
油絵の具の素晴らしさ:ヒント、コツ、テクニック + 毎週傑作を作ろう!

Laney Kosarek: K-12 Art Certified/M.Ed
Star Educator
油絵を直接体験しませんか。このサマー キャンプは、初心者から中級者を対象に、油絵、アートの概念、色彩理論、ウェット オン ウェットなど、さまざまなことを、公認の K-12 美術教師から直接体験していただくものです。


英語レベル - 不明
米国の学年 9 - 12
Beginner - Intermediate レベル向け
  • 💗 Understanding Oil Paint Properties: Gain knowledge of the unique properties and characteristics of oil paints, including drying times and blending capabilities. 💗 Color Theory and Mixing: Master the principles of color theory, including how to mix colors to achieve desired hues, shades, and tones. 💗 Brush Techniques: Learn various brush techniques, including stippling, scumbling, and glazing, to create different textures and effects. 💗 Composition and Layout: Develop skills in composition and layout to create visually balanced and engaging paintings. 💗 Light and Shadow: Understand how to depict light and shadow to create depth and realism in paintings. 💗 Layering and Glazing: Learn the techniques of layering and glazing to add richness and dimension to artwork. 💗 Blending and Soft Edges: Practice blending techniques to create smooth transitions and soft edges in paintings. 💗 Impasto and Texture: Explore the use of impasto techniques to create thick, textured paint surfaces. 💗 Color Temperature: Understand and apply the concepts of warm and cool colors to create dynamic and cohesive compositions. 💗 Underpainting and Blocking In: Learn the importance of underpainting and blocking in major shapes and forms before adding details. 💗 Portrait Painting: Develop skills in painting portraits, focusing on proportion, anatomy, and capturing likeness. 💗 Landscape Painting: Gain techniques for painting landscapes, including skies, trees, water, and natural light. 💗 Still Life Composition: Practice painting still life arrangements with attention to detail, light, and shadow. 💗 Preserving and Varnishing: Learn how to properly preserve and varnish finished oil paintings to protect and enhance their appearance. 💗 Art Critique and Analysis: Develop the ability to critically analyze and critique artworks, including one's own, to identify areas for improvement and growth.
T E A C H I N G  C R E D E N T I A L S  +  S T Y L E
🌟 K-12 Art Certification + Master's Degree in Education from Saginaw Valley State University
🌟 Bachelor of Science from Oakland University
🌟 Certified Yoga & Meditation Teacher
🌟 25-plus years of teaching and oil painting experience 
🌟 I love to listen to my students, encourage unique creative paths, travel to cool places, and promote kindness in every endeavor. 
頻度: Available upon request
フィードバック: Available upon request
詳細: Learners may need to finish details about the artwork throughout the week and bring it back the following week to share.
頻度: Available upon request
詳細: Formative assessments happen throughout class. If a parent requests I will give summative assessments.
頻度: Available upon request
詳細: Report cards or Certification of completion for the semester will be provided only if a parent/student makes a request. Grades will be positive and based on effort, and skill. The role that grades will play will be encouraging :).
S U P P L Y  L I S T :
🎨 Canvas, assortment of brushes, oil paints
🎨 Baby wipes
🎨 Parchment paper to cover the table, drop cloth for the floor 
🎨 Dawn soap, water 
🎨 Acrylic white gesso, clear acrylic gesso & black acrylic paint for priming the canvas quickly
🎨 Blow dryer 

* Heads up friends, oil paints are very messy so old clothes, drop cloth, and a covered table work best. 
参加しました January, 2021
Star Educator
Michigan 教員免許 初等教育で
修士号 Saginaw Valley State University から 教育 へ

🌺 Hey there, lovely artists! I'm Mrs. K, your art-loving guide to a world of creativity and joy!

 C L A S S E S  I  T E A C H
🎨 Studio Art
🎨 Zoo Art
🎨 Art History + Travel Art
🎨 Storytime Art
🎨 Yoga Art
🎨 Oil Painting 

P R O F E S S I... 


90 分

年齢: 13-18
クラス人数: 1 人-5 人

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