
読み書きが苦手な子どものためのフォニックス - UFLI レベル 1: 読み、書き、綴りを学ぶ

UFLI Foundations に基づいたこの明確で体系的なフォニックス クラスは、まだ 1 年生レベルで読み書きができる高学年の生徒を対象としています。週 2 回開催されます。学習内容: 二重音字、VCe、語尾、r 制御母音、母音チーム、二重母音など!
Effective Effort with Elizabeth Sheridan


2 ライブミーティング
週あたりの授業時間数 1 時間 20 分
週1時間. There will be optional activities for you to practice with your child between classes.


英語レベル - 不明
米国の学年 1
We will meet twice weekly to practice reading and spelling words at a 1st grade level.  This class follows the Researched-Based and Evidence-Based UFLI Foundations.  It is well regarded by educators who endorse the Science of Reading. It will be taught by a licensed special education teacher. 

Our daily class format will consist of
Day 1:
Phonemic Awareness
     Blend -  listen to sounds and blending them together
     Segment - listen to word and break into individual sounds (phonemes)
Visual Drill - See letters and make sounds
Auditory Drill - Hear sounds write letters
Blending Drill - Students will read word that are created by adding/deleting/changing 1 letter at a time
New Concept - See Schedule below

Day 2:
New Concept - review
Word Work - building words with manipulative letters (printable file for letter cards or you can use magnetic letters)
Irregular Words -  learn to read and spell common high frequency words
Connected Text - Read Sentences, Write/Spell sentences, Read/Illustrate a story
Share Illustrations

Every class will include tons of practice of previously taught concepts to allow students to join anytime and catch up in no time!  The additional practice helps returning students to not just be introduced to topics but practice them to mastery!

New Concept Schedule:
Alphabet Review & Longer Words (CVC, CCVC, CVCC, CCVCC, & CCCVC)
Sept 3 & 5 Week 1 - Lesson 35 Short A Review (including Nasalized A)
Sept 10 & 12 Week 2 - Lesson 36 Short I Review
Sept 17 & 19 Week 3 - Lesson 37 Short O Review
Sept 24 & 26Week 4 - Lesson 39 Short U Review
Sept 30 & Oct 2 Week 5 - Lesson 40 Short E Review 
Oct 8 & 10 Week 6 - Lesson 41 Short Vowels Review (all)

Week 7 - Lesson 42 FLSZ Spelling Rule (ff, ll, ss, zz)
Week 8 - Lesson 43 -all, -oll, -ull
Week 9 - Lesson 44 ck /k/
Week 10 - Lesson 45 sh /sh/
Week 11 - Lesson 46 Voiced th /th/
Week 12 - Lesson 47 Unvoiced th /th/
Week 13 - Lesson 48 ch /ch/ 
Week 14 - Lesson 49 Digraphs Review 1
Week 15 - Lesson 50 wh /w/, ph /f/
Week 16 - Lesson 51 n /nj/
Week 17 - Lesson 52 n /nj/ (as in nk)
Week 18 - Lesson 53 Digraphs Review 2 (including CCCVC)

Week 19 - Lesson 54 a_e
Week 20 - Lesson 55 i_e
Week 21 - Lesson 56 o_e
Week 22 - Lesson 57 VCe Review 1, e_e
Week 23 - Lesson 58 u_e
Week 24 - Lesson 59 VCe Review 2 (all)
Week 25 - Lesson 60 _ce /s/
Week 26 - Lesson 61 _ge /j/
Week 27 - Lesson 62 VCe Review 3, VCe Exceptions

Reading Longer Words
Week 28 - Lesson 63 -es
Week 29 - Lesson 64 -ed
Week 30 - Lesson 65 -ing
Week 31 - Lesson 66 Closed & Open Syllables
Week 32 - Lesson 67 Closed/Closed
Week 33 - Lesson 68 Open/Closed

Ending Spelling Patterns
Week 34 - Lesson 69 tch /ch/
Week 35 - Lesson 70 dge /j/
Week 36 - Lesson 72 Long VCC (-ild, -old, -ind, -olt, -ost)
Week 37 - Lesson 73 y /long i/
Week 38 - Lesson 74 y /long e/ 
Week 39 - Lesson 75 -le
Week 40 - Lesson 76 Ending Patterns Review

R-Controlled Vowels
Week 41 - Lesson 77 ar /ar/
Week 42 - Lesson 78 or, ore /or/
Week 43 - Lesson 80 er /er/
Week 44 - Lesson 81 ir, ur /er/
Week 45 - Lesson 82 Spelling /er/: er, ir, us, w+or
Week 46 - Lesson 83 R-Controlled Vowels Review

Long Vowel Teams
Week 47 - Lesson 84 ai, ay
Week 48 - Lesson 85 ee, ea, ey
Week 50 - Lesson 86 oa, ow, oe
Week 52 - Lesson 87 ie, igh

Other Vowel Teams
Week 53 - Lesson 89 oo, u /oo/
Week 54 - Lesson 90 oo /long u/
Week 55 - Lesson 91 ew, ui, ue /long u/
Week 56 - Lesson 93 au, aw, augh /aw/
Week 57 - Lesson 94 ea /short e/, a /short o)

Week 58 - Lesson 95 oi, oy /oi/
Week 59 - Lesson 96 ou, ow /ow/

Silent Letters
Week 60 - Lesson 98 kn /n/, wr /r/, mb /m/

Suffixes & Prefixes
Week 61 - Lesson 99 -s/-es
Week 62 - Lesson 100 -er/-est
Week 63 - Lesson 101 -ly
Week 64 - Lesson 103 un-

Suffix Spelling Changes
Week 65 - Lesson 107 Doubling Rule -ed, -ing
Week 66 - Lesson 108 Doubling Rule -er, -est
Week 67 - Lesson 109 Drop -e Rule
Week 68 - Lesson 110 -y to -i Rule


Students will Learn to Read, Write, and Spell:
Longer Words
Ending Spelling Patterns
R-Controlled Vowels
Vowel Teams
Silent Letters
Suffixes & Prefixes
Suffix Spelling Changes


This class includes explicit, multi-sensory, systematic phonics which is recommended for students with Dyslexia. I am a licensed special education teacher with experience teaching students with ADHD, ASD, and many other learning needs.
Students should be CONFIDENT with letter names and sounds. They should be familiar with but not necessarily mastered reading CVC words (cat, dog, pig) and words with letter bends (flip, frog, spun, dust, hunt).
Printable Letters OR access to magnetic letters
Whiteboard and Marker (preferred) or Paper and pencil
参加しました June, 2020
オハイオ州 教員免許 特別教育で
修士号 Ohio Dominican Universityから 教育 へ
I am a licensed K-12 special education teacher with over 25 years of experience including training in Orton-Gillingham and LTRS.  I have taught Pre-K - 5th grade reading and math skills to students from 3-15  for the last several years on Outschool with 100s of satisfied parents and learners.




毎週 ( $15クラスごとに )

40 分
年齢: 10-14
クラス人数: 3 人-6 人

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