

航空気象学者およびアリゾナ州の STEM 認定教師としての教師の経験に基づいて、これらの概念の実際の使用に重点を置いた物理科学コース。
Michael P. Bielas
Star Educator


15 ライブミーティング
12 時間 30 分 授業時間
While no formal written or graded assessments will be provided, there will be ample opportunities throughout the course for verbal questioning, quizzes, and discussion to determine if the student understands and retains the course's information.


英語レベル - 不明
Beginner レベル向け
This course will focus on Middle School Physical Science concepts with an emphasis on real-life usage of these concepts based on the teacher’s experience as an Aviation Meteorologist and as a STEM-certified Arizona teacher. The core material is based on the textbook, Physical Science 12th Edition by Bill W. Tillery (no purchase necessary) and supplemented by PowerPoint slides, and real-life examples. The focus will be on physical science concepts and not high-level math. Only basic math is needed in this course. The students will experience middle school physical science topics with personal interaction and engagement. All the concepts will be discussed based on application, with emphasis on meteorology, aviation, and some military applications. This will enhance student learning so that they can apply the concepts, retain the learning, and continue to build on the concepts going into high school.

The learning in this course is designed to drive student inquiry, and students will have multiple opportunities to interact with the teacher. Engagement is not just encouraged; it is a crucial part of the learning process. It enhances student learning and makes the material come alive. Additionally, the course goal is to help introduce students to the real-life usage of these physical concepts and encourage exploring science-related career fields, especially in meteorology, aviation, or other fields of scientific study.

The first 5 minutes- Welcoming of students. Learners are welcome to ask questions and clarify their understanding of the previous class. This will help solidify and continue to build on learning the concepts discussed in class. 

For the next 40 minutes, the teacher will share concepts from the textbook and use PowerPoint Slides presentations or short, relevant videos to learn and explore the concepts with real-world examples. Students are encouraged to discuss and ask questions to make the class more interactive. 

In the last 5 minutes, students will share their learning with the class, review the topic, discuss it, and ask relevant and essential questions. Additionally, a short in-class verbal quiz may be used to help review the material learned that day as an evaluation tool to determine how the students retain the material.
The goal is to introduce the students to basic concepts in physical science in an engaging environment and illustrate real-world applications of these concepts throughout the course. This course will explore heat transfer, meteorological concepts, light, electricity, and magnetism.


15 レッスン
15 週間以上
レッスン 1:
Motion, Speed, and Acceleration
 Describe motion changes in speed over time and understand the difference between speed, velocity, and acceleration. 
50 分のオンラインライブレッスン
レッスン 2:
Horizontal Motion and Falling Objects
 Understanding the concepts of friction, inertia, and how objects fall and an introduction to gravity. 
50 分のオンラインライブレッスン
レッスン 3:
Three Laws of Motion
 Looking at Newton's three Laws of Motion and defining the concepts with examples and how these laws apply to real-life situations. 
50 分のオンラインライブレッスン
レッスン 4:
Circular Motion Forces
 Understanding the concepts of circular motion includes the concepts of centripetal force, centrifugal force, gravity, pressure gradient force, and coriolis force, as well as how these forces apply to gradient winds in the atmosphere. 
50 分のオンラインライブレッスン


Occasional You Tube videos may be used in class. No need to obtain a seperate account or login outside of class. All videos will be viewed in class.
  • Youtube
Physical Science 12th Edition by Bill W. Tillery
参加しました September, 2017
Star Educator
アリゾナ 教員免許 科学で
The teacher is a state-certified STEM teacher.




毎週または$270 15 クラス分
週に1回、 15 週間
50 分

年齢: 11-15
クラス人数: 2 人-9 人

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