
マネーマスターズ ティーン向け金融リテラシー実践スキルキャンプ (レベル 1)

Adam Scott, MAT and RPG Club
Rising Star
個人財務について学びましょう。財務の健全性に関連する収入、貯蓄、保護、投資、借入について学びます。80 ページ以上のオプションのスキル演習が含まれます。億万長者のビジネスオーナーであり教師でもある Adam Scott が指導します。


英語レベル - 不明
米国の学年 8 - 11
Beginner レベル向け
5 lessons//1 Week
 Week 1
Lesson 1
Budgeting and Earning
This class builds a basic understanding of the importance of budgeting, the importance of cashflow, and understanding income vs. expenses.
Lesson 2
Saving and Investing
This class develops the concept of savings as it relates to building a financial foundation. We will learn strategies and approaches for saving money, as well as how savings relates to the ability to invest. We will connect the importance of earning money directly to the ability to save (you can't save if you don't earn).
Lesson 3
Spending Habits
This class evaluates the spending habits of consumers and builds an understanding of the difference between needs and wants. We learn how behavior relates to our spending decisions.
Lesson 4
Insurance, Loans, Taxes
This class builds an understanding of how insurance and borrowing money impact our financial health, as well as learning about income tax basics. We will learn both the positives and negatives of leveraging these choices.
Lesson 5
Financial Investments (Stock Market)
We conclude the course with a focus on financial investing, putting all our knowledge into action by "putting our money to work" through investing in financial assets (things that pay us for owning them).
このクラスは 英語で教えられます。
  • Students will be able to recognize and complete basic applications of the the five aspects of financial literacy: earning, savings, budgeting, protecting, and investing.
The head teacher of RPG Club Academy, Adam Scott, is a licensed, career classroom teacher who has taught AP Economics, Personal Finance, and Business for over 15 years. He is also a business owner and tech entrepreneur.
授業以外に週あたり 4+ 時間の学習が期待されます
頻度: Available upon request
フィードバック: Available upon request
詳細: Students will be provided with skills practice packets each session which they can complete with their family. These activities are optional. The instructor is happy to answer questions via the classroom regarding these exercises.
Certificate of Completion
頻度: Available upon request
詳細: A certificate of completion is available on request, listing the hours of study and the key learning goals of the session.
Students should be comfortable with decimals, percentages, and basic math operations. If they've got that covered, they're good to go! 
We will discuss real world matters involving money, markets, and finance. The key to being a successful business person is understanding how to read real world events without the interference of one's personal ideology. We will discuss this idea in class. 
We will use live stock quotes and financial data from real world companies. We will watch video clips from educational videos to reach all learning styles. 
参加しました May, 2020
Rising Star
学士号 Oregon State Universityから
Adam Scott, MAT
修士号 University of Phoenixから 教育 へ
Mr. Wright
修士号 Lewis and Clark Graduate School of Educationから 教育 へ
Adam Scott, MAT
Arizona 教員免許 中等教育で
Mr. Wright
Georgia 教員免許 科学で
Ms. Holly
Georgia 教員免許 英語/国語で
Mr. Keith, M.A.
Ohio 教員免許 社会科・歴史で
Adam Scott, MAT
Illinois 教員免許
Mr. John
Hi there, I'm Adam Scott, RPG Club's head teacher and veteran classroom educator. RPG Club started as just me teaching kids on Outschool while I taught full time during the day. First it was D&D, then grew into Financial Literacy, Philosophy,... 


5 クラス分
週に5回、 1 週間
55 分

79 人がクラスを受けました
年齢: 12-17
クラス人数: 4 人-15 人

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