10 ライブミーティング
5 授業時間この文章は自動翻訳されています
Students will learn to read basic music notation in the treble clef while learning to play the recorder. Students will learn approximately 20 songs throughout our ten weeks together. During class students will begin with a warm up that focuses on technique and fingering, followed by music reading (theory) learning, and a song. We will practice proper practice techniques, proper tone, posture, and musicality. By the end of the course students will have the confidence to write their own piece for their recorder as their final assignment. Class 1 - Setting up your instrument, care for the instrument and how to blow. Initial warm ups. Class 2 -Students will continue their warm up and breathing exercises. -3 fingerings introduced and two new pieces. -Learning to read treble clef Class 3 -Students will continue their warm up and breathing exercises. -Review pieces from prior class pieces and if ready new pieces will be introduced. -Learning to read treble clef review -2 new notes and the 5 note pattern. Class 4 -Students will continue their warm up and breathing exercises. -Review pieces from prior class pieces and if ready new pieces will be introduced. -Rhythm and notations introduced Class 5 -Students will continue their warm up and breathing exercises. -Review pieces from prior class pieces and if ready new pieces will be introduced. -Time signatures introduced -Students will know a minimum of 5 pieces by this time and be able to read simple notation Class 6 -Students will continue their warm up and breathing exercises. -Review pieces from prior class pieces and if ready new pieces will be introduced. -Introduction of full octave scale including fingerings. Class 7 -Students will continue their warm up and breathing exercises. -Review pieces from prior class pieces and if ready new pieces will be introduced. -Students will begin review of all the terms needed for the post-course quiz Class 8 -Students will continue their warm up and breathing exercises. -Review pieces from prior class pieces and if ready new pieces will be introduced. -Focus in the last three classes will be on learning new songs and reviewing all of the new terminology and music reading. -Students will begin writing their composition to be performed in the final class. Class 9 -Students will continue their warm up and breathing exercises. -Review pieces from prior class pieces and if ready new pieces will be introduced. -Students will learn how to write their compositions using musescore should they desire or where to find printable staff paper to use. Class 10 -Students will continue their warm up and breathing exercises. -Review pieces from prior class pieces. -Students will perform their compositions if they feel comfortable. -Students will receive final details directing them on the final quiz.
Students will be able to identify the following terms by the end of the class:
Treble Clef, Repeat Sign, Half Note, Quarter Note, Whole Note, Staff, Quarter Rest, Whole Rest, Half Rest, Eighth Notes, Time Signature, Tie
Students will be able to identify at least 5 notes on the staff along with the fingering to match.
Students will be able to play approximately 20 songs by the end of the course.
Students will be able to write an 8 measure song using three notes and a minimum of 3 different note values.
Younger students may need you assistance to help set up and in their initial practice efforts. The more support you can provide to them initially in their practice, the more successful and confident your child will be.
Students will require a soprano recorder. I recommend selecting a wooden recorder to use as the sound is much more pleasant and easy to play but a plastic recorder will work as well for the class. Wooden recorders- You can usually find wooden recorders at your local music store and online for just over $20. Plastic recorders- Aulos and Yamaha student recorders are best if you are able to find them and usually cost under $20. Students will receive a 5 page method book to print out along with the pre-test to complete prior to the first class. Details will be posted in the classroom.
クラス登録時に 2 の学習素材が提供されます
米国以外 教員免許 音楽・演劇・芸術で
2 学位
修士号 University of Reginaから 音楽、演劇、芸術 へ
学士号 University of Reginaから 音楽、演劇、芸術 へ
Michelle holds a Masters degree in Flute Performance and Bachelor degree in Music Education. During her masters degree she performed on the baroque flute and studied baroque performance practice, including the recorder. As a music teacher Michelle loves to help students explore music and learn to love it as much as she does.
10 クラス分週に1回、 10 週間
30 分
5 人がクラスを受けました
年齢: 6-10
クラス人数: 3 人-9 人