

この 8 週間の LGBT+EVERYONE フレンドリーなダンジョンズ アンド ドラゴンズ クラスでは、プレイヤーは架空の都市ウォーターディープの地下のアンダーダークで行われている進行中のキャンペーンで D&D をプレイします。


  • To have fun while learning to work in a group, solve problems, think critically, use creativity and imagination, and did I mention have fun?
I have been playing D&D since I was 12 years old.  It has been a huge part of my growth, development, and entertainment.  I'm a skilled, roleplayer, narrator, and storyteller.  I have a very patient and enthusiastic nature and make the class as welcoming and comfortable as possible.

I teach dramatic writing and creative writing in a public high school. Crafting stories for people to enjoy is part of my joy. I am currently in two campaigns as a player, and I am excited to DM here on Outschool!
授業以外に週あたり 0 - 1 時間の学習が期待されます
頻度: 含まれる
フィードバック: 含まれる
詳細: Players should come to the first class with a LEVEL 2 character created on D&D Beyond. Players will receive information on how to join the campaign on D&D Beyond upon enrolling in the class. I will be screen-sharing Roll20 while we play, but students under 13 should not create an account on Roll20 as it is not an approved resource from Outschool. Parental consent is required for these resources.
You will need your character sheet, dice (or online dice roller), and perhaps a pen and paper.
At times the adventure might get scary; we will be fighting evil and saving the day. The city of Waterdeep is a fictional place, but it has lots of elements that our cities have here on Earth. There are crime and violence, however, there is also the opportunity to do the right thing, make good choices, and develop a character that the player is proud of. Roleplay can be a powerful tool for exploring what it feels like to make different choices which can better develop the consciousness of the player. Content will range along the spectrum of PG. The more graphic elements will not be emphasized in this campaign world.
See the materials list as well as the supplies list. All materials will come from those sources.

Players should come to the first class with a character created on D&D Beyond by creating a free account. Players will receive information on how to join the campaign on D&D Beyond upon enrolling in the class. Parental consent is required for these resources. 

I will be screen-sharing Roll20 while we play. Students DO NOT need an account on Roll20. This is not an approved resource for students under 13, so I will only be screen-sharing my use of this resource.
参加しました August, 2020
ジョージア 教員免許 英語/国語で
修士号 Kennesaw State Universityから 教育 へ
I'm a current high school English teacher who LOVES working with kids. I'm radically pro-kid first, and helping young-people to explore their passions and find new interests! I have taught Mythology for two years as an English elective; I have 10... 




毎週または¥319 8 クラス分
週に1回、 8 週間
120 分

7 人がクラスを受けました
年齢: 9-14
クラス人数: 3 人-6 人

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