
Sign It: アメリカ手話 (ASL) クラブ

このクラブでは、ASL の生徒が仲間同士でスキルを練習し、語彙を増やすことができます。基本的な ASL スキルが必要です。生徒は基本的な文構造、マニュアルのアルファベット、1 ~ 30 の数字を知っておく必要があります。
Jacqueline L.


1 ライブミーティング
週あたりの授業時間数 50 分


英語レベル - 不明
Beginner レベル向け
⚠️Please be aware that this club is for learners who are already familiar with the basics of ASL. 

Welcome to Sign It, where learners with basic ASL proficiency come together to enhance their signing abilities and connect with fellow enthusiasts. This club offers a supportive environment for ASL learners to practice their skills primarily through immersive sessions conducted entirely in American Sign Language. Delve into the "ASL Zone" with me, where communication is visual, and engaging.

Each week, this club explores new ASL vocabulary, grammar, and concepts, tailored to the interests and proficiency levels of its members. From sharing information to discussing personal interests, our diverse topics ensure an enriching learning experience. Through interactive sessions and practical guidance, we focus on developing conversational strategies to empower learners in maintaining fluid and engaging ASL conversations. 

***Activities are subject to change depending on the number of attendees.***

🗓️ Week 1: Greetings and Introductions
Activity: Practice signing basic greetings such as "Hello," "Goodbye," "Nice to meet you," and introducing oneself to other club members.

🗓️ Week 2: Family Members
Activity: Learn signs for family members (e.g., mother, father, sister, brother) and engage in role-playing activities where members introduce their family members using ASL.

🗓️ Week 3:Colors and Descriptions
Activity: Practice signing various colors and describing objects using color adjectives. 

🗓️ Week 4:  Implementing Numbers
Activity: Learn signs using the rule of 9 and practice implementing them in everyday situations

🗓️ Week 5:  Food
Activity: Learn signs for food and implementing them in everyday situations

🗓️ Week 6: Seasons & Weather
Activity: Learn ASL signs for the four seasons and common weather conditions (e.g., rain, snow, sunny). Practice by discussing your favorite season and typical weather in your hometown using ASL.

🗓️ Week 7: U.S. Holidays
Activity: Learn signs for major U.S. holidays (e.g., Thanksgiving, Christmas, 4th of July). Practice signing how you celebrate them with family and friends.

Meeting format:
1. Introductions/Meet and Greet
2. Hand stretches
3. Instructional time: Topic of the day and what is required for the day. (i.e. Evolution of ASL)
4. Vocabulary and Activity (i.e. Feelings vocabulary and Jeopardy)
5. Questions and Answers Session 
6. Closing Comments and Goodbyes


To have fun while learning ASL and strengthen their receptive skills.


参加しました June, 2020
学士号 Troy Universityから
準学士号 Troy Univiesityから 外国語 へ
I'm Jacqueline, affectionately known as Mrs. Jae by my students. Guiding individuals through the realms of ASL is a passion close to my heart. My aspiration is to introduce students to the captivating beauty of American Sign Language and foster a deeper connection to Deaf Culture. Join me in exploring ASL, Deaf Culture, Deaf History, and more, as we embark on a journey of learning and growth.

My purpose is to empower and inspire every student to embrace this captivating language and culture. My ultimate goal? Bridging communication gaps, nurturing confidence, and encouraging meaningful connections within the Deaf community.

My journey in ASL and Deaf Culture has spanned numerous years of continuous dedicated study. I embarked on this path during my high school years. Through my educational journey, I earned a bachelor's degree in Human Services with a minor in Interpreting American Sign Language, and an associates degree in American Sign Language Interpreter Training. My qualifications extend to two certifications; Deaf and Hard of Hearing Education, and ASL Communication Skills.

My connection to the Deaf community remains robust, with ongoing engagement. I've had the privilege to teach American Sign Language in vocational schools and nonprofit organizations. My commitment extends beyond the classroom, as I actively volunteer to raise awareness about Deaf Culture, and ASL.

Here's a glimpse of my annual class sequence, carefully crafted to guide your progress:

1. Welcome to the World of ASL! American Sign Language for Beginners (ASL Part 1): Embark on your ASL journey with fundamental language skills and cultural insights.

2. Grammar in 3D: Beginners ASL Grammar & Sentence Structure (ASL Part 2): Dive deeper into ASL's intricate grammar and sentence construction.

3. Keep Calm and Sign On! (ASL Part 3): Enhance your signing fluency and expressive abilities.

4. Listen With Your Eyes: ASL Part 4: Refine your receptive skills and develop a deeper understanding of signed communication.

5. Hands-On ASL: Intermediate American Sign Language (ASL Part 5): Further advance your proficiency and broaden your vocabulary.

Remember, learning a new language is not only an exercise for the brain, but also a gateway to expanded communication skills and new friendships. I'm excited to guide you on this remarkable journey of discovery and connection.





50 分
24 人がクラスを受けました
年齢: 12-17
クラス人数: 4 人-10 人

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