
コリーン先生の 3 年生向け数学クラスの完全なカリキュラム - 認定教師による - 印刷物付き

この魅力的な 3 年生クラスでは、生徒は 3 年生の数学のカリキュラムのさまざまな概念とスキルを練習します。レッスンの後は、楽しいクラス ゲームをしたり、学習をサポートするアクティビティを行ったりします。
Ms. Colleen B.Ed, B.A, Licensed Elementary Teacher
Star Educator


2 ライブミーティング
週あたりの授業時間数 1 時間 10 分
週1時間. Homework: Each student is unique and may require extra time outside of class to complete work. Extension activity is provided. This is optional to help support student’s learning outside of class. These are not evaluated by me.


英語レベル - 不明
米国の学年 3
Please note: class may go over the estimated scheduled time. It is best for learners to start at the beginning of the listed math concept/topic. However, if you feel that your learner can benefit from jumping right in, feel free. Please see schedule.

This class will allow learners to practice grade 3 concepts from the math curriculum. Please read the class description to see if this class is a good fit for your learner.  Materials will be posted Monday mornings. Please have materials ready before the start of class.  Let’s have fun working on math together.

Each lesson will have the same format: 
* Warm up: we will do a math warm up to help turn on our minds to get ready for the lesson. Math questions will be displayed on a google slide. Students are encouraged to share their thinking with the class. Our warm ups are focused on grade 3 level subtraction, addition, multiplication, division and/or fraction concepts. Warm up helps students get their minds ready to learn and reinforce several math concepts. 

* Lesson: I will teach a lesson to the class. We will work together using manipulatives and powerpoint presentations. (Please note, I include a paper copy of manipulatives. However, some of our units do not require manipulatives). Students will “Watch Me First”, explaining a concept and work through a problem. Then through guided practice, students will work through the material with me. Students will be provided with a worksheet to record their thinking as we engage in the lesson. We will be using various types of manipulatives. Students are encouraged to use manipulatives along with me. Please note: depending on the math concept, there may be no manipulatives. 

* Independent work: Students will work on assigned work with support from me. Students are encouraged to use manipulatives. Students will be provided with a worksheet. We will go over the work together.  Students are encouraged to share their thinking with the class.

*Reflection: Students will reflect on their thinking and how they feel about the math topic.

* I will teach the students a game to play at home or activity to support math concept

Week Of October 9th
Focus: Place Value and Rounding of Numbers to the nearest 10 and 100.

Lesson 1: Lesson 1 - Objective: Read numbers and determine the value of different digits.  In this lesson students will read 3 and 4 digit numbers using place value charts and determine the value of a selected digit. For example: determining the value of “7” in 867.
Manipulatives: Place Value Chart and Base 10 Blocks.
Game: Place value yahtzee - Please have dice on hand

Lesson 2 - Objective: Solve Place Value Riddles.  Students will use place value understanding to help solve some riddles. If time allows, students can create his or her own riddles for the class to solve. For example: solve a word riddle about a 3 digit number, write the 3 digit number in expanded form and draw it in base 10 form.
Manipulatives: Place Value Chart and Base 10 Blocks.
Game: Battleship #1

Lesson 3 - Rounding 2 digit numbers using number paths. Objective: Students will be introduced to rounding 2 digit numbers to the nearest 10.  A number path is a counting tool to help identify patterns.  For example: rounding the 2 digit number 38 to the nearest 10 on a number path from 30 - 40.
Manipulatives: 100s Chart and Base 10 Blocks.
Game: Battleship #2

Base 10 Blocks - paper copy provided
Place Value Chart - paper copy provided

Learning Goals:
Number sense fluency
build place value understanding 
round numbers to the nearest 10’s and 100’s place
Read numbers and determine the value of different digits
Turn Taking

Week of October 16th
Place Value
Lesson 1 - Plot & Interpret Numbers
Lesson 2 - Round to nearest 100
Lesson 3 - Round to nearest 100

Week of October 23rd
Focus: Addition and Subtraction Within 100
Lesson 1 - Expanded Form Addition
Lesson 2 - Number Line Addition
Lesson 3 - Subtraction With Regrouping

Week of October 30th 
Lesson 1 - Subtraction Across Zeros
Lesson 2 - Expanding Form Subtraction
Lesson 3 - Explore Joint And Separate Problems
Focus: Addition and Subtraction Within 100

