
読んでみよう: AからZまでのミステリー

この継続的な読書クラブでは、学習者は毎週 AZ Mysteries の本を読み、フォニックス、流暢さ、理解力、語彙、スペリングなどを養います。私たちと一緒に冒険に出かけましょう。ESL フレンドリーです。
Let's Go Learning


1 ライブミーティング
週あたりの授業時間数 30 分


In this ongoing book club, learners will read a A-Z Mysteries book each week developing their phonics, fluency, comprehension, vocabulary, spelling and much more! Come on adventures with us. ESL Friendly.

This is an English Reading Book Club for students who are developing their love of reading, writing, thinking and sharing their ideas. This class is aimed at readers to broaden their vocabulary, improve recognition of words, develop phonics and handwriting too.

Learners will develop their reading fluency, comprehension skills including knowledge of phonics, vocabulary, guessing meaning of words from context, sharing ideas and developing communication skills.

Which books will be covered?

🔹 Week Beginning 8/7/2024 - The Empty Envelope (1998)
🔹 Week Beginning 15/7/2024 - The Falcon's Feathers
🔹Week Beginning 22/7/2024 - The Absent Author (1997)
🔹Week Beginning 29/7/2024 - The Bald Bandit (1997)
🔹Week Beginning 5/8/2024 - The Canary Caper (1998)
🔹Week Beginning 12/8/2024 - The Deadly Dungeon (1998)

Dragon Masters can be read in any order so learners can join at any point. When we get to the end of the cycle, we will return to the beginning. 

Each week will include vocabulary, comprehension and input. Learners will be encouraged to share their ideas in a variety of ways in class. There will be interactive activities connected with each book each week.

Please do contact us with any questions. We look forward to being part of your learning journey!


The books are required for this class. Students may use e-books, hardcopy and paperbacks, or audiobooks to read and comprehend the text.
参加しました August, 2020
オレゴン 教員免許 初等教育で
Teacher Cheyanne BS BA CT TEFL
米国以外 教員免許 中等教育で
Teacher Fabien - OCT BPHED BED
博士号 University of New Mexicoから 生物学/生物科学 へ
Teacher Kim, Ph.D.
修士号 Erasmus University of Rotterdamから
Teacher Shellan BA MA TESOL
学士号 Benemerita y Centenaria Escuela Normal del Estado de San Luis Potosiから 教育 へ
Teacher Francisco Flores BA BA TEFL
学士号 University of New Mexicoから 化学 へ
Teacher Kim, Ph.D.
学士号 University of New Mexicoから 生物学/生物科学 へ
Teacher Kim, Ph.D.
学士号 Cardiff University から
Teacher Sapphire, BSc Econ CELTA
学士号 Rhodes Universityから 科学 へ
Teacher Ellen, BSc., TEFL.
学士号 Oregon State Universityから 科学 へ
Teacher Cheyanne BS BA CT TEFL
学士号 Oregon State Universityから 歴史 へ
Teacher Cheyanne BS BA CT TEFL
学士号 Western Kentucky Universityから 初等教育 へ
Teacher Kara BEEd TEFL TESOL
学士号 Millersville Universityから
Teacher Kayla BA TEFL
学士号 University of California, Davisから
Teacher Shellan BA MA TESOL
学士号 Mississippi State Universityから 心理学 へ
Teacher Emma MEd TEFL
学士号 University of Waterlooから 英語 へ
Teacher Stacy BA TESOL
学士号 University of Central Floridaから
Teacher Kassie BS TEFL TESOL

It's Back to School Season! 
Try your first class for FREE with code HELENBACKTOSCHOOL15

Our mission is to provide a stimulating environment that supports lifelong learning. We believe that every student can achieve clear and focused learning objectives, regardless of their preferred learning style. That's why we implement a variety of methods in our classes to aid visual, auditory, reading/writing, and kinaesthetic learning.

We strive to create an interactive and engaging learning experience, where students can learn with real-world purpose, through discussion and reflection. At the same time, we believe in nurturing their individual interests and allowing them to take control of their own learning experience by encouraging autonomy and self-discovery.

We're passionate about seeing each student develop their talents and gifts through exploration, and we're committed to creating a supportive learning community that will help them achieve their full potential.

