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Microsoft Word 2日間キャンプ

Emily Culbertson | Italian Teacher & Italian Tutor
Microsoft Word 2019 の使い方の基本を学ぶ


このクラスは Englishで教えられます。
To learn the basics of Microsoft Word 
Using technology is embedding into our society and having the tools to understand how to confidently use it is important for self-confidence, school, daily use, and the workplace. I have experience in using Microsoft Windows 10 laptops and PCs, HP and Lenovo, and Apple. I have used Word, PowerPoint, and video maker to enhance celebrations (birthday videos) and become teaching and school tools (PowerPoints with fun transitions to click once the answers have been guessed & Word to create matching worksheets, reports, and flyers). Using Wix, I have created websites for individuals and small businesses. However, just having these tools available on a computer isn't truly helpful: knowing how to confidently use a computer and applications allow people of all ages to believe in themselves more. And that is my goal.
Homework is optional. Homework will be to try what has been taught.
授業以外に週あたり 0 - 1 時間の学習が期待されます
It would be good for your student to have Microsoft Word on a computer/laptop to practice at home themselves what was learnt in class. However, homework is optional so if you do not have those applications, no worries.

Want to use Microsoft Word but don't have it? A few options:
1. FREE- if you have a Gmail/Google account, you have Google Sheets. They are slightly different (fewer features) but very similar.
2. Paid version-- under $200 https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-365/buy/compare-all-microsoft-365-products?tab=1
3. One month free trial: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-365/try
Students will be suggested to use a third party tool called Microsoft Word which can be bought (or Google Docs for a free option that is very similar).

Want to use Microsoft Word but don't have it? A few options:
1. FREE- if you have a Gmail/Google account, you have Google Sheets. They are slightly different (fewer features) but very similar.
2. Paid version-- under $200 https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-365/buy/compare-all-microsoft-365-products?tab=1
3. One month free trial: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-365/try
Hello, I'm Emily (or in Italiano, Ciao, Sono Emilia)!

→ A Bit About Me:
    I was born in England and currently live in the United States. I went to a Christian private school when I was younger and then did homeschooling until college. In May... 


2 クラス分
週に2回、 1 週間
30 分

14 人がクラスを受けました
年齢: 10-15
クラス人数: 3 人-10 人

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