Week of November 6
Focus Intro Addition and Subtraction Within 1000

Week of November 13
Focus Intro Addition and Subtraction Within 1000

Week of November 20
Focus Intro Addition and Subtraction Within 1000

Week of November 27
Focus: Addition within 1000

Lesson 1 - Number line addition.
Objective: Adding numbers using a number line. For example: using the number line to solve the sum of an equation using 3 digit numbers.
Manipulatives: Base ten blocks, number line.
Game: Dice Addition Battle (Please have 3 dice)

Lesson 2 - Arrow Addition
Objective: Students will investigate adding 3 digit numbers. For example: 241 + 273 (100 + 100 + 40 + 1) + (100+100+50+10+10+3)
Manipulatives: Base ten blocks
Game: Addition Race (Please have 1 dice)  

Lesson 3 - Expanded Form Addition
Objective: Students will add 3 digit numbers using expanded form.  For example: 147 + 162 = 100 + 100 = 200, 40 + 60 = 100, 7 + 2 = 9, 200 + 100 + 9 = 309.
Manipulatives: Base 10 blocks
Game: Flip It And Add

Base 10 blocks - paper copy provided
Number line - paper copy provided
3 Dice 

Learning Goals:
Number sense fluency
Turn taking
Addition within 1000 based on place value
Apply place value strategies to add three digit numbers

Week of Dec. 4th
Focus: Subtraction Within 1000 
Lesson 1 - Subtract With Place Value Models
Objective: Students will subtract 3 digit numbers using place value models with regrouping. For example: Subtracting 3 digit numbers 432 - 189 using base ten blocks and a place value mat.
Manipulatives: Base 10 blocks and place value mat.
Game: Dice Subtraction (Please have 2 dice) 

Lesson 2 - Number Line Subtraction
Objective: students will subtract three-digit numbers by using a number line. For example: using a number line to solve a 3 digit subtraction equation, 514 - 238.
Manipulatives: Base 10 blocks, number line.
Game: Subtraction Bingo

Lesson 3: Number Line Word Problems
Objective: Students will solve 3 digit addition and subtraction word problems using a number line. For example: Sarah took a two day trip and she drove a total of 655 miles.  On the first day she drove 429 miles.  How many miles did she drive on the second day?
Manipulatives: Base 10 blocks, number line.
Game: Subtraction Flip It - Please have a deck of cards or a dice on hand

Base 10 Blocks - paper copy provided
Place value mat and number line - paper copy provided

Learning Goals:
Number sense fluency
Turn taking
Subtraction and addition within 1000 based on place value
Apply place value strategies to subtract add three digit number

Week of Dec. 11th
Focus: Intro to Multiplication
Lesson 1 - Understanding Equal Groups
Objective: Students will count equal groups. For example: Drawing a model of 2 x 8, using a model to determine an equation (there are 2 groups of 8, 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 =  16, 2 x 8 = 16).
Manipulatives: Counters
Game: Multiplication Flower or Sun. Please have scissors, glue, something to colour with and a piece of paper - this can be coloured paper.

Lesson 2 -  Donuts In A Box Task
Objective: Students will make equal groups to show multiplication equations.  For example: Using a number spinner to make several equations for the # of boxes and # of donuts per box.  Students will need to cut out donut images before class.  A paper clip is also needed for the spinner activity.
Manipulatives: Counters
Game: Multiplication x2 Flip It - Please have a deck of cards

Lesson 3 - Understanding Arrays
Objective: Students will use arrays to help solve multiplication questions.  For example: using pictures of books in a 3 by 4 array to solve a multiplication problem.
Manipulatives: Counters
Game: Multiplication Spinner - please have a paper clip

Counters - paper copy provided
Paper clip, deck of cards, scissors, glue, paper, something to colour with

Learning Goals:
Number sense fluency
Turn taking
Gain an understanding about multiplication
 Make multiplication models using arrays

Week of Dec. 18th
Focus: Division
Lesson 1 - How Many In Each Group?
Objective: Students will investigate division in finding the number of objects in each group. For example:  Jill had 12 chocolate bars and shared them equally with her 3 friends. How many chocolate bars did each friend get? Students will draw pictures into groups to represent division. 
Manipulatives: Counters
Game:  Divide by 2 Spinner (1)

