
Roblox: ウィークリーサマーソーシャルゲームクラブ

Miss Tatiana's Daydream Academy: Gaming Clubs
Star Educator
人気のホームスクール & アフタースクール ソーシャル クラブに参加して、世界中の友達と交流しましょう。10 代前半と 10 代の子供たちは、楽しみながら遊び、交流し、世界中の友情を育みます。ミス タチアナの受賞歴のあるゲーム クラブに今すぐ参加しましょう。


英語レベル - 不明
Beginner - Advanced レベル向け
  • Daydream Academy's Roblox Club is designed to seamlessly amalgamate the worlds of education and play. Our learning goals leverage the interactive and engaging nature of Roblox to foster a variety of skills among tweens and teens. Our learning goals include: 🔴 Social Skills Development: The club aims to improve learners' social skills through interactive play, including communication, collaboration, and teamwork, as they engage with peers in a variety of game settings. 🟢 Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving: Participants will be encouraged to think critically and solve problems as they navigate through different games, each with its unique challenges and objectives. 🔵 Cultural Awareness and Global Citizenship: By connecting with players from around the world, learners will gain insights into diverse cultures, fostering a sense of global citizenship and empathy. 🟡 Digital Literacy: Engaging with the Roblox platform will enhance digital literacy, helping learners to navigate online environments safely and responsibly. 🟣 Creativity and Imagination: The club provides a space for learners to explore their creativity by experiencing different game worlds, storylines, and characters, encouraging imaginative play and storytelling. 🟠 Adaptability and Flexibility: As participants explore a wide range of games, they will learn to adapt to new rules, environments, and team dynamics, enhancing their ability to be flexible and quick learners. 🔴 Decision Making: Through gameplay, learners will make numerous decisions, from strategic choices in games to selecting which games to play, fostering decision-making skills and independence. 🟢 Emotional Resilience: The club environment, which includes experiencing both wins and losses, aims to build emotional resilience, teaching learners to handle setbacks and celebrate successes with grace. 🔵 Community Engagement: By participating in a shared activity with a focus on fun and collaboration, learners will contribute to and benefit from a sense of community and belonging. 🟡 Joy of Learning: Ultimately, the club seeks to instill a joy of learning in participants, showing that acquiring new skills and knowledge can be an enjoyable and rewarding experience. These learning goals are designed to ensure that participation in our Roblox Club is not only fun and engaging but also educational, providing learners with valuable skills and knowledge that will benefit them beyond the gaming environment.
🔴 Roblox game
🟢 Device to play on - phone, computer, or XBOX
🔵 Separate device for Zoom to ensure a stable game connection  

For example, I use my desktop for our Zoom meeting and I play on my laptop.
Learners and our Daydream Educator must be friends on Roblox in order to join a private server together. Please refer to our enrollment email for further instructions. Gamer tags will be required for the class.
参加しました July, 2020
Star Educator
学士号 California State Universityから 映画/映画/ビデオ研究 へ
Miss Tatiana
学士号 California State Universityから 政治学と政府 へ
Mr. P
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✨ Welcome to Daydream Academy ✨

🎉 We invite you to join our award-winning classes where fun, learning, and imagination come together to offer a unique gaming experience for children... 




45 分

25 人がクラスを受けました
年齢: 10-15
クラス人数: 3 人-10 人

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