
数学サマーキャンプ 6年生

これから始まる 6 年生の数学を自信を持って克服する準備はできていますか? 6 年生の数学で優秀な成績を収めるために必要なスキルと戦略を身に付けるために設計された、包括的な 9 日間の数学復習コースに参加してください。
BIlly Edward Bush B.A, M.Ed.
Rising Star


9 ライブミーティング
9 授業時間
週あたり 1-2 時間. Practice homework worksheets will be provided.
Students will be given a summative assessment assignment at the end of the three week period. The assessment is designed to reinforce the concept of what was being taught in 7th grade Math by focusing on the key standards in preparation for state testing.


英語レベル - A2
米国の学年 5 - 6
Beginner - Advanced レベル向け
This summer review class does have formal/summative assessments, please reach out to me if you'd like a paper version of any assessment or end-of-course exams. Make sure to check out my more thorough Full-Year math class which runs year-round, including evening times, for homeschool students or students who would like homework help in a small group setting.

Week 1:       Number Sense
                     Order of Operations without exponents, Exponents, Least Common Multiple, Prime 
                     Factorization,Greatest Common Factor

Week 2:       Ratios
                     Intro Ratios, Equivalent Ratios, Ratio Tables 

Week 3:       Percents
                     Intro to Percents, Percents as Decimals, Finding Percentages, 	

Listed below are some of the questions that you may ask during this lesson and what they need to master. The questions I will ask will depend on the students' responses. My focus in this part of the lesson is to have students make sense of what is happening in any given Math problem. Students will come up with a variety of answers. Some example questions I could ask include:

1) What is an exponent?
2) What are ratios?
3) What is the Greatest Common Factor of two or more numbers?
4) What is PEMDAS?
5) What is 40% of 34?
Students will use such things as 
1) Problem-Solving Skills: Develop students' ability to apply mathematical concepts to solve a variety of problems, including word problems and real-world scenarios typically found on state tests.
2) Concept Mastery: Ensure students have a solid understanding of key mathematical concepts and principles tested on the state exam, such as algebraic equations, geometric shapes and properties, statistical analysis, and numerical operations.


Teacher-Created カリキュラムに準拠
Common Core State Standards (CCSS) に準拠
9 レッスン
3 週間以上
レッスン 1:
Order of Operations without exponents
 What is the correct order of operations to follow when solving a math problem without exponents? 
60 分のオンラインライブレッスン
レッスン 2:
Exponents, Order of Operations with Exponents
 Compare and contrast the order of operations when there are no exponents involved versus when there are exponents. 
60 分のオンラインライブレッスン
レッスン 3:
Least Common Multiple, Prime Factorization, Greatest Common Factor
 Compare and contrast least common multiple and greatest common factor. Investigate how prime factorization can help in finding the least common multiple of numbers. 
60 分のオンラインライブレッスン
レッスン 4:
Intro to Ratios
 What is a ratio? Formulate a real-world scenario where ratios play a crucial role and explain its significance. 
60 分のオンラインライブレッスン


Since we use Google Slides, a Google Account is required but is free to obtain. Students can be guided to get their own but a parent or guardian can use their Google Account if it is preferred.
1. Basic Arithmetic 2) Understanding of Fractions and Decimals 3) Understanding of Ratios and Proportions 4) Understanding of Percentages 5) Knowledge of Integers 6) Basic Algebraic Concepts 7) Geometry Fundamentals
For this lesson, the following materials are needed
    Graph Paper (regular paper would do we well)
    Colored Pencil
参加しました March, 2020
Rising Star
カリフォルニア 教員免許 初等教育で
カリフォルニア 教員免許 数学で
修士号 Claremont Graduate Universityから 教育 へ
I am a California certified teacher with multiple degrees and certifications  (B.A., M.Ed, Ed.D in Educational leadership, and ESOL) who has taught Middle school and Upper Elementary school for 20 years and I have been teaching mathematics to homeschoolers from grades k-14, both in-person and online for over 6 years.  I always wanted to be a teacher, and I am living the dream!  Also, I cater to students who struggle with or do not care for math. I say this because Algebra is critically important because it is often viewed as a gatekeeper to higher-level mathematics and it's a required course for virtually every postsecondary school program.  I have 6 basic reasons why I think offering this class is so important.  

1) Algebra is Faster And Better Than “Basic” Math
Just as multiplying two by twelve is faster than counting to 24 or adding 2 twelve times, algebra helps us solve problems more quickly and easily than we could otherwise. Algebra also opens up whole new areas of life problems, such as graphing curves that cannot be solved with only foundational math skills.

2) Algebra is Necessary to Master Statistics and Calculus

While learning one kind of math to learn more kinds of math may not be an immediately satisfying concept, statistics and calculus are used by many people in their jobs. For example, on my other side job as a research person for a local non-profit organization, I use statistics every day. I help departments identify ways to measure their success. In general, statistics are used in certain jobs within businesses, the media, health and wellness, politics, social sciences, and many other fields. Understanding statistics makes us wiser consumers of information and better employees and citizens.

Calculus helps us describe many complex processes, such as how the speed of an object changes over time. Scientists and engineers use calculus in research and in designing new technology, medical treatments, and consumer products. Learning calculus is a must for anyone interested in pursuing a career in science, medicine, computer modeling, or engineering.

3) Algebra May Be a Job Skill Later

A student may be confident they are not going into any career needing statistics or calculus, but many people change jobs and entire careers multiple times in their working life. Possessing a firm knowledge and understanding of algebra will make career-related changes smoother.

4) Algebra Can Be Useful in Life Outside of the Workplace

I have found algebra helpful in making financial decisions. For example, I use algebra every year to pick a health care plan for my family using two-variable equations to find the break-even point for each option. I have used it in choosing cell phone plans. I even used it when custom-ordering bookshelves for our home. 

5) Algebra Reinforces Logical Thinking

I would not use algebra as the only means of teaching logic. There are more direct and effective means of doing so, but it is a nice side-benefit that the two subject areas reinforce one another.

6) Algebra is Beautiful

The beauty of algebra is an optional benefit because one has to truly choose to enjoy it, but algebra provides us with a basic language to describe so many types of real-world phenomena from gravity to the population growth of rabbits. That five letters can be used to describe how an entire category of matter, namely ideal gases, behaves is amazing and beautiful in its simplicity.

There is also a beauty when we start with a complex-looking problem and combine and simplify over and over until we have one value for each variable. The process can be enjoyable and the result immensely satisfying.

Algebra is an important life skill worth understanding well. It moves us beyond basic math and prepares us for statistics and calculus. It is useful for many jobs some of which a student may enter as a second career. Algebra is useful around the house and in analyzing information in the news. It also reinforces logical thinking and is beautiful.

So, keep an open mind about why we learn algebra and look for ways to share its applications with students. Dispel the stigma that it is a boring list of rules and procedures to memorize. Instead, consider algebra as a gateway to exploring the world around us. Those are our top reasons why we learn algebra, and there are plenty more. 




毎週または$279 9 クラス分
週に3回、 3 週間
60 分

269 人がクラスを受けました
年齢: 10-12
クラス人数: 1 人-4 人

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