Lesson 2 - Stars And Circles In Each Group
Objective: Students will use shape counters to show how many in each group. (Please have shape counters cut out before class).  For example: Divide 18 counters into 3 groups.
Manipulatives: Counters/Star Counters 
Game - Divide by 2 Flip It

Lesson 3 - How Many Groups?
Objective: Students will explore division as finding the number of equal groups. For example: Sam has 16 chocolate chip cookies.  He can only put 2 chocolate chip cookies in each bag. If he packs all the chocolate chip cookies, how many bags does he need? Draw a pictures to show your thinking.
Manipulatives: Counters
Game - Divide By 2 Spinner (2)

Counters - paper copy provided
Paper Clip
Deck Of Cards

Learning Goals:
Number sense fluency
Turn taking
Gain an understanding about division 
 Make division models using arrays

Week of Jan. 8th
Focus: Intro To Multi & Division
Lesson 1 - Relate Mult & Division Part 1
Lesson 2 - Relate Multi & Division Part 2
Lesson 3 - Fact Families

Week of Jan. 15
Focus: Multiplication Fact Fluency - Week Focus 2s, 5s & 10s and 0s & 1s times tables

Lesson 1 - Two Times Table
Objective: Students will explore the 2s times table. For example: using graph paper to solve 2 x 2 equation, completing 2s times table chart, what patterns do you notice?
Manipulatives: Tiles or counters
Game: Flip It x2 - Please have a deck of cards on hand

Lesson 2 - 5s And 10s Times Tables
Objective: Students will explore the 5s and 10s times tables. For example: using coins to skip count and write multiplication sentences. Please cut out paper coins before the start of class or bring some nickels and dimes.
Manipulatives: counters, coins or paper coins
Game: Spin x5, Roll x10 - Please have a paper clip on hand

Lesson 3 -  0s and 1s Times Tables
Objective: Students will understand and explore the 0s and 1s times tables. For example: Create a model/drawing and write the multiplication sentence.  Drawing 2 cupcakes multiplied by 1, 2 x 1 = 2. Investigating the difference between 4 x 1, 4 + 1.
Manipulatives: Counters
Game: Dice Battle - Please have a dice on hand
Tiles, counters, coins - paper copy provided

Learning Goals:
Number sense fluency
Turn taking
Multiplication Facts 0, 1, 2, 5 and 10s

Week of Jan. 22
Focus - Multiplication - 4s, 8s, and 3s times tables
Lesson 1 - 4s Times Tables
Objective: Students will investigate the 4s times tables. For example: connecting 4s facts to 2s facts.
Manipulatives: Counters or tiles
Game: Student Vs Teacher Multiplication by 4s Ninja Spinner Game - Please have a paper clip

Lesson 2 - 8s Times Tables
Objective: Students will investigate the 8s times table. For example: connecting 8s facts to 4s facts.
Manipulatives: Tiles or counters
Game:  Multiplication by 8 Flip It - Please have a deck of cards

Lesson 3 - 3s Times Tables
Objective: Students will investigate the 3s times tables.  For example: connecting 3s facts to 2s and 1s facts.
Manipulatives: Tiles or counters
Game: Triple Trouble 3 In A Row 3xs Game - Please have a dice on hand

Counters, tiles - paper copy provided

Learning Goals:
Number sense fluency
Turn taking
Multiplication Facts 4, 8 and 3s

Week of Jan. 29
Focus: Multiplication 6s, 7s, 9s times tables
Lesson 1 - 6s Times Tables
Objective: Students will investigate the 6s times tables.  For example: connecting the 6s facts to 5s and 1s facts.
Manipulatives: Tiles or counters
Game: Christmas Theme "Fortune Teller" 6 times tables

Lesson 2 - 7s Times Tables
Objective: Students will investigate the 7s times tables. For example: connecting 7s facts to 5s and 2s facts.
Manipulatives: Tiles or counters
Game: Multiplication Flip It 7s 

Lesson 3 - 9s Times Tables
Objective: Students will investigate subtracting a group to understand 9s times tables. For example: connecting the 9s facts to 10s facts, 9 x 3 is connected to 10 x 3 by subtracting 1 group from the 10s.
Manipulatives: Tiles or counters
Game: Christmas Theme Fortune Teller 9xs tables

Tiles, counters, coins - paper copy provided

Learning Goals:
Number sense fluency
Turn taking
Multiplication Facts 6, 7 and 9s

