

5 週間のコースで、学生は口頭 (英語) と手話 (ASL) で効果的に人前で話す方法を学びます。#スーパースター
Ms. Rarity Lemons Bey


10 ライブミーティング
10 授業時間
Learner progress will be assessed with a Google form. A Gmail account is needed, but not required as the instructor will share the assessment on their laptop using the share screen feature over Zoom.


英語レベル - B1
米国の学年 6 - 8
Beginner レベル向け
In this course, learners will have the opportunity to learn public speaking tools to incorporate in their everyday life.

Course Objective: Public Speaking Skills in English vs ASL. The course will be conducted in ASL & English.

Course Content: Introductory public speaking skills - personal, educational, and professional matters. Topics covered will include but not limited too: Presentation skills in a personal vs professional formats, strategies for overcoming "stage fright," breathing and relaxation techniques, posture, pitch and tone of voice, and projection of voice. 

Course Learning Outcomes: Public Speaking and Presentation Skills, Leadership Development, Self-Assessment tools, and Implementation of effective public speaking practices to apply for the short and long term. 

Course Expectations: Prepared, Readiness, Active listening and participation, Critical Thinking. 

Week 1: Day 1, Day 2.  Introducing the topic of Public Speaking. 

Week 2: Day 1, Day 2. Picture Prompt - Impromptu Speeches Activity. Using a picture prompt, the student will learn how to develop impromptu speeches, creative storytelling, and develop confidence.

Week 3: Day 1, Day 2. Interview Introduction Activity. The learner will interview their fellow peers (if applicable), or the instructor in the instance of a 1:1 course. The interaction will allow learners to develop their public speaking skills by practicing introductions and engaging dialogue. 

Week 4: Day 1, Day 2. In the News Today Activity. The goal of this activity is to give students whatever subject they chose the news format. They will need to cover who, what, when, where, why, and how. Introduction hooks, on the spot interviews, switch backs, and summaries will be introduced, once the learner has grasped the concept.

Week 5: Day 1, Day 2. Ted Talks Public Speaking Video Presentation. The learner will watch a Ted Talks video on YouTube to learn a few tips for public speaking. After the video has been viewed, the learner will share 1 -2 ideas that can apply in the class. Content: Topic of current events or something important to the learner. Incorporate 1 - 2 ideas learned in the YouTube videos for your presentation. Presentation: The learner will present the topic chosen, using the ideas learned in the Ted Talks video. Time limit: Up to five minutes. 

Technical Requirements: Zoom cloud application (make sure you have the latest updated version), stable internet connection (hard-wired connection is best vs wifi), quality camera, and quiet space with minimal background noise and distractions.

 Accommodations: Accommodations: If you need special accommodations, i.e. your native language isn't English, all arrangements must be done at least 2 weeks in advance prior to the beginning of the course. *The instructor knows American Sign Language, beginner level Spanish conversation and composition. If other languages (E.g. French, Italian, Asian, Eastern languages) are present, the instructor has beginner skill level in written (not conversation) French and Italian, but has no experience with other uses of languages* 

 Classroom Expectations:

1. Come to class prepared, on time, and respectful of your peers and the instructor. In the instance the instructor arrives to class more than 3 minutes late related or unrelated to an emergency, the instructor will send an email to parents that class will is either running late or will be rescheduled.

2. Temperature check: The instructor will check in with each student to ensure technical and non-technical issues are suitable for class.

Technical rules: 1) All students will be muted after roll call and introduction activity to avoid all students speaking at the same time. 2) The instructor will use the Zoom annotation tool during lecture, if applicable. During this time, participants annotation feature will be disabled, if applicable. At the discretion of the instructor, participants (students) will be able to use the annotation tool, if applicable. 3) Chat feature: Only use the chat feature for questions. If you have a specific question, please privately message the instructor. 4) If you experience wifi connectivity issues during class, please send a message in the chat for everyone to be made aware. 5) Classroom features: The student will be asked to have their video on during the entire time of class. However, the instructor is understanding if the learner isn't able to do so for technical reasons. At no time should the video be turned off, unless there is an unforeseen circumstance. 

 Non-technical rules: 1) If the student comes to class unprepared and/or inattentive, the instructor will first send a private message via chat feature to the student. 2) At the conclusion of the course, the instructor will follow up with the student to inquire about non-participation. In some cases, if the student refuses to do any of the above, the instructor will remove the student from the course and follow up with the students' parents. 

1. Class introductions: The student will enter the virtual classroom with their video camera on and the mute feature enabled, in order to confirm who is present based on the roster. 

 2. Ice-breaker/warm-up activity: The participant will share 3 things about themselves: 2 truths, 1 lie. Once the lecture begins, the student will be muted. 

 3. Course Expectations/Procedures: Lecture, questions, answers, use of auxiliary aids (e.g. Zoom annotation tool, PowerPoint presentations, online videos, images, and live presenting), then close with final thoughts, questions, and discussions. 

 4. Public Speaking Instruction: The instructor will explain and demonstrate public speaking lesson concepts in varied visual formats: PowerPoint, along with supplemental online platforms (E.g. YouTube). The chat feature will be disabled during lecture to avoid distractions, but will be enabled for questions and answers during the course. A short break session will be implemented; questions and answers, as well as discussions throughout the course. 

 5. English/ASL Public Speaking Activities: Public Speaking Picture for Impromptu Speeches, Interview Introduction Activity, In the News, and Ted Talks; and supplemental public speaking activities. The purpose of these activities helps build public speaking skills with confidence. 

6. ASL Public Speaking Activities: YouTube video(s) with closed captioning on public speaking tips in ASL.

7. Assessment & Evaluations: Use Google form to populate the responses to questions pertaining to the course content.

8. Course Wrap-Up: Final questions, answers, and/or discussions.
Student will improve their public speaking skills in English and ASL as a way to become an effective public speaker in dual modalities.


The instructor will use the screen-share option to display all course content. No accounts will be required from students to use course materials.
参加しました May, 2020
カリフォルニア 教員免許
学士号 California State University, Northridgeから
Teacher Expertise: Former Toasmaster's International Member; conference workshop presenter, and platform presenter.




毎週または$450 10 クラス分
週に2回、 5 週間
60 分

年齢: 11-13
クラス人数: 3 人-6 人

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