5 ライブミーティング
3 時間 45 分 授業時間宿題:
週1時間. Learners will be assigned approximately half hour of homework each week. Assignments will include mainly relevant videos with reflection questions. All assignments are optional opportunities to build upon the content from class.テスト
This class does not include a final assessment. Ongoing, in-class assessments are used to assess learner understanding and guide lesson development. Should a learner need either pass/fail or letter grade for this course, that can be arranged individually.この文章は自動翻訳されています
Class Experience This 5-Week Sex Education class will cover the key topics for teens about their sexual identity and health, in a learning environment that is inclusive and welcoming. This class can either supplement your school's Health & Sex Ed Class or work as a stand-alone component of an independent Sex Education. The topics covered in this course are selected to provide all learners with important, sometimes even lifesaving information about their bodies, minds, hearts and relationships. Classes are also created so that learners can enjoy the information and have fun while learning. All lesson content aligns with the National Sexuality Education Standards (1), which is the basis for curricula development in cities and towns across the United States. Taught by an experienced and accomplished sex educator, you can expect each class to be medically-accurate, scientifically-based and age appropriate according to leading research (1, 2, 3). This class will cover the following topics. Students are welcome who this will be their first experience with these topics, as well as though seeking either a review or more in depth information. Week 1: Sexual & Gender Identity Week 2: Reproductive Anatomy Week 3: Pregnancy & STI Prevention Week 4: Healthy Relationships and Consent Week 5: Continuum of Care: Clinic Visits, Trusted Adults, Minor's Rights Each power-packed class will introduce the topic to the students, provide current, research-based information, provide interactive activities for students to clarify and deepen their understanding, and end with a short take-home assignment to build upon the information shared in class. I have been involved in sex education since I was in my teens, and went on to develop a high-level professional career in the subject where I both teach high school health education in a public high school and guide health education teacher support citywide. FAQs 1. Can I arrange a private class with you? Yes, I often teach private, one-on-one classes for students either to accommodate their schedule, or if their learning or social needs mean they would be better in a private class. Reach out and we can discuss and set something up. 2. What happens during the class? Classes are designed to guide learners through the topic of the day, with opportunities for participation at different levels - chat, speaking, participatory technology (Google Jamboard, Kahoot non-graded quiz questions, mini group activities). Some classes are more talkative than others. Learners always have a choice whether they want to participate - learners are never asked to share personal details about their lives. 3. I'm wondering if my learner is a good fit for this class? All students are welcomed, regardless of their experience learning about the topic. That said, if you have questions about your specific learner, I encourage you to reach out and ask. I will be honest with any replies - I want this to be a good fit for your learner and the class. 4. Do you have additional classes my learner can take after this one? Stay tuned for additional class listings - both one time and series offerings. I will be adding classes that go more in depth about the topics introduced in this series, as well as ones that introduce new topics. Following me will alert you to new offerings. (1) National Sexuality Standards (SIECUS): https://siecus.org/resources/national-sex-ed-standards-second-edition/ (2) CDC: https://www.cdc.gov/sexualhealth/Default.html (3) National Health Education Standards (CDC): https://www.cdc.gov/healthyschools/sher/standards/index.htm
Students will be able to...
1. Define and explain gender and sexual identity, and related vocabulary terms
2. Discuss the process and importance of learning about our own gender and sexual identity
3. Illustrate and describe the functional anatomy of the internal and external reproductive systems
4. Identify the common STIs
5. Demonstrate an understanding of how to prevent unwanted pregnancy and STIs
6. Evaluate different scenarios and correctly identify ones where active consent was given
7. Describe qualities that make a healthy relationship
8. Role play a decision-making plan around sexual behavior that delays or refuses the behavior
9. Report on minors rights around sexual health in their home town/city
10. Interpret and evaluate lessons learned throughout the course
Parents, guardians and family members,
You are your child's most important health educators.
To reinforce this, throughout these classes, I regularly direct young people back to their families and cultures to find answers to values-based questions that only you and they can determine (How old should I be before I have a serious relationship? What is the right age to first have sex?).
Research shows that your teens, despite how they may appear when you talk, are hungry to know what you think and believe around topics related to relationships, dating and sexual behavior. It is my intention to help offer families more opportunities to have these discussions through the learnings in this class.
In addition, should this class not turn out to be a good fit, note that I have selected Outschool's Flexible Refund policy. While I hope we can discuss and address any issues that might arise from you or your learner, ultimately it is important to me that you can withdraw at any point during the class, with a pro-rated refund. This has to feel right - it is modeling good consent* ;)
*Not so sure what I mean by consent? - brush up with this fun 2:49 video Tea & Consent: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fGoWLWS4-kU
1. You will need a place to take notes and write - it can be paper/pen or electronic 2. All materials (articles, excerpts, videos) will be provided electronically as attachments or links
I am an experienced health and sex educator in a major US city. I have had a love for health education since I was a teenager, participating in high school and college opportunities to learn and lead around sex education. I went on to pursue a Masters in Community Health Education. I both teach high school health education in the public school classroom and lead citywide health and sex education - advising on policy, creating lesson plans, creating course sequencing, lead professional development workshops and supporting health educators.
Health and sex education is my career and passion. To maintain my knowledge and skills as an educator, I regularly attend or present at professional conferences, join professional workshops and stay current on the latest literature. In the community, I offer parent workshops and localized classes for young people.
I am also a parent of a 5 year old. Raising him to be a sexually healthy adult and supporting his needs is one of my newer, and much loved, jobs.
毎週週に1回、 5 週間
45 分
92 人がクラスを受けました
年齢: 13-16
クラス人数: 3 人-8 人