Week of Feb. 5
Focus: Multiplication - 11s, 12s and 10s times tables
Lesson 1 - 11s Times Tables
Objective: Students will investigate the 11s times tables.  For example: connecting 11s facts to 10s and 1s facts.
Manipulatives: Tiles or counters
Game: Multiplication Ninjas 11xs - Please have a paper clip

Lesson 2 - 12s Times Tables
Objective: Students will investigate the 12s times tables. For example: connecting 12s facts to 10s and 2s facts.
Manipulatives: Tiles or counters
Game: Holiday Theme Chatter Box 12xs - Please have scissors

Lesson 3 - Multiples of 10
Objective: Students will investigate multiplication one number by multiples of 10.  For example: solving 2 x 30 using base 10 blocks, tiles and/or drawings to show thinking.
Manipulatives: Tiles, Counters, Base 10 blocks
Game: Flip It 10xs - Please have a deck of cards.

Tiles, counters, base 10 blocks - paper copy provided

Week of Feb. 12
Focus Intro to Area
Lesson 1 - Area Using Square Tiles
Objective: Students investigate the area of rectangles 
using square tiles. For example: cutting out and placing squares on a given rectangle to find the area of the rectangle -  the area of the rectangle is ? square units. Counting the square on a rectangle to determine the area in square units.
Manipulatives: Tiles
Game: Most Area (Please have 2 dice)

Lesson 2 - Area In Squared Centimeters and Inches
Objective: Students will investigate the area of rectangles using square centimeters and square inches. For example: using dot paper to draw a rectangle of 8 squared centimeters.
Manipulatives: Tiles
Activity: Area Person - Using graph paper to draw a character and determine the squared units. Please have something to color with on hand.

Lesson 3 - Compare Area of Shapes
Objective: Students will make comparisons about the area of different rectangles. For example: find the rectangle with the lesser area, draw a rectangle with a greater area, make two rectangles with the same area.
Manipulatives: Tiles, ruler
Activity: Area Art - Using graph paper students will use his or her imagination to create a picture and determine the area.

Tiles - paper copy provided
Graph paper
Something to colour with

Learning Goals:
Number sense fluency
Turn taking
Addition/Multiplication practice
Investigate finding area by the number of square units

Week of Feb. 19th
Intro to Perimeter
Lesson 1: Perimeter of Rectangles
Objective: Students will investigate the perimeter of rectangles by counting units. For example: using centimeter dot paper to draw a rectangle with the perimeter of 12 centimeters and writing the math sentence - Perimeter = 12 centimeters.
Manipulatives: Tiles, ruler
Activity: Perimeter Person - Please have graph paper and something to colour with on hand.

Lesson 2: Perimeter Of Polygons
Objective: Students will investigate the perimeter of various polygons. For example: find the perimeter of a hexagon in inches by adding up all of the 2 dimension shape’s sides.
Activity: Polygon Perimeter Animal - Please have graph paper and something to colour with on hand.

Lesson 3 - Unknown Side
Objective: Students will investigate an unknown side and determine the perimeter. For example: students will be given the total perimeter of a 2 dimensional shape and determine the length of an unknown side in ft.
Manipulatives: Extra paper or white board.
Activity: Area and Perimeter Snowman - Please have graph paper and something to colour with on hand. 

Tiles - paper copy provided
Paper clip
Graph paper

Week of Feb. 26
Focus: Word Problems
Lesson 1 - Without Numbers Problems
Objective - Students investigate word problems with and without numbers. For example: Students will be given a numberless word problem. As we read the word problem students will be asking his or her self - What do I know? What am I trying to find out? What steps do I need to do to solve the problem? Then students will be given the same word problem with numbers to solve.
Manipulatives: Base 10 blocks, counters or extra paper to draw pictures on.
Game: Spin and Bump Addition - Please have a paper clip

Lesson 2 - Word Problems Using Letters
Objective: Students will investigate word problems with letters to represent numbers. For example: Students will be given a word problem with a missing number.  The word problems could have math sentences like - 10 x 6 = B, 10 + B =6, 10 - 6 = B.
Manipulatives: Base 10 blocks, counters, highlighter
Game: Spin 20- Please have a paper clip

