
ピアノレッスン レベル C

両手演奏スキルと楽譜の読み方を学べる、自分のペースで学べるレベル C の録音済みピアノ コース。音符の読み方、ピアノのキー、適切なテクニック、拍子の数え方を学べる 20 の指導ビデオ。ガイド付き練習ビデオ 10 本。今日から始めましょう。
Melanie Pauli (Piano) - BA in Music
Star Educator


10 録画レッスン
動画あたり平均 33 分
10 週間
5 時間 28 分
週あたり 1-2 時間. Homework will be practice time in between viewed lesson video postings and a few worksheets that can be printed. A total of approximately 20 minutes, 3-5 different times during the week, should be enough to secure the information and be prepared for the next lesson. Slides from the weekly slideshow pdf may be printed at the parent's discretion. Students need to be able to view the screen while at their keyboard for recording a sample of their playing to submit to Mrs. Pauli during the week. Printed slides are great for practice time when learners are taking a break from screen-time.
✉️ At the end of the 10 lessons, an email will be sent to the learner with the recommendation for repeating the current class for mastery or moving on to the next class for more challenging material if the learner has submitted videos to Mrs. Pauli for feedback.


英語レベル - 不明
Beginner レベル向け
🎉 This self-paced piano class is lessons #15-24 for beginner piano students who are interested in continuing to playing piano. Pre-requisite of Level B Self-paced class, live Piano Music Class, or similar experience.

🎹 Learners need to have a piano or keyboard while viewing the videos to play along. 

💻 Learners will need to be able to see their screen to view the music while playing on their instrument. No book purchases will be necessary in this class. All music has been arranged by Mrs. Pauli and will be provided and printable. A 3-ring binder with plastic page protectors is a great way to keep songs organized. 

🎹Practicing 3-5 times between lessons is recommended as this class was designed to take 10 weeks to master the material.💥 Although, you may be able to understand the material quicker than one lesson per week, your fingers need the practice time to get flexible, comfortable, and stronger in order to advance to the next level. 💥

⏳Guided practice videos between 12-15 minutes are provided to use 3-5 times between lessons.

👩‍🏫 Teacher feedback is available for the first 10 weeks whether you pay weekly and receive access to one lesson per week or if you pay in full and gain immediate access to the entire course. You will continue to have access to the class for up to one year on your own.

🔠 If your learner is looking for a live version of the introductory Level C class, I recommend the Piano Music Class Level C: 

Piano Music Class Level C:

🎶 Self-paced classes are available for Level A -  Level C. 
🎶Piano Music Class Level D - Level J are offered as live classes only at this time.

📈 Learners can progress through the Piano Music Class Series with Mrs. Pauli for over 3 years of consistent piano class material. At the end of the Series, learners should have the ability to read all sheet music, play beautiful pieces on piano, and 🔥have experienced the benefits of regular effort and practice in a skill🔥. 

⬇️**Please read the class syllabus for the weekly breakdown of lesson material and song choices.** Open each lesson to view the instruction material specifics.
🎼Learners will be taught note reading in Treble clef and Bass clef, time signatures, note values, rhythm counting, extended range, tempos, and dynamics with fun games and a slideshow with printable music and homework worksheets.
🎉🎓Learners will be ready to graduate from Piano Music Class Level C into Level D when they have mastery of at least 5 of the 10 songs playing with both hands musically and while watching the sheet music.


2 ユニット
10 レッスン
10 週間以上
ユニット 1: Level C1 Lessons #15-19
レッスン 1:
Piano Lesson #15 - Itsy Bitsy Spider
 Video 1: Review notes in Treble Clef and Bass Clef with homework instructions;
Video 2: Itsy Bitsy Spider;
Video 3: Guided Practice video 3-5 times before Lesson 16 
29 分のビデオレッスン
レッスン 2:
Piano Lesson #16 - Lazy Mary
 Video 1: Review notes in Treble Clef and Bass Clef and chords with homework instructions;
Video 2: Lazy Mary;
Video 3: Guided Practice video 3-5 times before Lesson 17 
29 分のビデオレッスン
レッスン 3:
Piano Lesson #17 - Hickory Dickory Dock
 Video 1: Review note and rest values, Rhythms and counting beats with homework instructions;
Video 2: Hickory Dickory Dock;
Video 3: Guided Practice video 3-5 times before Lesson 18 
28 分のビデオレッスン
レッスン 4:
Piano Lesson #18 - Camptown Races
 Video 1: Review note and rest values, Rhythms and counting beats with game instructions;
Video 2: Camptown Races;
Video 3: Guided Practice video 3-5 times before Lesson 19 
33 分のビデオレッスン


This class will provide videos on the Outschool assignments page. Slideshow PDFs will be provided to accompany the videos each week and can be printed at the parents' discretion. Any youtube videos posted on the Classroom page will be opened in a small window on Outschool. Learners will NOT be asked to go to Youtube on their own.
Satisfactory completion of a Level B class with Mrs. Pauli or similar experience. Learners should: Be working on reading notes, Know white and black keys on their piano / keyboard Be able to play both hands together while watching the music
🎹 Access to a piano or keyboard during lesson where the learners elbows are the same height as the keys. 🔥 Keyboards on tables are often too high (chest or shoulder height) which can harm wrists and hinder movement 🔥. Stand at the keyboard, find a tall chair, use a cushion, or use a keyboard stand to make the keys at the proper level. 💻Students need to be able to see the screen where the music will be shown in a slideshow during the video lessons while they are sitting at their piano. 🎼 Learners will get access to a class slideshow pdf each lesson with the songs and homework worksheets for practicing. A 3-ring binder and plastic page protectors may help you keep the printed music sheets organized. 📝 Learners may like having paper and pencil.
参加しました April, 2020
Star Educator
学士号 California State University, Long Beachから 音楽 へ
Bachelor of Arts in Music degree from California State University, Long Beach;
28+ years of experience teaching beginner/intermediate piano to students;
Arranges music from the public domain and provides it to students to print and practice;
4 years of experience teaching piano online on Outschool;
Top 10% of Outschool teachers: Outschool Outstanding Educator Cohort for the past 3 years.




週ごとまたは¥120 ですべてのコンテンツ
10 録画済みレッスン
10 間の講師サポート
コンテンツへの 1 年間のアクセス

年齢: 7-12

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