

Gina Jude Curriculum--CLEP and AP Specialists
オンライン クラスで歴史の授業を体験する準備をしましょう。このクラスでは、生徒が家から出ることなくアメリカの歴史を深く学ぶことができるエキサイティングな方法を提供します。


英語レベル - 不明
米国の学年 5 - 8
Gina Jude Curriculum is a certified teacher-tutoring and online teaching service. We offer online courses for homeschool students in a variety of subjects, including math, science, English, history, and more. We also provide tutoring services for students who are struggling in a particular subject.
Our mission is to provide quality education to all students, regardless of their learning style or ability. We believe that every student has the potential to succeed when given the proper tools and support.
Week 1
--The Log of Christopher Columbus
--The Conquest of New Spain
--National Geographic Maps
--Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz, An Indigenous Peoples' History of the United States for Young People
--The 1619 Project--https://pulitzercenter.org/lesson-plan-grouping/1619-project-curriculum
--Teaching Tolerance--https://education.nationalgeographic.org/resource/teaching-tolerance/  
--Howard Zinn--"A People's History of the United States"

Week 2
--Olaudah Equiano, from The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano, or Gustavus Vassa, the African
--English Bill of Rights
--Map of Triangular Trade
--Boston Gazette and Country Journal, March 12, 1770 articles
--Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz, An Indigenous Peoples' History of the United States for Young People
--Teaching Tolerance--https://education.nationalgeographic.org/resource/teaching-tolerance/
--Howard Zinn, "A People's History of the United States"
--Ronald Takaki, A Different Mirror for Young People: A History of Multicultural America 

Week 3
--Paul Revere's Ride by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
--Magna Carta
--The Declaration of Independence
--National Geographic Maps

Week 4
--Thomas Jefferson's Letter to Pierre Samuel DuPont de Nemours, 1815
--The Articles of the Confederation
--The US Constitution
--Founding the Republic, edited by John J. Patrick
--The Atlantic Monthly, February 1891, by Frank Gaylord Cook

Week 5
--The US Constitution
--Excerpt from a newspaper, The Massachusetts Sentinel, October 20, 1787. 
--Excerpt from a speech by Patrick Henry, a delegate to the Virginia State Constitutional Ratification Convention, given in June 1788

Week 6
--The US Bill of Rights
--Bill of Rights Cartoon--https://13b0c1c8-a-d5f6ad8e-s-sites.googlegroups.com/a/dysart.org/dusd-dbq-resources/grade-8-form-a-rights-of-the-accused/the_bill_of_rights.png?attachauth=ANoY7cpoMxcizJStBdH4w4-ZbDs_7-iukejt00sXxSYGoAaOQtqbKBX43sOunIcz-SAgrsY0tdUQrwmWMOKKwpKYUtIRocy0wLA6sMFCXDdC5TsOWIjygYnd097PVL14rihPSHlNYXv1kRAZJnBiKz1FA0HD2nqP0YhIjmEaOzY1CDTF3XfjR6VykbE8BpOzstJCDggD_MANwoJmWnsNXEl8Jjt8414fc7SMavmzWxGo9ZcEo4K4-dz4eFyJUF2MGNBbnX2VTZS1e3c-tLz6GvxKpxpo1Zibgw%3D%3D&attredirects=0
--Magna Carta

Week 7
--James D. Richardson, Messages and Papers of The Presidents, Vol 1 Published in 1897
--Washington's Farewell Address
--John Adams' Special Session Message to Congress, May, 1797

Week 8
--Autobiography of Thomas Jefferson, 1821
--Letter from Thomas Jefferson to William Short, October 31, 1819 
--Map of Louisiana Purchase

Week 9
--The Monroe Doctrine, 1823
--Treaty of Amity and Commerce, 1778 (Treaty between France and US)
--Pickney's Treaty, 1796 (Treaty between Spain and US)

Week 10
--Election of Andrew Jackson 1828,  map.  John D. Hicks. The Federal Union. p.366
--The Missouri Compromise--Compromise of 1820 by Henry Clay. 
--Henry Clay, Speech on American Industry, 1824
--Teaching Tolerance--https://education.nationalgeographic.org/resource/teaching-tolerance/
--Howard Zinn--"A People's History of the United States"

Week 11
--The Election of 1828:  One Historian's View
--President Andrew Jackson's Message to Congress 'On Indian Removal' (1830)
--Andrew Jackson’s Veto Message Regarding the Bank of the United States, July 10, 1832
--Teaching Tolerance--https://education.nationalgeographic.org/resource/teaching-tolerance/
--Howard Zinn--"A People's History of the United States"

Week 12
--Manifest Destiny is a policy of…  (Artist portrayal)    Adapted from  Democratic Review “Annexation”  July-August, 1846.
--Poster Against Adding Texas to the Union
--Letter from James Heren to Missouri Statesman Newspaper, May 16, 1851
--Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz, An Indigenous Peoples' History of the United States for Young People
--Howard Zinn--"A People's History of the United States" 
--Ken Burns, https://www.pbs.org/franchise/ken-burns/

Week 13
--Statistics on Industrial Growth in the United States from 1870-1910
--An excerpt from Henry George, Progress and Poverty, 1879
--An excerpt from In the Depths of a Coal Mine by Steven Crane McClure's Magazine, August, 1894
--Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz, An Indigenous Peoples' History of the United States for Young People 
--Howard Zinn--"A People's History of the United States"
--Ken Burns, https://www.pbs.org/franchise/ken-burns/

