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Python プログラミング | 初心者 | 06 週 SP | じゃんけん、Python

Sidney - KidsSpeakCode
この 6 週間の SP コースでは、学生は 1 週間に 2 つのゲームで 12 個の Python ゲームを作成し、適応させる手順を学びます。#builder


6 lessons//6 Weeks
 Week 1
Lesson 1
Module 1: Getting Started with Variables and Fun Games
In this module, students will dive into the basics of programming by learning how to store numbers in variables. They'll kick things off by creating a "Guess the Number" game, which not only introduces the concept of variables but also makes it super engaging. Next, they'll develop a cool Dog/Cat Age Calculator, turning human years into pet years, and discovering how simple math functions can be applied in entertaining ways.
 Week 2
Lesson 2
Module 2: Strings, Quizzes, and Pizza Parties
Students will explore the world of text in programming by learning how to use string variables. They'll put this knowledge to use by building a Personality Quiz that responds to their choices with witty feedback. Then, it's time for some culinary coding with the Pizza Toppings Machine project, where students can mix and match ingredients to craft the ultimate virtual pizza—perfect for those who like to get creative with their food!
 Week 3
Lesson 3
Module 3: Lists, Sweets, and Whiskered Widgets
This module introduces lists and indexing, key tools for managing collections of data in programming. Students will apply these concepts by creating a Random Ice Cream Maker that whips up delicious, surprise flavor combinations. They'll also code a Cat Generator, which will produce descriptions or images of different cat types at random—a purr-fect project for animal lovers.
 Week 4
Lesson 4
Module 4: Interactive Game Crafting
It's game development time! This module is all about using imagination and coding skills to create interactive experiences. Students will build an Item Adventure Game, making decisions that steer the adventure in various directions. They'll also design a version of Rock, Paper, Scissors called "Rock, Paper, Scissors, You," adding a personal twist to the traditional game.
 Week 5
Lesson 5
Module 5: Crafting Your First Adventure Game
In Module 5, students will use their accumulated programming knowledge to begin creating their very own adventure game. They'll start by laying the foundation—designing the game's environment, plotting the storyline, and creating characters that players can interact with. This module encourages students to think critically about plot development and character dynamics, while also introducing them to basic game mechanics and user interaction. It's a creative sandbox.
 Week 6
Lesson 6
Module 6: Advanced Game Development Techniques
Module 6 takes students deeper into the world of game development. Building on their initial game designs from Module 5, students will now enhance their games with more complex levels, intricate puzzles, and advanced coding techniques. They'll learn how to incorporate conditional logic to create branching storylines that change based on player decisions, making each game playthrough unique.
Students will learn how to construct basic Python games while learning about variables, lists, loops and if statements.
I love teaching programming using fun and interesting examples because it helps students go farther than learning hard to contextualize concepts. Understanding what we are doing and why means that students will be able to apply algebraic concepts (like x+y) having understood examples like (red bike + blue bike) in a way that has context and meaning. 
Students should work on their own code each week using the examples provided, or a new idea of their own. Each module should take about an hour to work through and homework should take about the same, but can take longer or shorter, depending on the interest of the learners and how much time they want to put into building their own fun games.
授業以外に週あたり 1 - 2 時間の学習が期待されます
Feedback is provided for all assignments.
We will be using Repl.it, an interactive coding environment, which makes it easy to code, share and collaborate. While there are many other places that students are able to code, this is the only resource we will be using. The site is free to sign up, and makes it easy to code in Python, directions will be provided with the first module. 
In this course, we will be utilizing Replit.com, a versatile and user-friendly online coding platform that offers a robust environment for learning and developing programming skills. Replit.com is accessible for free and operates entirely in the cloud, eliminating the need for any software installations on personal computers. This makes it an ideal choice for beginners and younger learners to start coding in a supportive and well-structured setting. The platform supports multiple programming languages and comes with a variety of tools that enable students to write, run, and debug their code effortlessly from any device with internet access. By using Replit.com, students can easily share their projects and collaborate with others, enhancing the learning experience through interactive participation.
Welcome! We offer fun and engaging social science and technology classes. You can use technology to do some pretty amazing things, and it's a lot less scary than it seems—our courses range from social science (like sociology and marketing) to... 


週ごとまたは¥96 すべてのコンテンツ
6 録画済みレッスン
6 教師サポート週間
コンテンツへの 1 年間のアクセス

97 人がクラスを受けました
年齢: 13-18

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