
自分のペースで学べるアートコース: 自分のペットのドラゴンを描こう

Deborah Ewing
この 5 回のセッションのクラスでは、生徒はさまざまな歴史的および文化的観点からドラゴンについて学び、ドラゴンの各部分を分解して描く方法を学びます。#クリエイティブ


米国の学年 4 - 7
Beginner - Intermediate レベル向け
4 lessons//4 Weeks
 Week 1
Lesson 1
Dragon History and Culture
We will briefly cover a historic look at dragon lore from different cultures, looking at images, and begin practicing drawing basic shapes for the head.
 Week 2
Lesson 2
Dragon Wings
We will look at different types of dragon wings, discuss ways in which they are rendered to look strong, leathery, worn, etc., and practice drawing wings.
 Week 3
Lesson 3
Dragon Limbs and Tails
We will focus on legs and tails this week. We will look at ways to make the dragon look muscular, or lean, or whatever the student is thinking about for their dragon, and practice these ideas.
 Week 4
Lesson 4
Putting it All Together
We will focus on legs and tails this week. We will look at ways to make the dragon look muscular, or lean, or whatever the student is thinking about for their dragon, and practice these ideas.
I LOVE to draw! I love mythical and fantasy creatures, and as an art teacher, I have several years' experience in breaking down what seems like complicated drawing techniques into student-friendly, step-by-step processes, while allowing for and encouraging their own creative ideas to shine through.
Not required, but students are welcome and encouraged to work on assignments and practice further between class sessions.
授業以外に週あたり 0 - 1 時間の学習が期待されます
Informal assessments will take place during class in the form of teacher observation and possible suggestions (as requested by students).
Certificates of Completion will be offered upon parent completion of class feedback. Letter or Number grades will be offered per parent request.
Sketchbook and/or inexpensive paper for practice
pencils, erasers, sharpeners
colored pencils OR watercolor paint OR illustration markers
Good quality drawing paper OR watercolor paper (80# or heavier works best!)
Ultra-thin Sharpies or fineline black markers
images of dragons (from books or Google Image searches) for visual study.
Students may also locate me on Pinterest (Debbie Brooks) and follow my dragon pinterest board.
Hello! I am a K-12 licensed art teacher. and professional artist. I teach all kinds of art, including drawing, painting, pottery, fibers, sculpture, art history and culture, and frequently integrate math, literacy and other subjects with my art... 


weekly or ¥65 for all content
4 録画済みレッスン
4 教師からのフィードバック週間
コンテンツへの 1 年間のアクセス

15 人がクラスを受けました
Ages: 10-13

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