オレゴン海岸の潮だまりアドベンチャー、ストーリータイム、A 字クラフトアクティビティ
この楽しい 30 分間の幼稚園の冒険では、仮想の遠足で息を呑むようなオレゴン海岸の潮だまりを訪れ、潮だまりについての物語を聞き、アルファベットのクラフト アクティビティ (文字 A) を完了します。
1 ライブミーティング
30 分 授業時間この文章は自動翻訳されています
This class will start out with a virtual field trip to the Oregon coast followed by a story being read to the students and will end with a craft activity. For the craft activity parents should supply students with the following items: 1. a small bottle of white craft glue ( glue sticks cannot be used for this activity ) 2. one 8 1/2" x 11" piece of paper and a small bag of beans. Helpful Hints: I recommend kidney beans because they are large enough for children to handle comfortably with a pincer grasp between their thumb and forefinger. Anything smaller than kidney beans might be difficult for children to manipulate independently. It might be helpful to squeeze out from the glue container to form an uppercase A so that the student can focus on placing the beans onto the paper without any difficulty. It may also be helpful to have a few baby wipes or wet paper towels so children can wipe their hands off if they get sticky with glue on them.
Students will learn what animals live in a tide pool and will learn how the letter A is formed.
In this class students we will be using liquid craft glue and small beans to make the letter A. Craft glue is generally non-toxic but could pose a hazard if ingested. Kidney beans or whatever beans you choose to use can be a choking hazard for young children. I recommend that parents keep watch while their children are taking the class and to prevent any accidents.
For the craft activity parents should supply students with the following items: 1. One small bottle of white craft glue ( glue sticks cannot be used for this activity ). Elmers glue works fine.. 2. One 8 1/2" x 11" piece of paper and a small bag of approximately 50 beans. Helpful Hints: I recommend kidney beans because they are large enough for children to handle comfortably with a pincer grasp between their thumb and forefinger. Anything smaller than kidney beans might be difficult for children to manipulate independently. It might be helpful to squeeze out from the glue container to form an uppercase A so that your student can focus on placing the beans onto the paper without any difficulty. It may also be helpful to have a few baby wipes or wet paper towels so children can wipe their hands off if they get sticky with glue on them.
I will be reading a book, The Tide Pool Awaits by Candace Fleming.
30 分
年齢: 3-5
クラス人数: 3 人-6 人