
ジャーナリストおよびノンフィクション作家としての出版 (Writeful Justice)

学習者が関心を持つ現在の出来事について、ジャーナリストまたはノンフィクション作家として執筆する 15 セッションのコースです。


米国の学年 6 - 8
Intermediate レベル向け
Weeks 1-10: Learning Goal = determine what the text says explicitly/implicitly and make logical inferences from it; cite specific textual evidence when writing or speaking to support conclusions drawn from the text. 

Weeks 11-15: Learning Goal = develop research skills, learning how to vet primary and secondary sources for validity and reliability, then practice using them to develop informative/explanatory writing pieces as a journalist or nonfiction writer.

Weeks 16-20: Learning Goal = producing Informative/explanatory writing to examine and convey complex ideas and information clearly and accurately through the effective selection, organization, and analysis of content (and to have this writing published in a news magazine or for an anthology competition).
I taught English Language Arts for 7th and 8th grade students in New York City. I also served as a private tutor for young people ages 8 to 17, supporting them in reading and essay writing. I am trained in teaching for International Baccalaureate and the Common Core. Additionally, I'm a published journalist with a background in writing for print and television news! 
Homework will consist of summative assessments for each class lesson that is not completed during class time. If class time permits, these assignments will usually be completed before learners sign off. Therefore, there may be days when homework is not assigned. The final project/assessment for the class (a published piece of writing) will be completed individually, although learners will have opportunities to discuss their work as a group during class time. Independent reading will mostly happen during class, but if assigned for homework will not exceed 30 minutes a day.
授業以外に週あたり 0 - 1 時間の学習が期待されます
Learners are graded for every assignment based on a 5-point scale rubric based on the following criteria: reading comprehension, evidence-based critical thinking, grammar and spelling accuracy, and proper journalism/nonfiction writing conventions. The final grade will be the average score of all final class assessments (including the final piece they write and submit for publishing opportunities).
Whiteboards (physical, that can be written on with dry-erase markers); dry-erase markers; eraser for whiteboard, lined notebook paper (optional - some learners may find it helpful to write on loose leaf paper before typing their final assignments in Google Docs); laptop, strong Internet connection.
Content will remain age-appropriate and will not exceed the following ratings:
Age 12+ (Common Sense Media rating)
PG for films/movies released in theaters
TV-PG for television/streaming programs
Smithsonian Magazine
Video clips from CSPAN (when addressing current events from the USA)
Video clips from BBC (when addressing current events from outside of the USA)
参加しました September, 2023
I teach young people to find their voice while learning the fundamentals of writing. I have seven years total of public school teaching and private tutoring, working mostly with grades 3-12. When I'm not teaching I'm learning! I love reading... 


毎週または¥1,000 16 クラス分
週に2回、 8 週間
55 分

年齢: 11-14
クラス人数: 9 人-12 人

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