
マイクロ習慣: 小さなステップで大きな改善を実現 (10~15 歳)

Bill Whitehead, M.Ed.
Star Educator


4 録画レッスン
4 週間


You determine the pace!  This is a 4-class self-paced offering for 10-15 year-olds introducing the concept of micro habits--small, easily accomplished tasks that become routine and result in greater organization and productivity both personally and academically.  This course is meant to not only help students establish an effective routine, but also let them see that big goals are not impossible to achieve, they simply require smaller, manageable steps over a sustained period of time.  

For each class, students will view the content video with a specific focus and can then submit any questions via classroom messaging--while asynchronous, I will be available throughout the week to answer any questions within a timely manner.  Since most of the videos exceed the size limit available for upload to Outschool, I am posting them on a private YouTube channel made only for my classes, and then each video will be embedded within the classroom--at no point will students leave the Outschool learning platform.

I am on Eastern Standard Time, which doesn't matter as much with this being a self-paced class, but am most available from 7:00am - 8:00pm (EST) for correspondence.  I will offer staggered sections so you can enroll during a period that works best for you!

Material will be presented via a prerecorded video with a supplemental handout of what is covered; students will be encouraged to ask questions, offer observations, and any suggestions via messaging in the "classroom", which will be addressed in a return message or additional video!


4 レッスン
4 週間以上
レッスン 1:
Class 1
 Introduction and overview of micro habits; Time management 
レッスン 2:
Class 2
 Micro habits and your personal life; Establishing a routine 
レッスン 3:
Class 3
 Micro habits and academics; Daily school habits vs. long term projects 
レッスン 4:
Class 4
 Goal setting; Bringing it all together 


  • Youtube
参加しました October, 2021
Star Educator
マサチューセッツ州 教員免許 英語/国語で
Hello!  My name is Bill and I offer a wide variety of courses that either reinforce the skills found in a traditional English/Humanities class such as writing and public speaking, or fall into more of the "miscellaneous" category, such as basic life skills required to be independent--like creating and maintaining a budget, basic cooking, etc.  I balance out my practical courses (such as "how to interview") with fun offerings meant to reinforce traditional concepts (learning how to start your own business through "Ghostbusters").  In a nutshell, I want to encourage young people to explore and be excited by learning, not simply with the core subjects taught in school, but by everything life has to offer.  Be an active participant; be curious; push yourself--and you'll see how rewarding it is to try something new.

I have my Master's degree in Education and Bachelor's degree in English Literature; I have been teaching since 2008 and have worked with kids of all ages (including my three kids at home).   I believe students learn best when they are treated with respect and engage them at their age level--they shouldn't be talked "down" to and treated younger than they are, but there also needs to be expectations they must meet to demonstrate maturity in thinking and behavior; kids won't learn to be responsible if they aren't given responsibility and the chance to prove themselves.  I work best by interacting in a fun & casual manner; I love to joke with the kids and am lighthearted with my approach as long as everyone is respectful and doing the work (it's pretty simple!).

I am excited to be working with new students from new places and different backgrounds--having a course where people are together across states (and even countries) helps create a sense of a truly connected world--a world where we feel a bit safer knowing we all ultimately want the same thing in life and can help each other make it happen.  I also am excited to use the opportunity to learn new things right along with the kids; I love the idea of running a course where everyone, myself included, determines a new skill or hobby they want to learn, creates a plan, and then makes it happen!  Young people need to see adults humble themselves and say, "hey, I don't know something, but I want to!"

I look forward to working with you and hope you're excited by the courses I will be offering--check back often for any new classes!

-If you're taking a class with me for the first time, use code WHITEQQFYN10 to receive $10 off any one of my offerings.





4 録画済みレッスン
4 間の講師サポート
コンテンツへの 1 年間のアクセス
3 人がクラスを受けました
年齢: 10-13

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