✨ Our Teachers ✨

We have a range of teachers working together to offer a broader range of courses. 

🔹Teacher Baron holds a master's degree in Theology and is passionate about learning and discovery through logical perception. With a goal in teaching to help students learn enough to teach themselves, Baron aims to spark the joy of discovery within each individual. A fun fact is that he also likes to cook Delicious recipes.

🔹Teacher Callum is an English teacher from London who has been working with international students of all ages for the past 4 years. He acquired his bachelor's degree in business management several years ago and continued his educational pathway into teaching, gaining his TEFL and CELTA qualifications and teaching English as a foreign language around Europe. He is a very keen sportsman and if he’s not playing sports, he usually watches it! He has a total of 4 animals in his house so chaos has become a vital ingredient of his day-to-day life.

🔹Teacher Cheyanne is a licensed teacher from the state of Oregon. She holds a Bachelor of Arts in History and a Bachelor of Science in Sustainability. She has her TEFL certificate and taught writing skills to English learners for many years. Outside of English and writing, she taught 8th-grade science, and outdoor school and has previously written for a newspaper. She is an advanced scuba diver and enjoys making YouTube videos in her spare time.

🔹Teacher Claire is an experienced ESL teacher with over 3 years experience. She achieved her BA degree from The Open University, UK, where she studied Children’s Literature, Creative Writing, and Music. She has a passion for teaching children ESL and completed her TEFL qualification. She has helped her students pass Cambridge exams, IELTS and get into some of the best schools in their cities. She absolutely loves to teach and thinks a classroom should always be full of fun! She is also a singer-songwriter. She can sing, play piano and play violin! 

🔹Teacher Ellen has been in education for five years starting her career as an ESL Teacher in China. She is also an experienced TEFL teacher and is currently completing her MA in Education. Teacher Ellen received her bachelor's degree in Environmental Science from Rhodes University. Since then, she has offered private tutoring, taught online, as well as taught in an international kindergarten. Teacher Ellen has 3 years of experience and 5 years of TEFL-centered class experience. She is passionate and resourceful, patient, kind and funny. She does not give up and believes students learn best through their interests and their passions. 

🔹Teacher Emma has earned a Master's Degree in Education, with a focus on English Language and Literature, as well as a Bachelor's in Psychology. She has taught in Busan, South Korea for one year at Busan International Middle School, a language specialty school. There, she taught middle schoolers of various language abilities how to read and respond to novels, both in free discussions and essay formats. Before working in Busan, Emma taught online for over a year while receiving a TEFL certification and a teaching certificate from her state in the U.S. Her goal in teaching is to give her students the tools they need to succeed in their language goals! In her free time, she loves reading, writing, listening to music, and traveling!

🔹Teacher Fabien is an OCT-certified high school math, science, and computer science teacher with over 7 years of experience teaching in Ontario. He works at a French language high school, where he's known for making complex subjects fun and easy to understand. Fabien also coaches an award-winning competitive robotics team. When he's not in the classroom, Fabien loves camping with his two dogs, Dakota and Gus. 

🔹Teacher Heather is a "think outside the box" type of teacher! She believes that all children learn differently, so she meets them at their own level and learning style. She was a Pre-K/Kindergarten teacher for 6 years and taught ESL online for 5 years. Teacher Heather has a B.A. in Psychology with a Minor in Child Development. She also strongly feels that children can grow a love for learning by the way they are taught. Fun, animated, and silly explains her best! Teacher Heather and her family live full-time in an RV and travel the country. 

🔹Teacher Jamie is from the United Kingdom. She has been in education for twenty years starting her career as a youth worker. She is also an experienced IB teacher. She is passionate and resourceful, patient, kind and caring. She does not give up and believes in every student’s unique potential.

🔹 Teacher Jennifer lives in the United States and has been a teacher online for over 7 years! Her favourite part of teaching is interacting with learners and encouraging their curiosity. She holds a BS in Biology and a TESOL certification. In addition to working in high schools and middle schools, she has worked in afterschool and camp programs, social services, and community outreach for over 20 years. Currently, she homeschools both of her children. In her classes, she incorporates learner interests, allowing them to better understand difficult concepts. In her free time, she enjoys outdoor activities, crafting, dog training and spending time with her family. 

