
書こう: 継続的英語ライティングコース - ソニックアドベンチャー (5~7 歳)

この英語ライティング コースでは、文法、語彙、スペル、構造に重点を置き、毎週さまざまなジャンルのライティングを行います。学習者は毎週、ライティング タスクを完了し、フィードバックのために提出します。ESL 対応。
Let's Go Learning


1 ライブミーティング
週あたりの授業時間数 35 分


Do you love English? In this Ongoing Class, learners will explore a range of Writing genres in a fun and interactive way. This course aims to provide meaningful learning experiences for young writers.

Each class will include a range of teaching methods and activities that are designed to engage the learners in both a hands-on and minds-on way. Classes will include discussions, Q&A, quizzes, games, worksheets, songs, videos and much more.  Learners will be encouraged to write, revise and share what they write. A variety of methods are used to support learners and cater for different learning styles and needs. 

Sonic Formal Writing

Week beginning 26/8/24: Writing a Discussion Essay on Sonic Game Mechanics and Legacy
Week beginning 2/9/24: Creating Clear Instructions for Speedrunning Your Sonic Levels
Week beginning 9/9/24: Writing an Explanation of Sonic's Abilities and Power-ups
Week beginning 16/9/24: Crafting a Report on Your Sonic Achievements and High Scores
Week beginning 23/9/24: Recounting Your Adventures in Sonic: A Personal Recollection
Week beginning 30/9/24: Writing a Letter of Application to Join a Sonic Fan Club or Community

Sonic Brilliant Books

Week beginning 7/10/24: Writing a Book Review of Sonic Guidebooks or Novels
Week beginning 14/10/24: Creating a Formal Report on the History and Impact of Sonic
Week beginning 21/10/24: Crafting Newspaper Articles About Sonic News and Updates
Week beginning 28/10/24: Designing Advertisements and Brochures for Sonic Merchandise or Events
Week beginning 4/11/24: Crafting Instruction Manuals for Mastering Sonic Levels and Boss Fights
Week beginning 11/11/24: Writing a Biography of Sonic's Creator or Voice Actor

Sonic Fabulous Fiction

Week beginning 18/11/24: Creating Your Sonic Avatar: Appearance, Abilities, and Personality
Week beginning 25/11/24: Describing Your Sonic Setting: Zones, Environments, and Landmarks
Week beginning 2/12/24: Writing a Fairy Tale Set in Sonic's Universe
Week beginning 9/12/24: Crafting an Adventure Story: Saving Mobius from Dr. Robotnik's Evil Plans
Week beginning 16/12/24: Writing a Scary Story: Exploring Haunted Zones and Abandoned Ruins in Sonic's World
Week beginning 23/12/24: Writing a Science Fiction Story: Sonic's Encounter with Alien Invaders or Time Travel

Sonic Persuasive Language

Week beginning 30/12/24: Writing a Persuasive Letter to Sonic Developers: Suggesting Game Features or Improvements
Week beginning 6/1/25: Designing Persuasive Posters to Promote Sonic Games or Merchandise
Week beginning 13/1/25: Crafting a Persuasive Essay: Why Sonic is the Greatest Video Game Franchise
Week beginning 20/1/25: Writing a Sonic Theme Song: Rallying Fans and Celebrating Sonic's Legacy
Week beginning 27/1/25: Delivering a Speech: Advocating for Sonic's Inclusion in Gaming Events and Competitions
Week beginning 3/2/25: Penning a Love Letter to Your Favorite Sonic Character or Zone

Sonic Adventures

Week beginning 10/2/25: Designing Your Own Sonic the Hedgehog Level: Layout, Obstacles, and Power-ups
Week beginning 17/2/25: Using Sonic Screenshots to Write Stories about Your Level Design
Week beginning 24/2/25: Writing in Your Own Words: Describe Your Sonic Level Concept
Week beginning 3/3/25: Describing Sonic's Journey Through Your Level: Speed, Challenges, and Exploration
Week beginning 10/3/25: Creating Suspense in Your Sonic Level: Adding Enemies and Traps
Week beginning 17/3/25: Writing about Problems Encountered While Developing Your Sonic Level

Sonic Social Communication

Week beginning 24/3/25: Crafting an Email to Invite Friends to Play Your Sonic Level
Week beginning 31/3/25: Writing a Note to Share Tips and Strategies with Other Sonic Players
Week beginning 7/4/25: Penning a Letter to a Sonic Fan About Your Favorite Sonic Adventures
Week beginning 14/4/25: Writing Invitations for a Sonic Speedrun Competition or Race
Week beginning 21/4/25: Sharing Your Sonic Journey in an Autobiographical Essay
Week beginning 28/4/25: Recording Your Daily Sonic Adventures in a Diary Entry

Sonic Poems and Plays

Week beginning 5/5/25: Composing Free Verse Poems Inspired by Sonic's Speed and Adventures
Week beginning 12/5/25: Using Rhyme Schemes to Create Sonic-themed Poems
Week beginning 19/5/25: Writing Narrative Poems About Sonic's Quests and Challenges
Week beginning 26/5/25: Crafting Acrostic Poems Using Sonic-related Words
Week beginning 2/6/25: Writing a Script for a Sonic Theater Production
Week beginning 9/6/25: Planning a Debate: Sonic vs. Other Iconic Video Game Characters


参加しました August, 2020
オレゴン 教員免許 初等教育で
Teacher Cheyanne BS BA CT TEFL
米国以外 教員免許 中等教育で
Teacher Fabien - OCT BPHED BED
博士号 University of New Mexicoから 生物学/生物科学 へ
Teacher Kim, Ph.D.
修士号 Erasmus University of Rotterdamから
Teacher Shellan BA MA TESOL
学士号 University of New Mexicoから 生物学/生物科学 へ
Teacher Kim, Ph.D.
学士号 University of New Mexicoから 化学 へ
Teacher Kim, Ph.D.
学士号 Cardiff University から
Teacher Sapphire, BSc Econ CELTA
学士号 Rhodes Universityから 科学 へ
Teacher Ellen, BSc., TEFL.
学士号 Oregon State Universityから 科学 へ
Teacher Cheyanne BS BA CT TEFL
学士号 Oregon State Universityから 歴史 へ
Teacher Cheyanne BS BA CT TEFL
学士号 Western Kentucky Universityから 初等教育 へ
Teacher Kara BEEd TEFL TESOL
学士号 Millersville Universityから
Teacher Kayla BA TEFL
学士号 University of California, Davisから
Teacher Shellan BA MA TESOL
学士号 Mississippi State Universityから 心理学 へ
Teacher Emma MEd TEFL
学士号 University of Central Floridaから
Teacher Kassie BS TEFL TESOL
We are a team of qualified and experienced teachers with a wealth of experience across a range of ages and subjects. Most of our teachers are also TEFL/TESL qualified. You can find out more about each teacher in our profile. We are all passionate about teaching and learning and seeing our learners succeed. We look forward to meeting you in class soon.




35 分

年齢: 5-7
クラス人数: 1 人-6 人

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