
映画トーク&トリビア - ホーム・アローン 1 & 2

この一回限りのミーティングでは、これまでで一番人気の映画 2 本とそのシーンについて話し合い、最後には映画に関するスキルをテストする楽しいクイズも行います。
Lance Davis B.S. Criminal Justice


1 ライブミーティング
30 分 授業時間


英語レベル - 不明
米国の学年 8 - 11
Do you love the Home Alone movies with Kevin, Marv, & Harry? I sure do, and I would like to get together and talk about this movie with you. In this class, we will discuss the following: Movie Scenes, How the thieves got away with so much, and more. At the end of the class, we will have a fun quiz on Kahoot to test your observations and knowledge about the movie. If you have watched this movie several times like I have and would like to interact with others that have an interest about this movie, then come join in on the fun as we talk about the Home Alone movies!


  • Kahoot
参加しました June, 2020
学士号 Liberty Universityから
Hello everyone, my name is Lance Davis and my students call me “Mr. D”. I am happily married and have 3-boys including a set of twins. I have an Associate of Applied Science degree along with a Bachelor of Science degree both in Criminal Justice that I received from Liberty University. 

I was a full-time police officer for eighteen years until I decided to pursue my 2nd career of teaching, which I have done the last 8-years now. I didn't go very far from law enforcement as I am still certified and working as the School Resource Officer in the same building as I teach in. 

I have several passions other than teaching, which are: (1) Sports ⚾️ 🏈 🏀 and collecting Sports Cards since I was 11-years old, (2) Educating students and adults on financial issues (I received certification as a Certified Financial Master Coach through Ramsey Solutions) and (3) Being outdoors and enjoying family time on our farm.
 I have some parents ask me my teaching style and the best way I can explain it is this, I love to be thorough and make sure my students understand what I teach them, I also add humor in my teaching, which in turn almost always gets a positive reaction from my students. 

I don’t mean to offend anyone but a couple of my strict policies on Outschool is this: If you sign up for one of my classes and then fail to attend with no warning, or even let me know before class or just after the class, I have a NO REFUND POLICY, so please don't ask to transfer your students to another class 2-weeks later because you forgot or there was an emergency and you just thought about messaging me now. The same goes if you attend any part of my class, then I will not issue a refund because you were there and always have the option to watch the recording. If you aren't going to make it to class and need to transfer to another time, message me and let me know at least 8-hours before class starts and we will work something out. I have been burned too many times before with false excuses and this is time I set aside for a particular class. If you miss a class you signed up for, you are welcome to pay for that class once again, and attend. I really don’t mean for this to sound stern, but unfortunately, for a few, I have to be.

I am blessed to be able to enjoy both of the careers I set out to do at an early age and my hope for you in considering my classes is to learn and enjoy my classes as much as I love to teach them. Thank you for considering one or more of the variety of classes I have to choose from, and as always, if you ever have questions, please feel free to ask. See you in the Classroom :)

To view all of my classes, go to this link: https://outschool.com/?couponCode=LanceDa20 

Thank you and I look forward to meeting you in the Classroom.
Lance Davis





30 分
年齢: 10-15
クラス人数: 2 人-10 人

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