

この 1 回限りのクラスでは、学生は、エキサイティングでインタラクティブで楽しい宇宙クラスで、マルチバースの概念を取り巻くさまざまな科学理論を探求します。
Kristina RI. (MAT BBA. AA. Spanish. TEFL)


1 ライブミーティング
45 分 授業時間
There is no formal assessment for this course.


英語レベル - 不明
米国の学年 Kindergarten - 3
As Space is becoming increasingly important in most countries around the world, especially given the amount of Space travel that has recently increased, it is more and more important for our children to know, at least basic knowledge about the Space around us, including differing thoughts and theories about our Universe, including the possibility of a Multiverse! Many learners find this topic to be extremely interesting as their young minds get to explore and discuss their own thoughts and ideas as we explore the possibilities of Space!
During this class, we will explore the Multiverse, learning the definition of the multiverse, various theories scientists have regarding the multiverse, and whether scientists believe it would be possible for humans to ever travel to another place within the Multiverse. Key terminology learned during this class: Multiverse, Brane, Simulation Theory, Quantum Multiverse, Holographic, Ultimate.
We will discuss our own thoughts about the Multiverse, theorize together about the Multiverse, and make up our own ideas of what it might contain that would be different than our own universe. 
The teacher will use a variety of presentation & teaching tools, including video clips, discussions, pictures, and more as we have fun learning all about the wonders of Space together. There will also be additional materials, notes, color pages, and activities the students can complete in the Outschool classroom, for those looking for supplemental materials and/or to expand this learning opportunity even further.
*There are no Prerequisites for this course.
Students will be able to define what the multiverse is and discuss the various theories of the universe.


Learners will need their cameras turned on for each class. Parents may need to assist their child in learning how to "mute & unmute" themselves, as teacher will mute students at times during the "teaching" portion of our class & then ask them to "unmute" to answer questions & interact with the other learners during the interactive, conversational, and review portion of our class. This allows each learner the opportunity to hear what is taught, while still allowing for questions, interaction, and such. YouTube video clips may be shown at times during our class to allow learners to visualize the topic being covered. The links to these videos will be available after the class for parents & learners to view/review as desired.
Any learning materials needed will be available for download in the Outschool classroom.
  • Youtube
参加しました June, 2020
ミズーリ州 教員免許 中等教育で
I have always had a love of space, from the moment my grandpa, an amateur astronomer, let me look through the 10-foot telescope he built all by himself, to watching shuttles & satellites lift into the sky, and watching some fall back to the earth. I have spotted some of the largest dust storms to hit Mars, and have enjoyed looking at the various craters on our Moon and seeing the rings around Saturn, all from my own backyard in Missouri & while using other telescopes my grandpa and I built together. I have never ceased my exploration and search, looking to the skies to watch for eclipses, comets, and so much more! My love of all things Space has only increased with time, and I feel it is the next great wave of the future! As a teacher with a Master’s Degree in Teaching & over 30 years of experience working with children of various ages, and more than 5 years teaching students about Space, as well as other Science-related subject-matter, I love sharing my knowledge with the next generation. My hope is to instill the awe-inspiring beauty the Unknown Universe holds, as well as encourage students to dream and believe! I hope to see you in class as we explore the Universe together!




45 分

4 人がクラスを受けました
年齢: 6-9
クラス人数: 2 人-12 人

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