
社会心理学 - 他者の影響を理解するための道

Ronda Doster, MS
このオンライン クラスでは、学習者は社会心理学の主要な内容領域に関する一般的な背景知識を身に付けられるほか、社会心理学者が人間の社会的行動を研究するために使用する手法についても理解できるようになります。


米国の学年 7 - 10
Students will learn about the careers and areas of research in social psychology.
Students will learn about social influences on the self, including self-concept and self-esteem.
Students will learn about social perception and schemas as well as social perceptions biases such as the fundamental attribution error and the actor-observer effect.
Students will learn about the formation of attitudes and how they can be changed.
Students will learn about how prejudice develops and discrimination results as well as how resistant stereotypes are to change. 
Students will learn about what affects interpersonal attraction.
Students will learn about what social roles influence our behavior. 
Students will learn about how far people will go in obeying authority. 
Students will learn about the potential causes of aggression and the theories as to why some people are aggressive.
Students will learn about prosocial behavior and what factors influence individuals' willingness to help.
Students will learn about group processes and how dangerous the behavior of deindividuation can be. 

My degrees are a BS in Psychology, an MS in Mental Health Counseling and all but dissertation for a PHD in Psychology. I was a counselor for 10 years and have taught psychology courses for the past 20 years. I have a passion working with teenagers and hope to focus on topics in psychology that I have found my students to have enjoyed over the years. I am a Director of Education and Compliance for an educational facility. 
Assigned hand-outs to read will be provided and simple questions to answer will be required between classes. Three open book quizzes will be given during the semester which will be based on the notes that are provided.
授業以外に週あたり 0 - 1 時間の学習が期待されます
A letter grade will be issued as well as a certificate of completion.
I will provide regular hand-outs to the learners throughout the semester . 
There is discussion at one point about cults (Jim Jones) and obedience to a cult leader as well as brief references to Hitler when we talk about Milgram's studies. We do not go into graphic detail but it can be disturbing hearing about mass suicides. If a student brings up inappropriate content for the class or appears to be emotionally bothered by any of the topics I will allow them to leave the class briefly during that topic and will follow up with the student at the end of class. 
I will provide hand-outs that I create to the students as well as an outline for the semester. Powerpoints will be utilized. 
I have taught classes at the college level for the past 20 years (Social Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Basic Math, Basic English Grammar and Research Writing, Communications, Abnormal Psychology, General Psychology, Psychology of... 


12 クラス分
週に2回、 6 週間
75 分

45 人がクラスを受けました
Ages: 12-17
クラス人数: 3 人-10 人

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