
文学に基づく言語芸術: ノンフィクション執筆における中心的考え方

この 2 週間の厳しい文学コースでは、学生は手紙や自伝的物語を含む 3 つの異なる短いノンフィクション テキストを精読し、著者が同様の中心的アイデアをどのように展開しているかを理解します。
Malikai Bass M.A


6 ライブミーティング
5 授業時間
週あたり 1-2 時間. Between classes students will be asked to read and respond to excerpts. Students will have time in class for the final project but will need to work on it outside of class as well.
Students will have regular informal assessment through in-class writing as well as the take-home assessment of our final project.
Students will have regular informal assessment through in-class writing as well as the take-home assessment of our final project.


英語レベル - B2+
米国の学年 9 - 10
Advanced レベル向け
This is the third course in a year long rotation designed to support twice exceptional learners in developing high school level English Language Arts skills.  Texts chosen are available on platforms with dyslexia-friendly options including audiobooks and a variety of writing supports and accommodations are available. Texts are chosen at challenging lexile levels but with age appropriate content and to provide new perspectives unlike books students might self-select.  Scaffolding is provided for new or non-literal language. The course is taught by a neurodivergent educator.
In this unit, students will engage in close reading of three different short nonfiction texts to identify the central theme, techniques the authors use to develop those central themes, and compare themes throughout the texts.
CCRA.R.9 Analyze how two or more texts address similar themes or topics in order to build knowledge or to compare the approaches the authors take.
RL.9-10.2 Determine a theme or central idea of a text and analyze in detail its development
over the course of the text, including how it emerges and is shaped and refined by
specific details; provide an objective summary of the text.


Teacher-Created カリキュラムに準拠
Common Core State Standards (CCSS) に準拠
6 レッスン
2 週間以上
レッスン 1:
How do authors develop central ideas in non-fiction texts?
 We will launch our unit by introducing our central question, class goals, and our first text "Letter One" from "Letters to a Young Poet" by Rilke. We'll do a shared reading of the text and then dive into annotating and close reading the opening with a focus on vocabulary and complete a quick write. For homework, students will do some independent research on the life of the author, close read the middle of the text, and do some independent writing. 
50 分のオンラインライブレッスン
レッスン 2:
What is the central idea in “Letter One”?
 We will do a shared close reading and annotation session of the end of the text followed by a group discussion centering on the central ideas and how they are developed within the text and a closing quick write. For homework, students will write a short essay responding to a prompt about the impact of word choice on the central idea in Rilke's letter. 
50 分のオンラインライブレッスン
レッスン 3:
What are characters like in non-fiction narratives?
 We will share our homework essays, and then jump into our next text "Hangman" a chapter from Black Swan Green. We will focus on how the elements of a story like characters and settings are developed within this non-fiction piece as well as bring along previous focus on word choice. For homework, students will revise essays based on feedback. 
50 分のオンラインライブレッスン
レッスン 4:
How do relationships between characters impact central ideas?
 We will continue our group close reading of Hangman, stopping for several discussion periods focused on the development of characters and the use of personification in the piece. We will close with a quick write. For homework: students will begin an independent close read of "Solarium" another chapter form Black Swan Green. 
50 分のオンラインライブレッスン


This course is designed and taught by a 2E educator to include 2e and ND students - careful font selections - graphic organizers - transcripts of video content - lined writing spaces - ability to dictate written work if needed
We will use Nearpod. Students must click a link to join but no personal information other than first name is collected.
Learners should be able to read and analyze texts at an early high school level. Learners should be able to write a multi-paragraph essay.
参加しました April, 2021
I have been involved in classical literature and mythological study since I was a small child. I have always loved looking back into the past and using it as a mirror to examine today's ideas both as a benchmark for progress and an inspiration for further improvement. 
I began reading at the age of three and have averaged multiple books a week since.  I have a honor's in discipline in English from East Tennessee State University where my focus was on middle grades and young adult literature. I was a peer tutor for four years teaching college level English including preparing students to take the GRE for an additional two years. I have been teaching online book clubs for two years online and last year my average student who took standardized pre-post tests (The NWEA MAP Growth exam) improved their reading placement by two grade levels.  
I completed my undergraduate thesis on the subject of middle grades literature and won local and state wide awards including having the honor of presenting at a statewide conference for outstanding undergraduate research. 
Relevant Coursework: 
Read 3100 Teach Read for K-6. This course is exceptionally relevant to this course as it provided a foundation in the science of reading approach which provides explicit, direct, and accurate phonics based instruction to support all readers. This is utilized in this course despite the difference in age ranges through optional spelling activities to support learners who may have lagging skills in reading and spelling. 
Read 3200: Teaching Writing and Language Arts. This course provided frameworks and strategies for teaching writing in motivating ways to students and for understanding the development pathways of writing and language arts. 
Eng 3118: Honor's Lit Focus. In this focus I explored representations of American History, focusing on the complex history of  California, through a variety of literature for adolescents. This class also modeled engaging ways of teaching literature for this age group and dealing with complex subject matter. 
English 4077: Literature For Adolescents This class focused on the teaching, critical analysis, and exploration of literature for middle school students. It explored methods of education and dealing with complex subject matter as well as strategies for evaluating texts both academically and developmentally. 




毎週または$96 6 クラス分
週に3回、 2 週間
50 分

5 人がクラスを受けました
年齢: 11-14
クラス人数: 2 人-6 人

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