
マリオカート8: ウィークリーソーシャルゲームクラブ

Miss Tatiana's Daydream Academy: Gaming Clubs
Star Educator
人気のホームスクール & アフタースクール ソーシャル クラブに参加して、世界中の友達と交流しましょう。10 代前半と 10 代の子供たちは、楽しみながら遊び、交流し、世界中の友情を育みます。ミス タチアナの受賞歴のあるゲーム クラブに今すぐ参加しましょう。


米国の学年 7 - 10
Beginner - Advanced レベル向け
Daydream Academy's Mario Kart 8 Club is designed to seamlessly amalgamate the worlds of education and play. Our learning goals leverage the interactive and engaging nature of Mario Kart to foster a variety of skills among tweens and teens. Our learning goals include: 

🔴 Strategic Thinking and Planning: Learners will develop their ability to think ahead, plan strategic moves, and make quick decisions based on the dynamics of each race, enhancing their problem-solving skills.

🟢 Hand-Eye Coordination and Reflexes: The fast-paced nature of Mario Kart will help improve learners' hand-eye coordination and reflexes, as they navigate through various tracks and obstacles.

🔵 Teamwork and Collaboration: By participating in team races and competitions, learners will enhance their ability to work effectively with others, communicate strategies, and support team objectives.

🟡 Competitive and Cooperative Gameplay: Learners will engage in both competitive and cooperative gameplay, fostering a balance between healthy competition and collaborative team play.

🟣 Digital Literacy: Navigating through the game, understanding its mechanics, and utilizing gaming strategies will boost learners' digital literacy and familiarity with interactive technology.

🟠 Cultural Awareness: Interacting with players from around the world, learners will gain exposure to different cultures and perspectives, promoting global awareness and understanding.

🔴 Emotional Resilience: The club will teach learners how to handle winning and losing gracefully, developing emotional resilience and sportsmanship in a competitive environment.

🟢 Creativity and Expression: Customizing karts, choosing characters, and selecting tracks allow learners to express their creativity and personal preferences within the game.

🔵 Social Skills: Engaging in discussions, sharing tips, and celebrating achievements with peers will enhance learners' social skills and build a sense of community.

🟡 Goal Setting: Setting and achieving goals, whether personal bests or competitive wins, will teach learners the importance of setting objectives and working towards them diligently.

These learning goals are designed to ensure that participation in our Mario Kart Club is not only fun and engaging but also educational, providing learners with valuable skills and knowledge that will benefit them beyond the gaming environment.
🔴 Nintendo Switch console
🟢 Mario Kart 8 Deluxe game
🔵 Nintendo Switch Online membership to be able to play online
Star Educator
✨ Welcome to Daydream Academy ✨

🎉 We invite you to join our award-winning classes where fun, learning, and imagination come together to offer a unique gaming experience for children around the world. 

📚 We're passionate about providing a safe,... 


45 分

11 人がクラスを受けました
Ages: 10-15
クラス人数: 3 人-8 人

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