Lesson 3 - One Step Word Problems Using Addition and Subtraction
Objective: Students will investigate addition and subtraction word problems using bar models. For example: Jack wants to buy a video game system for $399.  He has a $50 off coupon. How much will the video game system cost? What do I know? What am I trying to find out? What steps do I need to do to solve the problem? 
Manipulatives: Base 10 blocks, counters, highlighter
Game: Roll and Bump - Please have two dice

Base 10 blocks, counters - paper copy provided

Learning Goals:
Turn Taking
Practice addition and subtraction facts using word problems
Investigate word problems containing numbers and also no numbers 
Investigate word problems with letters to represent an unknown 
Investigate one word problems with bar models 

Week of March 4
Focus: Fractions

Lesson 1 - Partition Fractions
Objective: Learners will practice partitioning shapes into equal parts (halves, thirds, fourths, sixths and eighths). For example: determining if a shape (square, rectangle, triangle, circle) is divided into equal or unequal parts, dividing a square into halves to sixths, showing different ways to divide a square into fourths. 
Manipulatives: Extra copy of shapes to cut into parts or draw lines on.
Activity: Snowman Fraction: please have a piece of white paper, a piece of construction paper or coloured paper, something to colour with. 

Lesson 2 - Unit Fractions
Objective: Learners will practice counting and modeling unit fractions with fraction strips. For example: learners will use fractions strips to represent one-whole, halves, thirds, fourths, sixths and eighths.
Manipulatives: Fraction strips
Game: Fraction Bingo #1 - practice fractions from 1 to 1/10

Lesson 3 - Non - Unit Fractions
Objective: Learners will practice naming and modeling non-unit fractions. For example: Jill bought a pie. She cut it into 8 equal pieces.  She enjoyed eating 3 pieces of the pie. What fraction of the pie did she eat? Writing a fraction of a shaded part of a triangle, what is the denominator and what is the numerator?
Manipulatives: Fraction builder mat, tiles
Game: Fraction Bingo #2 - practice fractions from 1 to 1/10

Paper copy of shapes
Construction paper
Fraction Strips - paper copy provided
White paper

Learning Goals:
Turn taking
Drawing fractions
Dividing fractions into equal parts

Week of March 11
Focus: Fractions on number lines

Lesson  1 - Number Lines
Objective: Learners will practice dividing number lines into equal parts and placing different fractions on the number line. For example: dividing a fraction strip on a number line into 3 equal parts, placing a missing fraction on a number line.
Manipulatives: Fraction number line mat, Fraction bars
Game: Fraction BINGO

Lesson 2 - Placing Fractions On Number Lines
Objective: Learners will practice finding and placing fractions, less than 1, on a number line. For example: the mall is two sixths of a mile from Sam’s house. Draw where the mall would be on the given number line.
Activity: Name In Fractions: Please have a pencil and a piece of paper.

Lesson 3 - Placing Fractions On Number Lines Continued
Objective: Learners will practice finding and placing fractions, greater than 1, on a number line. For example: Each day, Frank walks to school. There is an Ice Cream Stand 2 miles away from his house.  How far does Frank walk to school? Students will use a given number line with information on it to help solve the problem.
Manipulatives: Fraction Number line, tiles
Activity: Fraction Number Line Art: please have a piece of white paper, something to colour with and a pencil.

White paper
Fraction number line mat, tiles - paper copy provided
Something to colour with 

Learning Goals:
Compare fractions
Placing Fractions on a number line

Week of March 18th
Focus: Equivalent Fractions
Lesson 1: Equivalent Fractions with models
Lesson 2: Equivalent Fractions on number lines
Lesson 3: Comparing Fractions with same denominator

Week of March 25
Focus: Geometry - Polygons
Lesson 1 - Polygon Sides
Objective: Learners will learn about the lines that make up a polygon.
For example:  using a given shape, identifying pairs of parallel sides.
Manipulatives: A highlighter or some bright coloured pencil/marker
Activity: Polygon Robot - Students will create their power Robot figure.  Please have scissors, glue, paper and something to colour with on hand.  Please note, students may require time outside of class to finish this activity.

Lesson 2 - Polygon Angles
Objective: Learners will investigate the angles inside various polygons.
For example: Identifying right, obtuse and acute angles, identifying the  number of right, obtuse and acute angles in a given polygon and finding square corners in various shapes.
Manipulatives: A highlighter or crayon
Geometric Art Activity: students will draw various lines on a triangle shape.  We will determine the types of angles.  Please have something to colour with on hand, a black marker and a ruler.

