



263 人が学習を完了しました
年齢 5 歳-9 歳
(591 レビュー)

3 人-9 人 1クラスあたりの学習者
30 分


1 ライブミーティング
週あたりの授業時間数 30 分


英語レベル - 不明
米国の学年 Kindergarten - 3
Welcome to my Pokemon Science Course!

This course will take your learner's love of Pokemon and apply it to important science concepts. In all my classes, I always tell my students my two favorite things are Pokemon and Science! I finally decided I should make a course that combines those loves together into one! I hope your learner will love it as much as I do. Each month will dive into a science concept and find examples of it in the Pokemon World. Learners will play games, do investigations, and experiment to learn more. All activities will be based on Pokemon and the Pokemon Universe to build excitement and engagement about the science topic. I will send out the supplies at the beginning of each month. New learners will get supplies when the join in Welcome message. If you do not see supplies when you join message me for assistance!

January - Parts of the Body Month 🧠💀💩🫀

Week of 1/7: Mewtwo Week - What is the nervous system?
Brain Experiment: We are going to try to see if we can use our brain power to remember the pokemon. Can we be psychic!?
Materials: your brain! 

Week of 1/14: Cubone Week - What is the skeletal system?
Pokemon Xrays: We will examine different Pokemon and Human xrays to see if we can discover what they are!
Materials: none

Week of 1/21: Morpeko Week - What is the digestive system?
Poke-poop: Let's make some Pokemon poop!
Materials: Plastic bag that can close or a bowl, bread slice, water, small hand towel that can get dirty

Week of 1/28: Audino Week - Why does our heart beat?
Exercise like a Pokemon: Can you change your heart beat?
Materials: a safe area to move around and do some Pokemon attacks 

February - Outer Space Pokemon 🪐

Week of 2/2: Palkia Week - What is our solar system? 
Draw the planets: worksheet, coloring tools

Week of 2/9: Jirachi Week - What are different stars? 
Make a Pokemon Constellation: mini marshmallows, toothpicks

Week of 2/16: Minior Week - What are meteors and asteroids? 
Pokemon Craters: pie tin or plate, flour, cocoa powder or cinnamon, small pokemon or objects, tray or towel to catch mess

Week of 2/11: Lunatone Week - What are the phases of the moon? 
Phases of the moon creation: Sandwich Cookies (Oreo), spoon

March - Grass Type Month 🌱🌺☀️

Week of 3/3: Bellsprout Week - What are the parts of a plant?
Parts of the Pokemon Plant Worksheet: Scissors, glue, coloring tools

Week of 3/10: Flabébé Week - How do flowers polinate?
Materials: worksheet, Lily like flower, tape (if you don't have a flower you can draw the parts of the flower instead)

Week of 3/17: Sunkern Week - What is germination?
Materials: dry beans soaked in water - I like lima beans because they are bigger

Week of 3/24: Leafeon Week - What is photosynthesis?
Materials: Grass Pokemon Attack Power worksheet, green leaves (spinach), spoon

April  - Sensory Organ Month 👃🏼👂🏼👅👁️🤚🏼
Week of 3/31 - Noivern Week - What are sound waves? (ears)
👂🏼🧏🏼 Pokemon Musical Vibrations: metal spoon, metal fork, yarn

Week of 4/7 - Lickitung Week - What are taste buds? (tongue)
👅 Pokemon Taste Bud Attacks: salt, sugar, lemon or lemon juice, 3 cups of water

Week of 4/14 - Venonat Week - What are compound eyes? (eyes) 
👁️ Pokemon Eyeball Design: Pokemon Eyeball Parts Worksheet, Coloring tools

Week of 4/21 - Aromatisse and Garbador Week - What are good smells and bad smells? (nose) 
👃🏼 Stench or Sweet Scent Attack Bubbles: two cups of water, soap, spoon, garlic or onion powder

Week of 4/28 - Charmander Week - How does temperature change things? (touch)
🔥🌡️ Fire Pokemon Strength: Teacher Demonstration, no supplies

May - Pokemon of the Past

Week of 5/5 - Mew and Arcues Week - What are Genes and DNA?
🧬DNA Pokemon Creation: Crayons or Markers, Worksheet

