per week含まれるもの
2 ライブミーティング
週あたりの授業時間数 1 時間 30 分宿題:
There will not be any official homework in this class, however, it is encouraged to reread the stories with your learner and ask them about the concepts discussed in class that day.この文章は自動翻訳されています
英語レベル - 不明
米国の学年 4
This is the second semester of an ongoing class that learners can subscribe to and attend as much as desired. It will be offered every Monday and Wednesday for the spring semester (Jan - June). The class will give learners the opportunity to meet with other learners and have meaningful interaction with them while practicing phonics, reading and language arts skills. Classes always begin with a few moments of greeting each other and encouraging expressive language skills and interaction with classmates. Then we will use paper/pencil or small dry erase boards to practice phonics skills and language skill for the week. Learners will also have a time to drill Fry Words through interactive slides. The leveled stories used in this class are used with permission from K5learning.com. Parents will have access to these stories through this website and are encouraged to print them for their learner to use during class and to practice reading again with them after class. This class will begin with Level S stories and work our way through Level T by the end of the school year. Each week we will have a special Wonder Word to help expand vocabulary in addition to the vocabulary words listed for each story. Come join this class, reinforce ELA skills learned in 4th grade and make some new friends. Update for the 2024 Spring Semester complete through March! Week of Jan 8 1. Phonics: -ive ending 2. Stories for the week: Katherine, Who Loved to Count 3. Reading resonse: Why do you think John Glen wanted Katherine to check the computer's calculations before the big flight? 4. Spelling/Sight words: abrasive, adjective, attractive, constructive, creative, detective, effective, exclusive, expensive, impressive 5. Grammar: suffix -ive changes verb to adjective 6. Reading Vocabulary: geometry, analyzing, mathematics, mission, trajectory, calculation Week of Jan 15 1. Phonics: -ive ending 2. Stories for the week: Mr. Dude, the Strongman 3. Reading resonse: Create two more Strongman events. 4. Spelling/Sight words: incentive, narrative, negative, objecyive, perspective, positive, productive, protective, relative, selective 5. Grammar: Using context clues to determine meaning 6. Reading Vocabulary: inhaled, nickname, competition, weighted, victorious Week of Jan 22 1. Phonics: -ate ending 2. Stories for the week: Nadia's Perfect Ten 3. Reading resonse: What is something you would like to score a perfect 10. 4. Spelling/Sight words: accurate, alternate, appropriate, carbohydrates, certificate, chocolate, considerate, corporate, deliberate, delicate 5. Grammar: prefix in- 6. Reading Vocabulary:gymnast, routines, technique, vault, diligent, demeanor Week of Jan 29 1. Phonics: -ate ending 2. Stories for the week: Signature Music 3. Reading resonse: Is there someone famous you would like to meet? Who is it and what would you as k them? 4. Spelling/Sight words: desperate, duplicate, elaborate, estimate, fortunate, graduate, immediate, literate, spearate, utimate 5. Grammar: analogies 6. Reading Vocabulary: studio, signature, microphones, genre, orchestra, autograph Week of Feb 5 1. Phonics: -ment ending 2. Stories for the week: The Corn Festival 3. Reading resonse: Think of a contest or sports event you have seen and describe it. Draw a picture too, if you'd like. 4. Spelling/Sight words: achievement, agreement, apartment, appointment, argument, compliment, condiment, document, element, employment 5. Grammar: Adding -ment changes verb to noun 6. Reading Vocabulary: permission, humongous, extraterrestrial, realistic, installment, rummaging Week of Feb 12 1. Phonics: -ment ending 2. Stories for the week: Journey Through the Magna Carta 3. Reading resonse: Define negotiate. What would you negotiate with your parents? 4. Spelling/Sight words: equipment, government, improvement, instrument, investment, monument, ornaments, punishment, refreshments, tournament 5. Grammar: Change interrogative sentence into statement 6. Reading Vocabulary:taxes, imprison, parliament, baron, monarch, negotiate Week of Feb 19 1. Phonics: -ar, -er, and -or endings 2. Stories for the week: The Ice Cream Investigation 3. Reading resonse: Do you think Ellie did the right thing by publishing the aricle? 4. Spelling/Sight words:calendar, circular, consider, counselor, customer, director, editor, equator, governor, janitor 5. Grammar: Changing verb to noun using -ar, =er, -or 6. Reading Vocabulary:organic, journalist, amendment, press, reporting, investigate Week of Feb 26 1. Phonics: -ar, -er, -or ending 2. Stories for the week: The Gladiator's Son 3. Reading resonse: Write a persuasive paragraph to convince the public that the gladiator fights should not be allowed. 4. Spelling/Sight words: manager, monitor, narrator, officer, regular, similar, soldier, survivor, vinegar, visitor 5. Grammar: antonyms and synonyms 6. Reading Vocabulary: villa, orator, Colosseum, toga, tunic, gladiator Week of March 4 1. Phonics: -tion ending 2. Stories for the week: Dog Walking Problems 3. Reading resonse: Write a paragraph using the words business, customers, advertisement and competition 4. Spelling/Sight words: attention, collection, connection, contraction, description, direction, education, infection, instructions, introduction 5. Grammar: add suffix -tion to words/notice soft c sounds become hard c sound 6. Reading Vocabulary: business, monopoly advertisement, decision, customers, competition Week of March 11 1. Phonics: -sion ending 2. Stories for the week: White Hats to the Rescue 3. Reading resonse: Why do we need to have strong passwords on our devices? Make up a strong password. 4. Spelling/Sight words: admission, collision, collusion, conclusion, confession, confusion, decision, discussion, division, erosion 5. Grammar: -sion changes verb to noun 6. Reading Vocabulary: White Hats to the Rescue Week of March 18 1. Phonics: -sion ending 2. Stories for the week: A Hyena with a Strategy 3. Reading resonse: What type of dog would you like to have? Why? 4. Spelling/Sight words: explosion, expression, extension, impression, invasion, occasion, percussion, permission, possession, revision 5. Grammar: spelling rules for adding -sion, -ion to verbs 6. Reading Vocabulary: Latin, auditorium, classification, hyena, backbone, taxonomy Week of March 25 1. Phonics: -ition ending 2. Stories for the week: Electricity in Miniature 3. Reading resonse: How would the loss of electricity affect your everyday life? 4. Spelling/Sight words: addition, ambition, audition, competition, condition, definition, edition, espedition, ignition, intuition 5. Grammar: Latin root "pos" means put or place 6. Reading Vocabulary: turbine, electricity, transmission, circuit, magnet, generator
Give learners opportunity for meaningful conversation with peers and make new friends.
