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Private English Tutoring: Reading, Writing and Test Prep (ESL Welcome)

Ms. Michelle
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Message me for summer availability! In this ongoing reading and writing tutoring session, learners will have individualized lessons created based on whatever skills or standards that they need support with.

Class Experience

US Grade Kindergarten - 10
Beginner - Advanced Level
Follows Teacher-Created Curriculum
Aligned with Common Core State Standards (CCSS)
I have been a public school teacher for 8 years and an online teacher for 7 years. I also taught overseas for several years in Korea and Germany. I have a Masters in Teaching as well as a Bachelors degree in English and a second Bachelors in Child and Family Development
0 - 1 hours per week outside of class
Frequency: Available upon request
Feedback: Available upon request
Details: I can give students optional homework where they can practice the skills we are working on in class. Please let me know if you would like your learner to have homework.
Learners will not need to use any apps or websites beyond the standard Outschool tools.
Joined July, 2020
Teacher expertise and credentials
Master's Degree in Education from Belhaven University
Bachelor's Degree in Education from American Military University
Mississippi Teaching Certificate in English/Language Arts
Hello! Thank you so much for showing interest in my classes. My name is Ms. Michelle and I am excited to meet you!

I am a teacher and graduate from the University of Victoria, American Military University, and Belhaven University. I have a BA in... 
1-on-1 Tutoring


1x per week
30 min

Completed by 331 learners
Live video meetings
Ages: 6-15

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