Week of 5/12 - Tyrantrum Week - What were the Dinosaurs?
🦖Create Pokemon Eggs: baking soda, water, food dye, q-tips, vinegar, small coins, toys or pokemon figures

Week of 5/19 - Cofagrigus Week - What is archeology? 
⛏️Virtual Artifact Hunt: no materials needed

Week of 5/26 -  Koraidon and Miraidon Week - Inventions of the Past and Future
Paradox Pokemon Sort - Future Pokemon and Past Pokemon Worksheet, Scissors, Glue or tape

June - Water Pokemon Month 🌊

Week of 6/2: Gorebyss and Huntail Week - What is in the layers of the Pokemon Ocean?
🌊 worksheet, coloring tools (light blue, blue, dark blue, black, brown)

Week of 6/9: Kyogre Week - What are marine mammals? and Why are oceans salty?
🐬two cups of water, small toys that can get wet, salt

Week of 6/16: Squirtle and Tirtouga Week - What is the difference between a turtle and a tortoise? 
🐢 playdoh, worksheet, scissors, glue or tape

Week of 6/23: Corsola Week - What are corals and how can we protect them?
🌊large bowl of water, small cup, spoon, blue food coloring, oil, cinnamon or cocoa powder, small rocks or toys, cotton balls or paper towels

July - Pokemon Chemistry Month🧪

Week of 6/30  Pokemon Types - Periodic Table of Pokemon (No Saturday Class)
👩🏼‍🔬Worksheet, Crayons, Pencil
Week of 7/7 -  Reuniclus Week - What are molecules? 
⚛️ plate or tray, milk(with fat), food coloring, dish soap, qtips
Week of 7/14 - Alolan Muk - What are Mixtures? 
⚗️2 cups of water, salt, oil, spoon
Week of 7/21 - Galarian Slowbro - Physical vs Chemical Reaction battle week! 
🧪baking soda, vinegar, food coloring, 6 small cups
Week of 7/28 -  Magnemite Week - What metals are magnetic?
🧲 magnets, coins, small objects, paper clips, cup of water

August - Electricity Month ⚡
Week of 8/6: Pikachu Week - What is electricity? 
⚡2 balloons, string
Week of 8/13: Togedemaru Week - What are conductors and insulators? 
⚡ scissors, glue, coloring tools
Week of 8/20: Zapdos Week - What is static electricity? and How is electricity made in the sky?
⚡ balloon, tissue paper, tape, scissors
Week of 8/27: Electivire Week - What are circuits? 
⚡coloring tools 

September: Rock and Ground Month🪨
Week of 9/3: Diglet Week - What is dirt and soil?
🪨 clear, jar or water bottle with lid, water, dirt sample
Week of 9/10: Onix Week - What are the three types of rocks?
🪨 2 colors of playdoh that are okay to mix
Week of 9/17: Groudon Week - What are volcanos?
🪨 baking soda, vinegar, small cup, playdoh(optional), red food coloring, dish soap, tray
Week of 9/24: Diancie Week - What are Minerals?
🪨 coloring tools and provided worksheet, minerals or rocks to share(optional)

October - Animal Month 🐛
Week of 10/1: Team Rocket Week - What are the animal groups? 
🔴 worksheet, scissors, glue, coloring tools
Week of 10/8: Eevee and Ho-oh Week - What are mammals and birds?
🦅🐅 tweezers, toothpicks, spoon, straw, juice(or water), mini marshmallows, dried beans or pasta
Week of 10/15: Ekans and Polywhirl Week - What are reptiles and amphibians? 
🐍🐸  camouflage coloring worksheet, coloring tools, scissors
Week of 10/22: Magikarp and Caterpie Week - What are fish and invertebrates? 
🐟🐛 insect creation: play-doh or clay or paper and pencil to draw
Week of 10/29: No class (Halloween)

November - Physics Month ⚖️
Week of 11/5: Hitmonchan Week - What is energy?
Week of 11/12: Scorbunny Week - What is friction?
Week of 11/19: Pokeball Week - What are Pushes and Pulls?
Week of 11/26: Battle Week - What is inertia?

