
ポリマークレイジュエリーレッスン: ドロップ&スタッドイヤリング、ペンダント、チャーム

Teacher Amanda Bestor
この 5 週間のクラスでは、生徒はポリマー粘土でジュエリーを作る方法、ポリマー粘土で使用するツールを学び、クラスの Padlet でデザインを共有できるようになります。(15 のビデオ レッスンを含む)


米国の学年 4 - 7
Beginner - Intermediate レベル向け
15 lessons//5 Weeks
 Week 1
Lesson 1
Earrings: Tools & Drop
Week One: Students will focus on getting familiar with polymer tools, making drop earrings with cutters, choosing baking times, and attaching earring hooks and jump rings.
Lesson 2
Earrings: Rolling techniques & Rainbow
Week One: Students will focus on rolling techniques to create rainbows and attach multiple pieces.
 Week 2
Lesson 3
Earrings: Avocado & Sloth
Week Two: Students will focus on creating tiny avocado and sloth earrings, as well as using flattening tools to layer clay and how to make canes.
Lesson 4
Earrings: Turtles & Penguins
Week Two: Students will focus on attaching small limbs to Turtles and Penguins and glazing with polyurethane.
 Week 3
Lesson 5
Pendants: Pizza & Toast
Week Three: Students will focus on making food-based pendants and mixing things with the clay.
Lesson 6
Pendants & Earrings: Sushi & Watermelon and Canes
Week Three: Students will focus on making food-based pendants and mixing things with the clay.
 Week 4
Lesson 7
Pendants: Silk Screens and Texture
Week Four: Students will focus on making earrings or pendants with silk screens and textures.
Lesson 8
Charms: Axolotl and Dragons
Week Four: Students will focus on making charms and learn about storing clay and removing dust or fingerprints from polymer clay.
Lesson 9
Earrings: Geometric Patterns & Slab technique
Week Four: Students will focus on making charms with geometric patterns & using the slab technique.
Lesson 10
Charms & Pendants: Puppy and Raccoons
Week Five: Students will focus on making puppy and raccoon charms. We will discuss sketching ideas for parts and pieces and turning charms into figurines.
 Week 5
Lesson 11
Earrings: Koalas & Kiwis
Week Five: Students will focus on making earrings that look like koalas & kiwis.
Lesson 12
Small characters: Elephant earrings & pendants
Week Five: Students will focus on making small characters and attaching pendants using glue with clay.
Lesson 13
Earrings and Pendants: Patterns around the house.
Week Five: Students will focus on making jewelry and creating patterns with items found around the house.
Lesson 14
Bonus earrings: Winter earring ideas.
Week Five: In this bonus lesson, students will focus on making jewelry with winter earring ideas.
Lesson 15
Bonus earrings: Flamingoes
Week Five: In this bonus lesson, students will create earring that look like flamingoes.
このクラスは 英語で教えられます。
Students will learn the following:
-Different techniques related to making things out of clay.
-How fun sharing work on a class Padlet, and artist's outlet for showcasing skills.
-How to be patient and positive with yourself while learning new skills.
-With the help of an adult; how to bake the clay to keep it intact.
I am an experienced classroom, afterschool program, and summer camp teacher. I have taught many students how to make things out of polymer clay, especially jewelry, miniature figurines, & dragons
This class is designed to give ideas of how a student could modify a class to add their own creativity and showcase their own interest and direction.
 クラス登録時に 1 の学習素材が提供されます
Polymer clay in different colors. (Please be sure to get polymer clay and not Playdough, cloud dough, or plastalina.) (I like Arteza or Sculpey best) Tools: paint brush rolling pin or acrylic roller aluminum foil toothpick plastic knife or butter knife parchment paper to build and bake on Masking tape to tape down a piece of parchment paper to work on. (A silicone mat works as well.) (Jewelry pliers, jump rings, and earring attachments. These are included in many starter kits if you don't have any yet.) Optional: You can glaze the polymer with polyurethane after it is cooked, making the pieces shiny and stronger. This kit from Amazon includes tools and clay: https://www.amazon.com/Polymer-Earrings-Cutters-Earring-Beginner/dp/B09ZQQHXWH/ref=sr_1_5?crid=3J0BHKWB0UR62&keywords=Polymer+jewelry+kit&qid=1676178260&sprefix=polymer+jewelry+kit%2Caps%2C433&sr=8-5 You can also get clay at Michaels or JoAnn's. Polymer clay will not dry out if exposed to air.
Polymer clay will need to be baked for the clay to stay intact.
The instructions for baking are always listed on the package or kit of clay you purchase.
I usually go with 275 degrees for 30 minutes (Covered with a foil tent, depending on the thickness of the clay.)

Students will have access to a class Padlet where they can see images of and like the work of others. All posts need to be approved by me, so only appropriate posts will go up. The Padlet works like a giant bulletin board where students can see their peer's work and get more ideas about what to try independently. They can also ask questions in the classroom and share techniques that work. in their posts. When parents enroll in the class, they will get a QR code and a video on how to post on Padlet. Padlet is free to join. I log in with my Google account.
Padlet, Google Slideshow images of Jewelry, Video of how to access the Padlet to share designs that students made.
Note: Please ❤️ and follow my profile so you are notified when I post new classes.  :) 

As an educator, I think I have one of the greatest jobs in the world! I love the Outschool platform and how I can teach students all over the world. My classes... 


weekly or ¥114 for all content
15 録画済みレッスン
5 week of teacher support
コンテンツへの 1 年間のアクセス

16 人がクラスを受けました
Ages: 8-13

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