5 録画レッスン
動画あたり平均 29 分5 週間
教師のサポート2 時間 24 分
週1時間. Practising 5 minutes a day will help with the development of the hand and fingers and strengthen the muscles required to play the ukulele and press on the frets. Students can practise the strumming techniques and the chords discussed in class. The teacher will share digital copies of the songs that we learn during our classes, so students can practise those songs as well.修了証書
We can offer a certificate upon request.この文章は自動翻訳されています
英語レベル - A0
米国の学年 Preschool - 1
Beginner レベル向け
💜WELCOME TO SING CREATE PLAY💜 ⭐This is a SELF PACED CLASS, There are NO scheduled live meetings ⭐ ♪ Younger children will require parental assistance to complete this course in 5 weeks, 30 mins each week. ♪ 25–30-minute video for each of the 5 classes. ♪ You can submit a video at the end of each class with you playing your instrument and I will provide feedback in 24 hours. ♪ Additionally, you can reach out any time you have a question, or you require further materials, I am more than happy to help you. ⭐⭐⭐ B O N U S Learners will receive digital copies of a variety of resources. These digital resources are property of Sing Create Play and shouldn't be distributed without consent, outside of class. ➡color coded chord diagrams ➡color coded chord sheets for all the songs we learn ➡a student workbook ⭐ SONGS LEARNED WILL BE: ♪ 'My Dog Has Fleas' ♪ 'Humpty Dumpty' ♪ 'Row Your Boat' ♪ 'Are You Sleeping' ♪ 'Ring A Ring Of Roses' ♪ 'Hot Cross Buns' ♪ 'Baby Shark' ➡ using 1 or 2 chords (C Major & a simplified version of F Major). =============================================================== ⭐ L E A R N E R S W I L L E X P E R I E N C E: ♪ ➡ Making Music (with & without the ukulele) ♪ ➡ Music games + imitation ♪ ➡ Identifying right & left hands through games ♪ ➡ Counting the ukulele strings ♪ ➡ Counting their fingers that go on the fret of the ukulele =============================================================== ⭐ W H A T TO DO: ♪ ➡ Please 𝘁𝘂𝗻𝗲 your child's 𝘂𝗸𝘂𝗹𝗲𝗹𝗲 every time your little learner wants to play is necessary. ♪ ➡ See classroom post on how to tune your ukulele. ♪ ➡ Younger children will require parental assistance. ♪ ➡ For level recommendations, please contact us. ♪ ➡ Learners are welcome to pick each string with their thumb or index finger. ♪ ➡ Learners can also use a pick (plectrum).
Correct Playing position
How to play the guitar, sing and strum at the same time
5 レッスン
5 週間以上レッスン 1:
Intro to Ukulele: how to hold & strum a ukulele, body parts + strings names
💜WEEK 1️⃣
♪ check tuning by singing a funny song 'My Dog Has Fleas'
♪ names of the strings (G C E A)
♪ parts of a ukulele
♪ how to keep a steady beat while strumming or picking the strings
♪ nursery rhyme called 'Two Little Dinosaurs'
♪ play 'My Silly-Silly Song' on the ukulele
♪ simple strumming pattern (Down, Down, Tap, Tap)
1️⃣ 🧾A S S I G N M E N T 🧾 1️⃣ Draw a ukulele and label its parts + record a video of yourself playing "my Silly Song"
1 割り当て
35 分のビデオレッスン
レッスン 2:
Simple strumming + rhythmic games + G string exercise
💜WEEK 2️⃣
♪ recap how to hold the ukulele, parts of the ukulele, & simple strumming
♪ strum ukulele keeping a steady beat
playing 'slow' and 'fast'
♪ play a fun song 'What's For Dinner?'
♪ strumming/clapping different rhythms.
♪ learn about percussion by strumming 'Humpty Dumpty'
♪ strum DU (down - Up)
♪ identify and count the frets
♪ play a technical exercise on
2️⃣🧾A S S I G N M E N T 🧾2️⃣ Make up your own rhythms and play them.
1 割り当て
31 分のビデオレッスン
レッスン 3:
Learn C Major Chord + C string exercise
💜WEEK 3️⃣
♪ We will talk about playing 'piano' (quietly) & 'forte' (loudly)
♪ Pick one song we have done & choose how you want to play it (piano or forte).
♪ We will learn our first chord. C Major (you will need a red dot sticker)
♪ We will also learn 'Row Your Boat' while holding the C chord
♪ Play 'Are You Sleeping?'
♪ Play a technical exercise on the C string
3️⃣🧾A S S I G N M E N T 🧾3️⃣ Hold the C chord & record a video of yourself playing one of the songs.
1 割り当て
28 分のビデオレッスン
レッスン 4:
Learn F Major Song + Songs + E string exercise
💜WEEK 4️⃣
♪ We will learn the 1 finger simplified F Major Chord
♪ Learn the songs 'Hot Crossed Buns' and 'Baby Shark'
♪ Play a technical exercise on the E string
♪ Learn percussion by strumming "Five Little Monkeys"
♪ Strumming Down Down-Up
4️⃣🧾A S S I G N M E N T 🧾4️⃣ Can you keep a steady beat while strumming "Five Little Monkeys"? Record yourself & have fun!
1 割り当て
26 分のビデオレッスン
🌟 This is an inclusive class. Children of all abilities and disabilities are welcome. Including ADHD, Autism, Emotional Learning Disabilities, & more. Contact us with any questions or concerns regarding your learner's needs!
No experience is necessary to take this ukulele class.
➡️ Please make sure that students need to have a TUNED ukulele every time your little learner wants to play along with the videos or practice by themselves. Please check the course's welcome message to see how you can tune the ukulele. ➡️ Learners can use a pick, but it is not compulsory; I actually recommend the use of fingers for strumming/picking. ➡️ In order for me to give feedback and see clearly the learner while playing their instrument, please make sure you position the learners, so I can see their BOTH hands when playing, head to the waist, in a well-lit room (the light coming from their front, not from the back). The young learner can sit on the floor, with their legs crossed. If they are recording their performance videos from an iPad/laptop, they can also be on the floor or a little stool, it can point straight or downwards. ➡️ Please note that the learner can't sit on an armchair as this will restrict the way their instrument needs to be positioned and also restrict the movement of the learner's arms. A chair with no arms, or a stool are recommended. Both learner's feet should be on the floor, not hanging. ➡️ Please feel free to send me a message if you have any questions or concerns.
4 先生は教員免許を持っています
テネシー州 教員免許 初等教育で
米国以外 教員免許 初等教育で
オハイオ州 教員免許 初等教育で
ウィスコンシン州 教員免許 音楽・演劇・芸術で
♪ My name is Bella and I have been a teacher for 20 years. I love teaching music, guitar and ukulele to young children because it gives them a way to FIND who they are, to EXPRESS their feelings, emotions and thoughts and to LET IT GO!
♪ I have found that young children love playing musical instruments, making up their own songs, creating rhythmic patterns and learning a new musical instrument through story-type lessons. I am building each new lesson on their interests and passion, aiming not only to teach them a skill, but to develop a life-long LOVE for music, to SING, CREATE and PLAY the songs from their hearts!
♪ My classes are fun, interactive, small groups of children where each child finds their voice and shines bright!
毎週5 録画済みレッスン
5 間の講師サポート
コンテンツへの 1 年間のアクセス
8 人がクラスを受けました
年齢: 3-7