Develop reading skills taught in 4th grade.
Develop a love for reading.
I will use Canva made materials to drill Fry words and to create some teacher made materials to introduce and practice ELA skills.
I will use k5learning leveled reading stories in each class. These stories are listed in the class description schedule of classes #2 each week. Parents can go to k5learning.com to access these stories without creating an account. They can be downloaded and/or printed by parent for learner to use in class for a very minimal fee from this website. Directions will be given to parents about how to download and print them once they register for the class.
学士号 Bowling Green State University/ Ohioから 教育 へ
I am Teacher Colleen and am a retired teacher with Bachelor's degree in Elementary Education and Deaf Education. I was certified to teach in the states of Ohio and Florida. During my 40 years in education I had the opportunity to teach in public and private schools, homeschool some of my own children as well as teach American Sign Language at the college leveI. Most recently, I taught ESL through an online platform and worked as an intervention tutor at our local elementary school. My experience in the classroom and with my own children has taught me that all children learn differently. I will provide a classroom where all children can learn in a safe, friendly environment. You will find my classrooms to be very hands-on and child oriented. It is rewarding to see a child's face light up as they understand something new or see them glow with pride when they realize that they CAN do something that they didn't think they could do. I will be offering classes in Phonics/Reading for Levels 1-3, Math for Levels 1-3, Cursive writing, Science camps, Writing workshops, Math Facts Practice and ASL. I do offer a limited number of 1-1 tutoring slots, but try to focus on students that really need intervention to bring them up to grade level. I am the mom of 7 children and 8 wonderful grandchildren (with the 9th one arriving in March!). When I am not in the classroom you will find me spending time with my family and my German shepherd, Ellie.
他のクラス by Colleen Barrick
他のクラス by Colleen Barrick
Annette the Teacher B.A. ACE Educator
$22 セッションごと
4 歳-10 歳
パーソナライズされた読書指導 | 読書を学ぶ | 読書の手助け | 読書の練習
Kathy Hutto, B.S. Ed. Degree
$55 セッションごと
5 歳-8 歳
学力読解力1: 幼稚園児向け読み書き/1年生向け読み書き
Stone Bridges Academy
$10 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Thursday の1:30 AM です
1/週、 25 分
5 歳-7 歳
学力読解力3: 2年生の読解力 / 3年生の読解力
Stone Bridges Academy
$10 クラスごと
次のセッションは明日の 1:30 AM です
1/週、 25 分
6 歳-9 歳
1:1 小学生向け読書指導 | 読書スペシャリスト | 読書の科学
Katherine Jones, M.Ed.
$38 セッションごと
7 歳-11 歳
Teacher Tim, M.Ed., Reading Specialist
$60 セッションごと
7 歳-12 歳
Teacher Chadwick Ed.S., M.S., B.S.
$35 セッションごと
4 歳-12 歳
Mrs. Thorn, BA-Elem. Ed
$25 セッションごと
4 歳-12 歳
読書は楽しい!読書介入 ヤングリーダーズクラブ 読解力
Angelo Neal M.Ed
$10 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Wednesday の12 AM です
1/週、 30 分
7 歳-9 歳
ユニコーン リーディング アカデミー: プライベート 1:1 読書指導で読書を学ぶ
Ms. Elizabeth King
$57 セッションごと
4 歳-8 歳
1:1 読解力/読解力クラス/読解力/認定教師
Rose N (B.A., B.ED)
$25 セッションごと
5 歳-10 歳
ニッキ先生によるReady to Read 1:1読書クラス
Teacher Nikki Ed.S
$25 セッションごと
4 歳-9 歳
Teacher Chadwick Ed.S., M.S., B.S.
$70 セッションごと
5 歳-10 歳
Ricoy Reads
$50 セッションごと
7 歳-17 歳
読み聞かせ - 1対1で読み聞かせ練習
Rachel Guritz (she/her)
$25 セッションごと
3 歳-15 歳
読解力: スーパーヒーローの文章を読んで興味をそそる
Jaime Owen
$2 クラスごと
8 週間、 1/週、 55 分
8 歳-13 歳