Lesson 3 - Sorting Polygons
Objective: Learners will sort polygons according to various attributes.
For example: sort a given set of shapes into categories such as less than 5 sides/exactly 5 sides, parallel sides/no parallel sides, determine which shape is a quadrilateral out of a given set of shapes explaining his or her thinking.
Manipulatives: highlighter or crayon
Activity: Genome-tree. Students will draw a tree and add polygons and quadrilaterals to it, including shape names.  Please have a piece of paper, a pencil and something to colour with on hand. 

Construction paper
White paper
Black marker
Something to colour with

Learning Goals:
Turn taking
Practice identifying attributes of polygons
Practice sorting and classifying polygons

Week of April 1
Focus: Geometry
Lesson 1: Trapezoids - Activity: Geometry City: please have paper, a pencil, a ruler and something to colour with on hand. We will be working on this for two classes. 
Lesson 2: Quadrilaterals - Activity: Geometry City: please have something to colour with
Lesson 3: Polygons Lines - Activity: Polygon lines roads: please have paper, a pencil, a ruler and something to colour with on hand. 

Week of April 8
Focus: Telling Time
Lesson 1 - Intro To Telling Time Build A Clock
Objective: Learners will practice telling time to the nearest minutes.
For example: learners will build a clock and practice telling time.
Manipulative: Time Mat
Game: Time To 5 Minutes BINGO

Lesson 2 - Time To The Minute
Objective: Learners will investigate telling time to the minute using an analog clock. 
Manipulatives: Elapsed Time Mat - A
Game: Telling Time Monster Game

Lesson 3 - Elapsed Time
Objective: Learners will practice elapsed time using an analog clock.
Manipulatives: Time Number Line Mat
Game: BINGO To The Nearest Minute

Time mat, elapsed time mat, number line mat - paper copy provided
Learning Goals:
Turn taking
Practice telling time to the minute and elapsed time
Practice skip counting

Week of April 15th
Focus: Time
Lesson 1 - Intro To Telling Time On A Number Line
Game: Telling Time Monster Puzzle
Lesson 2 - Elapsed Time On A Number Line Part 1
Telling Time to Minute BINGO
Lesson 3 - Elapsed Time On A Number Line Part 2
Game: Telling Time to the Minute BINGO

Week Of April 22
Focus: Time
Lesson 1 - Unknown End Time
Game: 4 In A Row
Lesson 2 - Unknown Start Time
Game: Race Through Time
Lesson 3 - Review of telling time and extra games
We will play both games again

Week of April 29th
Focus - Measurement
Lesson 1 - Grams
Objective: Learners will create a kilogram using grams.
For example: as a class we will use an object (such as cheerios) to make 100g and place in a ziplock bag. This will be a benchmark.  We will repeat this 10 times. Learners will make connections on 1000g is equal to 1 kilogram.  Learners will determine which object is the heaviest/lightest on multiple choice questions between grams and kilograms.
Manipulatives: Paper clip, large book
Game: Gram or Kilogram - please cut out circles before the start of class. Students will hold up the circle that has Gram or Kilogram to give their answer to the question. 

Lesson 2 - Metric Units
Objective: Learners will practice estimating and measuring objects with metric units.
For example: As a class, learners will estimate the weight of various objects using kilograms and then measure the weight in kilograms.  Then repeated with grams. 
Manipulatives:  paperclip, large book
Game: Mystery Package - please have your bag ready to go.  Place an object(s) that would weigh a gram in your bag.  Remember to not tell anyone what it is.  Students will give the class clues about their object in the bag.  Students will guess what their classmate has in the bag that could weigh a gram.

Lesson 3 - Customary Units
Objectives: Learners will investigate the mass of items by using ounces, pounds, tons.
For example: Learners will practice determining which form of measurement would be the best to measure the weight of a dog (ounces, pounds, tons). Learners will match pictures to a weight in ounces, pounds or tons.

Small plastic bags
Paper Towel rolls
Paper bag

Learning Goals:
Turn taking
Practice measurement using standard units of grams, kilograms.
Practice measuring using ounces, pounds and tons.

