zoom links for students to enter the session. Outschool does not allow this. ***************************** TECHNOLOGY NOTE Children should be able to handle technological functions like accessing the Zoom chat box, turning on or off their microphone on Zoom, clicking a link to open the Nearpod website, navigating to the Nearpod website, and opening a new tab on their internet browser to see the Nearpod website. They should be able to click answers to questions on their screens. It would also be good for them to know how to navigate between Zoom and an external website, since they'll need to do this during class to participate in the Nearpod games. **************************** PARENTS EMAILING OR MESSAGING THE TEACHER DURING CLASS Please note that I may not receive your messages if you are emailing or messaging me during a live class. For example, if you child is not able to enter Zoom due to a technical issue, and you message me during a live group class, I may not be able to check your messages or respond right away. My attention is naturally focused on the students in my classroom at that time, and I am not closely monitoring my email or messages. I try my best to check on messages is a student has not joined us, but I can't always check immediately. **************************** SKILLS REQUIRED Students need to be able to read to participate in this class. *************************** BEHAVIOR EXPECTATIONS Students are expected to raise their hands to share their thoughts, or ask/answer questions. Interruptions will be handled with patience, but I may need to mute a student who constantly interrupts the teacher or his/her fellow classmates. I do not like to mute students, because I want to encourage free and frequent participation, but on rare occasions it's necessary to preserve the class flow and environment. Profanity will not be tolerated. This is extremely rare of course, but any students using profanity will be immediately muted. *************************** POLICY REGARDING CLASS RUNNING OVERTIME Rarely, class may run overtime by a minute or two. If your child needs to leave right on time, and for some reason I haven't wrapped up, they may leave immediately without asking permission. I understand that students have other classes, obligations, and activities. ************************* POLICY REGARDING EATING AND RESTROOM BREAKS Please let your kids know that they do not need to ask me for permission to go to the restroom. They may just get up and go when they need to. I am perfectly fine with kids eating or drinking in class, as long as they are able to swallow their food before speaking to the class, and please turn off their microphone while chewing. ************************* PARTICIPATION POLICY My classes are student-centered, meaning that I try to let kids participate and speak as much as possible during class. This gives them more opportunity to use Spanish, and get involved in the lesson. Students who come to my class are expected to participate frequently. If your child is shy, don't worry; everyone is welcome to participate in the chat box, rather than speaking aloud. Speaking aloud is preferred, but not mandatory. I understand that every student is different. I grade students based on participation for every class. Students who participate in the chat box and those who speak with me aloud are graded equally. If your child is ill and cannot participate, or if you would rather they simply observe class and NOT participate as a rule, please write me a message to tell me. I will waive the participation grade in their case. *********************** CAMERA POLICY Please note that children are NOT required to keep their cameras on during class. They are, however, required to turn their cameras on for a split second at the beginning of class, so I can verify that they are children. This is an Outschool safety policy. The exception to this rule is verified learners. Please make sure that your child has a working camera so I can verify who they are. If I cannot see them at all, and they are not verified learners, I am required to remove them from the classroom, even if I recognize their voice. ********************* STUDENT NAME POLICY Please make sure your kids understand that their name is important when they sign in to the classroom. For their safety, their name must match exactly what it is on their Outschool profile, OR it can match their parent´s name on their Outschool profile. I am not allowed to admit students with other names into the Zoom classroom. ******************** REFUND POLICY Each class type here on Outschool has different refund policies. Most (if not all) are refundable if you cancel within 24 hours of purchase. Some are also automatically refunded if you cancel up to 1 week before the class start time. There are many circumstances where a refund is up to the teacher's sole discretion. For example: -student technical or Zoom trouble that prevented them from joining class -last-minute requests for cancellation due to vacation or family outings -emergency situations, like a run to the hospital or a death in the family -a student gets sick and can't join us at the last minute Refunds are generally given for: -emergencies -student illness -death in the family -funerals -other special circumstances, at the teacher's discretion -family trips or vacations, if I am advised 1 week or more in advance (In this case you can cancel the class, and Outschool will automatically issue you a refund.) Refunds are generally not given for: -family vacation, if I am advised less than 1 week in advance -student technical issues -student internet problems -students arriving late to class -students missing class because they forgot -students or families mixing up the time because of daylight savings or a time difference between their region and the class listing Please note that these are my general policies, and each situation will be handled on a case-by-case basis. Abuse of the refund policy may result in refusal of refund that I would generally issue. ************************ STUDENT NO-SHOW POLICY Outschool has set up a policy to handle student no-shows. If a student does not show up to class, with no communicaton from the family, for ten minutes after the class start time, the teacher may exit the Zoom classroom and end the class. No refund is provided in this situation. The teacher leaves a brief comment in the virutal classroom explaining that they are no longer on Zoom to advise the family. ************************* CLASS RESCHEDULING POLICY If I am at fault for class not taking place on time, I will offer to reschedule the lesson at no charge to the family. If the student is at fault due to technical issues, vacation, emergencies, etc, I may offer to reschedule the lesson on a case-by-case basis. I generally do not reschedule due to student internet problems, but I may do so if students rarely have this problem and do not abuse my refund policy. ************************* MISSED A CLASS? POLICY If your child misses class for any reason, I expect them to watch the class recording and follow along with the Nearpod material, which I will give them. (I can't provide it in advance.) If your child misses a quiz or test day, I require them to make it up on their own time. I will also send you the Nearpod link so they can do the quiz/test. I need you to please write me a message and tell me once your child has completed the make-up quiz, because otherwise I won't know that they completed it.
This is a beginner's Spanish class, so kids don't need to have studied any Spanish previously. Kids must be able to read and operate Zoom for this class. See PARENTAL GUIDANCE section for more details on behavioral expectations.
Students will need: 

-a working electronic device that can operate both Zoom and the Nearpod website. 
-a printer or electronic device that supports PDFs and the ability to markup ("write on") PDF files, to do writing assignments and homework activities
参加しました August, 2024
New on Outschool
I am a native Spanish speaker in Mexico City, Mexico.
I hold a certificate to teacher Spanish as a Foreign Language (ELE) from Divulgación Dinámica in Spain.
I've taught Spanish in private online classes since 2021.




84 クラス分
週に3回、 28 週間
40 分

年齢: 9-12
クラス人数: 2 人-4 人

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