20分でピアノ上達 | 継続中 #自信
このクラスでは、Pianimals、Succeeding at the Piano (R) ピアノ メソッド、または選択した基本的なピアノ メソッドを使用します。
ピアニマルズ コースは、音楽を非常に理解しやすい部分に分割した、より型破りなコースです。ほとんどすべての有名な曲と歌。20 分間のレッスンです。
必要に応じて会議をスケジュールする20 分
This course uses the Succeeding at the Piano piano series. I teach according to the student's needs and progress. After a point, I will recommend the student attend a 30 minute class. This class is only 20 minutes long. Students do not usually need to be pushed to practice because they can play songs right away and success is built in! The course breaks piano down to its most basic elements, thus the speed of progress. Because the student is one-on-one with me, they can get immediate help with their questions and needs. Objectives: 1. Students will play for the teacher, if they have learned any pieces yet and feel comfortable doing so. I am trying to get an idea of what they know and of what they are capaple. 2. Proper positioning at the keyboard. 3. Finger numbers 4. Note names 5. Keyboard geography ( where high and low sounds, up and down on the keyboard) 6. What is a pitch 7. Beginning note reading starts, introducing note values (e.g. what is a quarter note) 8. Volume levels are introduced (playing loud and soft on the keyboard or piano) 9. Students learn to play by copying the teacher and by pre-reading music. 10. Review what we have learned so far by playing for each other and discussing what we have learned. 11. Follow the book for new material. Among the songs learned will be: Happy Birthday, Yankee Doodle, and Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star. A piano or keyboard is required. This class is for one child. Of course, this course does not promise success after only 20 minutes of training, but it does let you know that 20-minute lessons can be just as effective as 30-minute classes over time.
I will assess the level of the student when we start, and we will progress to the future books as well ASAP. Holiday books are optional but encouraged if you are okay with those. These songs are only taught as famous music in history, as this is a non-religious course. #SucceedingAtThePiano #HelenMarlais If your Learner is a beginner, I would like to discuss your needs and interests before recommending books to purchase. #pianolesson #piano #pianolessons #pianoteacher #pianoplayer #pianist #music #pianomusic #pianoforte #pianocover #pianogram #pianotime #pianopractice #pianosolo #pianoplaying #musiclessons #pianostudent #pianolover #pianolove #pianos #musician #musicteacher #pianokeys #pianopiano #pianolife #pianocovers #pianotutorial #pianogirl #instapiano #musiceducation
20 分
3 人がクラスを受けました
年齢: 5-9