12 ライブミーティング
6 授業時間宿題:
週1時間. There will not be any homework.テスト
Informal assessmentこの文章は自動翻訳されています
英語レベル - 不明
米国の学年 Pre-Kindergarten - 1
The class uses the curriculum from Neuhaus Education Center, Reading Readiness Skills and is structured in five parts: Letter Recognition Phonological Awareness Oral Language Multi-sensory Letter Introduction Handwriting Skills are taught explicitly and are the basics for a child to learn to read independently. Students use plastic letters to understand the alphabet. They manipulate sentences and words to build their phonological awareness. Vocabulary is strengthened through oral language activities, and multi-sensory strategies are used to learn correct formation of letters to refine handwriting. This class is engaging to young learners through hands-on multi-sensory activities. This research based approach teaches kids the prerequisite literacy skills to master reading. This is phase I of an established approach that has proven results. They will be moving through the process over the course of the semester and should register for phase II following completion. Day 1- Matching the Letter Cards; Just say Part; Naming Categories; i=(i) voiced; sky write, trace with finger, trace with pencil Day 2- Intro. Letter Names; Word Chairs; More Naming; t=(t) clipped, unvoiced; sky write, trace with finger, trace with pencil Day 3- Counting and Matching the Letters of the alphabet; Same/Different; Describing (two or three actual objects or pictures); p=(p) clipped, unvoiced; sky write, trace with finger, trace with pencil Day 4- Letter Names; Matching Same Cards; Things to think about; n=(n) continuant, voiced; sky write, trace with finger, trace with pencil Day 5- Singing the Alphabet; Same or different; Critical thinking; s=(s) continuant, unvoiced; sky write, trace with finger, trace with pencil Day 6- Letter Sequencing; Listening for same or different; Odd one out; a=(a) voiced; sky write, trace with finger, trace with pencil
Students will build prerequisite literacy skills needed to be a successful reader.
Students will need to have printouts sent by teacher to parents prior to 1st class and uppercase plastic letters. You can find these letters on Amazon for $22.93 Link to Amazon https://a.co/d/bKZTBX6
クラス登録時に 2 の学習素材が提供されます
A few print outs will be required to be made by parents prior to class and students will need plastic letters to use.
We will be building the ABC's every class meeting.
I have attached a link to amazon where these can be purchased.
毎週週に2回、 6 週間
30 分
1 人がクラスを受けました
年齢: 4-7
クラス人数: 3 人-6 人