
数学キャンプ - 海の底!10までの足し算と引き算の計算ファミリー

この 1 週間の数学キャンプでは、生徒は 0 から 10 までの数字を使った加算と減算の計算法と、それらの計算法が計算ファミリーによってどのように「関連」しているかを学びます。生徒は、1 つの計算法を知っていると、実際には 4 つの計算法を知っていることになることを理解します。
Christine Harkness, PhD


5 ライブミーティング
2 時間 5 分 授業時間
週1時間. Students will be offered supplemental materials after each class to help them practice the concepts taught that day. Activities will include warm ups, specific repetition, exploration, and application of concepts from multiple perspectives (for example, 10-frames, three sided puzzles, missing number, counting on, and matching digits with words).


英語レベル - 不明
米国の学年 Pre-Kindergarten - 1
Beginner - Intermediate レベル向け
Day 1:
Define Fact Family
Practice examples of fact families
Context: How are addition and subtraction related

Day 2:
Extend Fact Family to all digits 0-10
Practice examples of fact families
Context: Use models to represent fact families

Day 3:
Fact Families use of models and digits to represent fact families
Addition and Subtraction are related operations

Day 4:
Expand our thinking-Show fact families with domino models and number number bond mats

Day 5:  Use word problems to represent fact families with complementary and supplementary examples. 

In this one-week math camp, students will learn that a fact family is made-up of three numbers and typically four related facts. They will learn to demonstrate and use the relationship of one number bond 3 + 5 = 8) in order to make three more number bonds (ex. 5 + 3 = 8, 8/3 = 5, and 8/5 = 3). Understanding the idea of a fact family leads to more complex mathematical thinking. It is a foundational skill for many other math concepts.

Understanding fact families is empowering. Students will learn that if they know one addition or subtraction fact they actually know four facts. Fact families are an efficient way to learn facts that help your student build confidence, accuracy, and speed.
My teaching style is to blend explicit instruction with exploratory, Montessori-style type activities with extension activities for those that are ready to move forward. We will also complete error analysis, which is a risk-free way for students to look for errors and notice a general pattern of types of mathematical errors. The content will build Monday through Friday.
We will focus on concepts beyond memorizing simple addition and subtraction facts. While memorizing math facts helps a student to improve their math fluency, the ability to solve problems quickly and accurately, fact families help students to understand the relationship between and among numbers which supports students through early math concepts and into algebra.
Understanding fact families also helps students to become flexible thinkers. Fact families support students to realize there is almost always more than one way to solve a problem. When students understand that adding and subtracting, multiplying and dividing are opposites, or inverse relationships, they can choose how they want to figure out the answer. Students are encouraged to think about their thinking, using metacognitive skills. This then becomes a strategy for approaching many other types of mathematical thinking. For example, when they understand that 3 + 5 = 8 they also understand that 8 - 3 = 5.

Students will learn to understand the Commutative Property of Addition, which means that order of numbers in addition does not matter. Using the previous example 3 + 5 = 8 and 5 + 3 = 8. Students will practice the Commutative Property which states, “the order of numbers can be changed when they are added or multiplied and the answer will stay the same.” This is a critical concept in algebraic thinking!

Most importantly, we will have fun! Using an under the sea theme gives us lots of different activity ideas for connecting mathematical concepts with a very fun theme that many children enjoy.
Students will be able to:
~Define "Fact Family"
~Increase math fluency with addition and subtraction facts up to 10
~Improve accuracy with addition and subtraction facts up to 10
~Understand how addition and subtraction are related
~Think more flexibly about number sense and basic math concepts
~Learn strategies for approaching a variety of math concepts/solutions


5 レッスン
1 週間以上
レッスン 1:
What is a Fact Family?
 Day 1:

Define Fact Family
Look at examples with manipulatives
Practice examples of fact families with digits 0-3
Context: How are adding and subtracting related to each other? 
25 分のオンラインライブレッスン
レッスン 2:
Fact Families with Digits 4-6, Turn Around Facts
 Day 2:

Warm Up-What fact is missing from the Fact Family
Review the definition of Fact Family
Introduce language-"Turn Around Facts"
Model Fact Families with digits 4-6
Context: Which fact shows (ex. Y + Y + P) with manipulatives 
25 分のオンラインライブレッスン
レッスン 3:
Fact Families with Digits 7-10, Flip Flop Facts
 Day 3:

Warm Up-Make the number 5 in four different ways (ex. 1 + 4, 2 + 3, 6 - 1, 8 - 3)
Introduce language-"Flip Flop Facts"
Model Fact Families with all numbers up to and including 10
Sea Creature Theme
Context: Use number line and tally marks 
25 分のオンラインライブレッスン
レッスン 4:
Fact Families in Many Forms
 Day 4:

Warm Up-What sign is missing from this fact?
Think about Fact Families in a different way:
~Find the missing number
~Make a Fact Family with dominos
~Fact Family Triangle
~Word problems-adding and subtracting
Introduce language-"Number Bonds" 
25 分のオンラインライブレッスン


This class is designed for students who are just beginning to learn about number sense, those who want to review and reinforce skills they already have in a fun way, and every learner in between.
Students will need to be able to recognize the digits 0 through 10 and have one to one correspondence.
All required materials will be provided by the instructor. However, additional materials that would enhance learning include manipulatives like counting disks (typically red on one side and yellow on the other), dominos, and any type of object that can be counted like colored bears, Unifix cubes, Legos, etc...
参加しました July, 2020
Children are born curious.  It is a teacher's job to harness that curiosity through meaningful sets of exploratory and scaffolded experiences. That is when we all have the most fun and learning is rich.

I have been a brick and mortar teacher for more than 28 years.  I teach special education and have worked with children ages 3 through 20 years old.  I have a PhD. in Infant and Early Childhood Development.  But most importantly, I love to make learning fun, especially math!




5 クラス分
週に5回、 1 週間
25 分

年齢: 4-7
クラス人数: 4 人-12 人

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