1 ライブミーティング
40 分 授業時間この文章は自動翻訳されています
英語レベル - 不明
米国の学年 2 - 5
This Minecraft themed class will practice multiplication facts 1-13 with playing cards. We do not play Minecraft in this class. Students will use the playing cards to practice multiplication skills 1-13 with the instructor. After some practice for about 5-7 minutes, we will take a break and talk about or take quiz on Minecraft. These classes are for beginners, review, or advancement. We will be disciplined as we can practice math skills and meet new students who also like Minecraft. Our target goal will be to perform at 80% or higher when multiplying two playing cards. Multiplying is essential to understand all aspects of algebra. Times tables are all around us with money, cooking, and sharing. Practicing multiplication is critical to developing skills in algebra. Also, when one practices, other critical thinking skills are improved. Multiplying is the one of the foundation pieces of problem solving skills. It is really just a really quick way of adding. Believe me, one must have a strategy to get this foundation piece for math. Using the transitive property - facts to reach a logical connection or comparison - developing skills in multiplication will help with developing problem solving skills other content areas of your life. One really must know the times tables as it is crucial for factoring in advanced algebra. This is a live experience for any age students working toward multiplication table mastery. Students will interact with the teacher through the entry level skill of multiplying whole numbers with two drawn cards. Multiplication is also known as a product. With these cards, we will then multiply positive and negative whole numbers as color card black is positive, and color card red is negative. In accounting, when a company ledger is positive, it is known as "in the black." When a company ledger is negative, it is known as "in the red." This class will introduce these concepts for financial education later in life. Classes will begin with students taking turns on a Minecraft quiz. Next, we will warm-up with multiplication skills 1-5 on the playing cards. The next step will be to multiply numbers 1-5 by numbers 6-10. This will give me data to determine the skill level of the student. From there, I will accommodate to each student's skill level. And practice we will! Practice sessions during class will be about 5 to 7 minutes. During this time, I will work with the student on the appropriate multiplication skill level. As a personal instructor, I get to know the student then work with them for retention and growth. I will break down multiplication and give some tips on how to create pathways of multiplication in the mind. Patiently I work with each student, giving them the skill level multiplication and then reaching for the next level. Enrolled students can then leverage those practice skills on their own. Each class session is a performance and the performance target is to get 8/10 or more correct. This will serve as a way to track their performance in each level. With practice, the performance target will be reached. Extension activities will be provided for students to complete after class. We will determine in class, together, which multiplication skills need to be worked on. Extension activities will be optional, yet encouraged. This class offers strategies for being self-directed. One can create a mini deck, non-class time, and practice for the performance target.
Performance Target 8/10 or higher correct.
Not an official Minecraft product. Not approved or associated with Mojang.
Aloha From Hawaii - From my family to yours.
Mr. Colvin here. I am a career developmental high school math teacher. Have been a teacher here on the Big Island of Hawaii, Kona side, for the last 15 plus years. I value learning algebra skills as a means to solve other problems. Cannot wait to meet new people and learn.
40 分
28 人がクラスを受けました
年齢: 7-11
クラス人数: 3 人-6 人