December - States of Matter Month
Week of 12/3: Koffing Week - What are gases? 💨 empty water bottle, baking soda, vinegar, balloon, funnel
Week of 12/10: Grimer Week - What are liquids? 💦 large bowl of water, small objects to test sink or float, clear glass or cup, crumbled paper, index card or cardstock cut to fit over cup
Week of 12/17: Bergmite Week - What are solids? ❄️ small toys frozen in water, salt, water, paint brush or cotton balls
Week of 12/24: NO CLASS NO CHARGE
Week of 12/31: Castform Week - What is the water cycle? 🌧️ cup of warm water, small plate, ice cubes


Students may need assistance with experiments.
I will send out the supplies at the beginning of each month. New learners will get supplies when the join in Welcome message. If you do not see supplies when you join message me for assistance!


参加しました August, 2021
フロリダ 教員免許 初等教育で
学士号 University of Central Floridaから 教育 へ
Hello! I am so happy you came to visit my classroom! Hello! I am Teacher Amy! I live near Orlando, Florida in the United States. I graduated from the University of Central Florida in Elementary Education. I have been a classroom teacher for 8 years but have 14 years of experience in tutoring students. I have certifications for teaching Reading, English Language Learners, and Gifted Students. I have been a Cross Country coach for 4 years for our schools Cross Country team. I guided students in exercises and training for races and staying healthy. 

I always focus on having a fun and engaging classroom. It is important to me that every student takes away new knowledge from my classroom. My goal as a teacher is to help students to find motivation and to be excited about their learning. I have a passion to teach young children how to read. I also love teaching students science and social studies topics in a fun and engaging way! I love to make classes interactive and incorporate movement and dancing into my classes! I hope to see you child in my classroom soon!🌟


法医学 2 - 高校: 生物科学
Thomas Jones
$16 クラスごと
16 週間、 1/週、 55 分
13 歳-18 歳
Dr Pete PhD Earth Science Philosophy Geology
$10 月あたり
13 歳-18 歳
1:1 科学家庭教師 | 中学校、生物学、地球科学
Ms. Erica, M. Ed (Science & Technology)
$40 セッションごと
11 歳-18 歳
科学を学ぼう: スポーツにおける科学 (7~11 歳)
Let's Go Learning
$12 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Wednesday の5:40 PM です
1/週、 35 分
7 歳-11 歳
Kathy Borja
$20 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Sunday の4 PM です
1/週、 55 分
12 歳-17 歳
科学を学ぼう: 料理科学 (7~11 歳)
Let's Go Learning
$12 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Tuesday の5:40 PM です
1/週、 35 分
7 歳-11 歳
科学を学ぼう: 料理科学 (11~14 歳)
Let's Go Learning
$12 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Wednesday の3 AM です
1/週、 35 分
11 歳-14 歳
サイエンスラボ: 実践科学クラブ!
Meghan Jones, M. Ed.
$11 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Monday の9:30 PM です
1/週、 30 分
3 歳-6 歳
1年生理科 - 2学期のコアカリキュラム理科
Angie Wolf, M.Ed.
$15 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Mon 5/5 の6 PM です
8 週間、 1/週、 45 分
6 歳-8 歳
2 年生の理科 - 第 2 学期の総合科学/STEM (パート 1)
Angie Wolf, M.Ed.
$15 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Tue 10/7 の6 PM です
9 週間、 1/週、 45 分
7 歳-10 歳
Ashley Ward
$9 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Sunday の5 PM です
1/週、 30 分
7 歳-12 歳
Alida Noort, BA CYC, ECE
$14 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Thursday の5 PM です
1/週、 40 分
5 歳-8 歳
奇妙な科学: 臭くて、ベタベタして、おかしな科学の授業!
Amy Barnhardt
$9 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Thursday の1 AM です
1/週、 25 分
5 歳-9 歳
ミス・ロビンと科学: 卵の染色の科学
Miss Robyn Discover Explore Create
$18 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Tue 4/1 の2 PM です
1 週間、 1/週、 45 分
8 歳-11 歳
科学コース 3: 3 年生科学コース (フルカリキュラム、NGSS)
Stone Bridges Academy
$14 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Mon 9/8 の4:30 PM です
36 週間、 1/週、 40 分
7 歳-9 歳
科学コース 5: 5 年生科学コース (フルカリキュラム、NGSS)
Stone Bridges Academy
$14 クラスごと
36 週間、 1/週、 40 分
9 歳-11 歳
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