
数学的思考 2A: シンガポールの数学カリキュラム (ディメンションズ セメスター 1)

このコースでは、生徒はシンガポール数学カリキュラム (Dimensions Math) のレベル 2A の教材を進めながら数学的に考えることを学び、問題解決、暗算、数学の概念に関するスキルを身につけます。
Kim Musolff


36 ライブミーティング
24 授業時間
週あたり 1-2 時間. Homework will be assigned each week. We will cover a lot in class, however students will still need to practice math at home. I will post the homework assignments on the classroom page at the beginning of each week. Parents can grade the homework at home. We will have a short time during each class to review troubling problems, but will not review all the pages.
Students will be assessed through discussions, homework, and games. Upon request I will provide a written evaluation for your student at the end of the semester.


英語レベル - A2
米国の学年 1 - 3
Beginner レベル向け
I believe success in math depends on a child's ability to not only understand numerical concepts, but to be able to apply those strategies to problems by using mathematical thinking.  My approach in this class is to give students the tools they need to be able to solve problems, and then allow them to experiment, fail, and try again until they get the answer.  Throughout the year, we work on developing strategies, understanding relationships, and building confidence.  As I tell my students, there is always one right answer in math, but there is not just one way to get there.  

This class uses Dimensions Math, a Singapore Math curriculum.  Singapore Math is a mastery-based approach to math, where students progress from concrete examples (real life), to pictures, and finally apply their knowledge to the abstract, using numbers and algorithms.  Students do a lot of hands-on work, as well as, mental math.  Instead of mimicking procedures, they learn how to think mathematically and apply what they know to solve problems.  

I specialize in personalized learning, and I try to meet the needs of each and every student in my class.  This class size is small--I max at 4 students--so each child has a chance to participate often, gain confidence, and so that I can give every student the attention they need.  Because the class is structured this way, it is very important that students are at the right math level. It's perfectly okay if you enroll your child in the wrong level at first.  (Sometimes it's easier to tell where a child fits in, just by having them play games in a few classes!) However, be aware that I may suggest moving them up or down a level once I get to know them.  

If you'd like more help placing your child, please see the prerequisites below, or reach out to me with any questions.   

This class is for students working in Level 2A (roughly 2nd grade) in the Dimensions (or other Singapore) curriculum.  Class time consists of instruction of the material, as well as time to practice through games and other activities.  The general format is as follows, though I do change things based on the topic we are covering and the needs of the students.  Often games have many "teachable moments" where instruction is integrated.   

5-10 minutes:  Instruction in math or in the game we are playing
20 minutes:  Game play or activity
5-10 minutes:  Review of the workbook pages

Students are expected to be working on math outside of class.  At the beginning of each week I post workbook pages from the Dimensions 2A workbook.  These pages are highly recommended, as they offer additional practice and are scaffolded to help students develop better mathematical thinking.  We DO NOT go over every problem in the workbook pages, however, I do reserve about 10 minutes at the end of each class to review the pages or answer specific questions students may have.  

This class begins the week of July 29, 2024 and ends the week of January 6, 2025.  Level 2B follows this class and will begin the week of January 13, 2025.

Singapore Math is structured a little bit differently than other math programs.  In order to succeed in this level 2A class, your child should know the following skills: 

-Adding and subtracting within 100 (without regrouping)
-Fluency in addition & subtraction math facts

If you're not sure about what level is best for your child, you can get a placement test here: https://www.singaporemath.com/placement-tests/


By the end of the semester, students will know the following:
-Adding and Subtracting 2-digit numbers with regrouping
-Mulitiplication/Division concepts
-Measuring length and weight


Singapore Dimensions Math カリキュラムに準拠
7 ユニット
36 レッスン
18 週間以上
ユニット 1: Chapter 1: Numbers to 1,000
レッスン 1:
Tens and Ones
 Students are introduced to place value cards and 3 different ways to represent 2-digit numbers.  They play a bingo game to practice. 
40 分のオンラインライブレッスン
レッスン 2:
Two-Digit Numbers
 Students play a game to see who can make the greatest or least number.  They also play a bingo game to practice representing numbers. 
40 分のオンラインライブレッスン
レッスン 3:
Hundreds, Tens, and Ones
 Students are introduced to the hundreds place, and play a bingo game to represent 3-digit numbers in three different ways. 
40 分のオンラインライブレッスン
レッスン 4:
Three-Digit Numbers
 Students play the Greatest or Least game, as well as Place Value Bingo. 
40 分のオンラインライブレッスン


Students entering this class at the beginning should know how to add and subtract both mentally and by using the algorithm. If either of these are not strong, they WILL get more practice in this course, but they should have been exposed.
Exact materials and pdf print-outs will be supplied each week in the Classroom.  For now, students should have the following materials:

-Place value blocks, (available here for about $25): https://www.amazon.com/BRABURG-Base-Ten-Blocks-Set/dp/B08JLYL5M5
-10-sided dice (available here for about $10): https://www.amazon.com/ThinkFun-Fun-Teaches-Mental-Skills/dp/B0007LYKX0
-Connecting Cubes (available here for $13): https://www.amazon.com/Didax-Educational-Resources-Unifix-Cubes/dp/B00TP1UA00
-Dimensions 2A workbook (available here for $14):  https://www.singaporemath.com/collections/dimensions-math-pk-5/products/dimensions-math-workbook-2a?variant=40979857277117
Dimensions Math: https://www.singaporemath.com/programs/dimensions-pk-5/
参加しました April, 2020
コロラド 教員免許 初等教育で
I am a Colorado-certified teacher who has been teaching math to young children for over 25 years.  I have been teaching on Outschool for over 4 years. My expertise is in personalized learning, where I try hard to meet all the needs of all my students in every class.  





週に2回、 18 週間
40 分
14 人がクラスを受けました
年齢: 6-8
クラス人数: 2 人-4 人

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