Week of May 6
Focus: Graphing Bar Graphs
Lesson 1 - Tally Charts
Objective: Learners will practice organizing data in a tally chart.
For example: Learners will practice recording tally marks for a given set of data. Learners will answer questions about the data. 
Manipulative: Highlighter or crayon
Game: Roll & Tally - Please have a dice

Lesson 2 - Bar Graphs
Objective: Learners will practice reading and interpreting bar 
For example: Learners will answer questions about a given bar graph: what number goes between 0 and 2 on the scale, which colour is the most/least popular, how many students voted all together?
Manipulatives: Highlighter or crayon, ruler
Activity: Roll & Color - Please have a dice and something to color with

Lesson 3 - Bar Graphs Continued
Objective: Learners will practice creating bar graphs.
For example: Learners will create 2 different bar graphs from a given set of data - one horizontal bar graph and one vertical bar graph. Students will answer questions about graphs.
Manipulatives: highlighter or crayon, ruler
Activity: Graph The Sum - Please have 2 dice on hand


Learning Goals:
Turn taking
Practice gathering data and creating tally charts
Practice making scales for graphs
Practice creating bar graphs from a given set of data 
Practice interpreting graphs by answering questions

Week of May 13- Picture Graphs and Line Plots

Lesson 1- Picture Graphs
Objective: Learners will practice reading and interpreting picture graphs.
For example: Learners will answer questions on given data of a picture graph: How many clothing stores were there in the mall? What was the most/least popular piece of clothing? 
Manipulatives: highlighter or crayon, anchor chart, ruler
Activity: Picture Graph "Board" Game - please print out and bring counters

Lesson 2 - More Picture Graph Fun!
Objective: Learners will create picture graphs.
For example: Learners will create a picture graph from a given set of data.  Learners will create a "key" that will be the scale size.
Manipulatives: highlighter or crayon, anchor chart, ruler
Activity: Class picture graph on birthdays.  Please have construction paper, plain paper, a ruler, pencil and something to colour with on hand.

Lesson 3 - Measure Length - Practice on using ruler to measure inches in preparation for Line Plot Graphs
Game: Ruler Bingo - please print out and bring counters

Week of May 20
Lesson 1 - Line Plot Graph
Objective: Learners will create line plots
For example: Students will measure a drawing of several size pencils with various lengths, record the date in the table and then create a line plot.
Manipulatives: highlighter or crayon, anchor chart, ruler
Game: Spin & Plot
Lesson 2 - Solve Graph Problems - Game: 3 In A Row
Lesson 3 - Graphing Review and game

Learning Goals:
Turn taking
Practice gathering data 
Practice making scales for graphs
Practice creating picture graphs from a given set of data 
Practicing creating line plots from a given set of data
Practice interpreting graphs by answering questions

Graphing paper
Plain paper
Construction paper
Something to colour with
Candy or cereal


Please see the class listing for specific goals for each class.
Learners will learn grade 3 level math skills


Please note that learners may be using scissors in class. Throughout the year some of our games may be done with using Kahoot.
Please see class description for detailed list.
Please have a pencil, eraser, paper and/or white board on hand
Learners will need to print out all resources before the start of each class
参加しました June, 2020
Star Educator
米国以外 教員免許 初等教育で
学士号 Mount Saint Vincent University から 教育 へ
Hello, my name is Ms. Colleen.  I am a certified licensed elementary school teacher.  I have been a classroom teacher for over 12 years in Nova Scotia, Canada. Throughout my teaching career, I have taught students from primary to grade 8 and look forward to bring my teaching knowledge to the online classroom.  I also have experience teaching ESL lessons on an online setting. 

Teaching young children is my passion! I choose engaging and meaningful activities to help support life long learning.  I strive to produce a positive and encouraging class environment where learners will want to participate, helping to support learners in achieving their academic goals. 

I have a Bachelor of Education Degree and a Child and Youth Degree both from Mount Saint Vincent University.  I also hold a Child and Youth Worker Diploma and an Early Childhood Education Diploma both from the Institute For Human Services Education. I also have received my Outschool ACE certification.

I have been a volunteer with Big Brothers Big Sisters, being a big sister to a grade 5 child. I have been a swimming instructor teaching children from the infant age to adults. In my spare time, I enjoy playing the piano, reading, hiking and having fun with my small dog Belle. 
I can not wait to help support your child's literacy and math skills.  See you in the classroom. - Ms. Colleen Taylor




毎週 ( $15クラスごとに )
35 分

7 人がクラスを受けました
年齢: 7-11
クラス人数: 4 人-4 人

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