1 ライブミーティング
45 分 授業時間この文章は自動翻訳されています
In this one-session 45-minute class, students will create Valentine Heart drawings using the Procreate app. This guided lesson will feature techniques and tricks that create neon, glitter, and glow effects. This class is geared towards students that have some experience using Procreate. They should have experience with using different Procreate brushes and layers to create drawings. The projects will be demonstrated via webcam for students to view and follow along. Students who take this class should have the skills to follow directions with multiple steps to customize brushes and layers as we work through the projects together. THIS IS NOT A CLASS FOR BEGINNERS who are using Procreate for the first time or who have difficulty following multiple directions. This class is perfect for learners who enjoy using Procreate and are looking to explore new tricks and skills while creating a drawing project along with the teacher. These are the heart drawings and skills we will be covering: NEON HEART: Setting a background color Using layers Customizing colors Selecting brushes to create a neon effect Setting up/using the drawing assist symmetry tool Export and save STAINED GLASS GLITTER HEART: Using the drawing assist symmetry tool to draw Turning on the Reference tool Adding and customizing layers and colors Using fill and color drop to fill inside shapes Using Clipping Mask Changing the background color Selecting and using brushes to create glitter and glow effects Export and Save Glowing Lace Heart (if time only, we will complete as many steps as time allows) Setting a background color Drawing with vertical and radial symmetry Filling shapes Duplicating layers Drawing straight lines and shapes Creating a glow using Gaussian Blur Adding a text message to the Valentine Export and save Students will share their finished drawings with the teacher and the class while reflecting on what they learned, their strengths, and what they would like to learn or improve in their next drawing. For this class, your student will need: *An iPad *The most recent version (5.3) of the Procreate app downloaded onto their iPad in advance: (https://apps.apple.com/us/app/procreate/id425073498) *Be sure that your version of Procreate contains the brush category labeled Luminance. Older versions of Procreate might not include this set of brushes, which will be essential to create our glowing neon glittery effects! *A separate computer or screen (not the iPad they are using for drawing) to watch the lesson. *It is best if students have an Apple Pencil to make the drawing process easier, but this lesson can also be done by drawing with a stylus or a finger. Some of the pressure-sensitive effects may only work with an Apple Pencil. I personally love to draw on my iPad and have many years of experience teaching young learners how to draw digitally. I would love to share with your student some creative Procreate tricks and tips that I have learned.
Students will learn a variety of tricks and skills using the Procreate app to create special drawing effects.
For this class, your student will need:
*An iPad
*The most recent version (5.3) of the Procreate app downloaded by an adult onto their iPad in advance. This paid app is rated for students age 4 and above: (https://apps.apple.com/us/app/procreate/id425073498)
*Be sure that your version of Procreate contains the brush category labeled Luminance. Older versions of Procreate might not include this set of brushes, which will be essential to create our glowing neon glittery effects!
*A separate computer or screen (not the iPad they are using for drawing) to watch the lesson.
*It is best if students have an Apple Pencil to make the drawing process easier, but this lesson can also be done by drawing with a stylus or a finger. Some of the pressure-sensitive effects may only work with an Apple Pencil.
*An iPad *The most recent version (5.3) of the Procreate app downloaded by an adult onto their iPad in advance. This paid app is rated for students age 4 and above: (https://apps.apple.com/us/app/procreate/id425073498) *Be sure that your version of Procreate contains the brush category labeled Luminance. Older versions of Procreate might not include this set of brushes, which will be essential to create our glowing neon glittery effects! *A separate computer or screen (not the iPad they are using for drawing) to watch the lesson. *It is best if students have an Apple Pencil to make the drawing process easier, but this lesson can also be done by drawing with a stylus or a finger. Some of the pressure-sensitive effects may only work with an Apple Pencil.
Karen Bosch is a recently retired teacher with over 4 decades of teaching both in the elementary classroom and with PreK - 8 students using iPads, Mac Computers, and other technology tools. She has vast experience with designing technology learning experiences for students geared for their age level and needs. Her passion is to help students unlock their creativity using iPads and other technology devices - not just play games and watch videos! She is an award-winning educator and has been recognized as an Apple Distinguished Educator and Michigan Technology Using Teacher of the Year.
Karen draws on her iPad almost every day for both enjoyment and productivity. She loves to share her knowledge about digital drawing with students to help them develop creative thinking and skills that will let them design amazing artwork on their iPad!
45 分
年齢: 9-13
クラス人数: 1 人-6 人