Week 14
--PBS (Public Broadcasting Service, funded by U.S. government) Image, “Triangular” Trade 
--Excerpt from Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe
--Major Problems in the History of the American South, Vol 1
--The 1619 Project--https://pulitzercenter.org/lesson-plan-grouping/1619-project-curriculum
--Teaching Tolerance--https://education.nationalgeographic.org/resource/teaching-tolerance/
--Howard Zinn--"A People's History of the United States"
--Ronald Takaki, A Different Mirror for Young People: A History of Multicultural America 

Week 15
--Technology in America--Eli Whitney
--Democracy in America--Alexis de Tocqueville
--The Ingenious Yankees--Samuel Slater
--Teaching Tolerance--https://education.nationalgeographic.org/resource/teaching-tolerance/
--Howard Zinn--"A People's History of the United States"

Week 16
--Source: Tindall's A Narrative History Gallery
---Abraham Lincoln, debate speech in Jonesboro, Illinois, Sept 15, 1858
--Emancipation Proclamation (Jan. 1, 1863) 
--The 1619 Project--https://pulitzercenter.org/lesson-plan-grouping/1619-project-curriculum
--Teaching Tolerance--https://education.nationalgeographic.org/resource/teaching-tolerance/
--Howard Zinn--"A People's History of the United States"

Week 17
-- Excerpt from Senate Report 693, 46th Congress, 2nd Session (1880)
--The 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments of the US Constitution
--Abram Colby, testimony to a joint House and Senate Committee, 1872
--The 1619 Project--https://pulitzercenter.org/lesson-plan-grouping/1619-project-curriculum
--Teaching Tolerance--https://education.nationalgeographic.org/resource/teaching-tolerance/
--Howard Zinn--"A People's History of the United States"
--Ronald Takaki, A Different Mirror for Young People: A History of Multicultural America 

Week 18
--Alexander Toponce, A Treasury of Railroad Folklore
--Willer Catha, O Pioneers!, 1913
--Albert Gallatin, Peace With Mexico, 1847
--Howard Zinn--"A People's History of the United States"

Week 19
--David A. Wells, engineer and economist, Recent Economic Changes and Their
Effect on the Production and Distribution of Wealth and the Well-Being of Society, 1889
-- Joseph Keppler, “The Bosses of the Senate,” Puck, January 23, 1889
--Andrew Carnegie, “Wealth,” North American Review, June 1889

Week 20
--June Namias, First Generation: In the Words of Twentieth-Century American Immigrants, Beacon Press, 1978
--Gladys Nadler Rips, Coming to America: Immigrants from Southern Europe, Delacorte Press
--Edward G. Hartmann, American Immigration, Lerner Publications (adapted)

Week 21
--United States Constitution, 18th Amendment, Section 1, 1919
--Upton Sinclair, The Jungle, 1906
--Platform of the Progressive Party, August 7, 1912 presidential candidate — Theodore Roosevelt

Week 22
--Senator Albert J. Beveridge : In Support of an American Empire 1899
--Peffer, W. A., "Imperialism: America's Historic Policy," The North American Review, vol. 171, issue 525 (August 1900).
--Official Proceedings of the Democratic National Convention Held in Kansas City, Mo., July 4, 5 and 6, 1900, Chicago, 1900

Week 23
--Woodrow Wilson, Fourteen Points Address to Congress, January 8, 1918
--Henry Cabot Lodge, Opposition to the Treaty of Versailles, August 12, 1919
--World War I Propaganda Posters

Week 24
--John Steinbeck, The Grapes of Wrath
--: Howard Johnson, an African American newspaper editor, interviewed in The Century, 1998
--Frederick Lewis Allen, Only Yesterday: An Informal History of the 1920s, 1931

Week 25
--Calvin Coolidge, Inaugural Address, March 4, 1925
--Herbert Hoover, Radio Address, Feb 12, 1932
--Franklin D. Roosevelt, First Inaugural Address, March 4, 1933

Week 26
--Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s speech December 8, 1941 (“A Date Which Will Live in Infamy”)
--"Iron Curtain Speech", by Winston Churchill, March 5, 1946
--Editorial-Washington Post-"New National Policy" September 17, 1940
--Excerpt, from President John F. Kennedy’s speech to the American people explaining the threat of nuclear that was obvious in the Cuban missile crisis of 1962

Week 27
--US Birth Statistics 1910-1998
--The Good Wife's Guide--Good Housekeeping, May 13, 1955
--General Electric Advertisement, 1952

Week 28
--Civil Rights Act of 1964
--Lyndon Johnson, Address to the Nation, March 31, 1968
--President Richard Nixon, Address to the Nation, 1969
--The 1619 Project--https://pulitzercenter.org/lesson-plan-grouping/1619-project-curriculum
--Ronald Takaki, A Different Mirror for Young People: A History of Multicultural America 

Week 29
--Kavalam Madhava Panikkar, In Two Chinas: Memoirs of a Diplomat (London: George Allen and Unwin, 1955),
pp. 108-9. Two Strategic Intelligence Mistakes in Korea, 1950
--Draft Resistance Flyer
--The Senate debates the Tonkin Gulf Resolution, April 6-7, 1964
--Howard Zinn--"A People's History of the United States"

Week 30
--Richard Nixon, Second Inaugural Address, January 20, 1973
--Jimmy Carter's speech, titled “Crisis of Confidence,” on July 15, 1979.
--1980 Republican Party Platform
参加しました August, 2018
NOTE:  As of March 13, 2024 Fall Classes can be scheduled at the times you want them so if you see a class at a time that doesn't work for you, please contact us and we can reschedule that class.  Once classes start filling up in the summer times... 




50 分

2 人がクラスを受けました
年齢: 9-13
クラス人数: 1 人-10 人

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