🔹Teacher John is from Canada and has a Bachelor of Theology and 120 hour TESOL certification. He is also in the process of completing a Master of Counselling. He has been teaching ESL classes for almost 4 years to children from the ages 4-15 years old. He loves engaging and investing in the younger generation, knowing that the knowledge they gain in their early years can propel them forward into their future, opening many doors of opportunities. His classes are fun and interactive. He always loves seeing his students smile when they learn something new. He also speaks Portuguese fluently as his second language. In his free time he enjoys spending time with his wife and three kids as well as playing and watching sports. 

🔹Teacher Kara received her degree in Elementary Education from Western Kentucky University. Since then, she has taught in public schools, offered private tutoring, taught online, as well as homeschooled her three children. Teacher Kara has over 15 years of experience and over 5 years of TEFL centered class experience. She has had the privilege to tutor over 8,000 children from all over the world. She's been the lead teacher in over 10,000 online classes with a wide variety of subjects and learning styles. 

🔹Teacher Kassie have been teaching online for over four years, with experience in ESL and Socratic-method-based teaching in Astra Nova School, Synthesis. Her passion for enriching future generations fuels her aspirations in education. She earned her Bachelor’s at the University of Central Florida, and she is a homeschool parent of two. Her aim is to make sure that her classes are instructive, enjoyable and enriching.  

🔹Teacher Kayla is from Philadelphia, in the United States. She has a bachelor's degree from Millersville University and has been teaching English for almost two years. She believes that student engagement is key when it comes to learning new material. She always ensures that her lessons are interactive and fun to promote a learning environment that will lead to long term success!

🔹Teacher Kenny likes taking learning "outside the classroom,” giving real world examples of what is being taught! He is fun and energetic, and he enjoys giving students the chance to explore their own knowledge in order to gain greater understanding. He has 6 years of teaching and volunteer work with children ages 3-14 and is also experienced in TEFL. Teacher Kenny spent his early adult years jumping out of airplanes! 

🔹Teacher Kim is a postdoctoral fellow with 6 years of scientific research experience and 8 years of experience as an educator. With a strong educational background including a BA in Chemistry, BS in Biology, and a PhD in Biology, coupled with a genuine passion for teaching, she is dedicated to providing enriching and impactful learning experiences. Her commitment to effective science instruction is bolstered by specialized training in teaching methodologies, ensuring that she can engage students of all backgrounds and learning styles. Through interactive and inclusive teaching methods, she aims to ignite curiosity, foster critical thinking, and inspire a lifelong love for learning.

🔹 Teacher Lorin has worked at a private preschool for about four years where she found a passion for working with children! She currently has an associates in liberal arts and has completed many hours over four years of online training for early childhood education. During her free time, she loves to practice her photography! 

🔹Teacher Marva has a BA, MSHS, TESOL and TEFL certificates and 18 years in teaching, tutoring, coaching and counseling. She has worked in child development and in mediation with children ages 0-22 years old. Marva loves teaching her own children in homeschool while she tutors online. She loves to learn about her student's cultures and wants to add to their learning experience in meeting their goals. Hopefully she will see you in the classroom!

🔹Teacher Matt has been teaching young learners for more than ten years. His experience ranges from young learners in the Canadian public school system with a variety of learning disabilities, students in Asia and South America some of whom were taking classes for the very first time, as well as students preparing for university entrance exams. These experiences, along with his social sciences degree in sociology and psychology, has enhanced his interest in the many different cultures around the world. He looks to build rapport with his students, help them grow in confidence, and reach their learning goals. He is a father of two happy young boys. He hopes that the parents of his students and the students themselves will feel connected in his classes and comfortable enough to reach out and request his support at any time.

🔹Teacher Molly lives in the UK, in England. She is a fun, enthusiastic teacher with a dedication to all things education and learning. She graduated from Plymouth University with an degree in Primary Education, completed her PGCE and has managerial experience in a nursery setting. Teaching and working with children has always been her passion. Her mission as a teacher is to make sure children feel happy, confident and engaged in her lessons and most importantly – learn something new. 

🔹Teacher Sapphire is a CELTA qualified English teacher and has been teaching for 8+ years. During this time she taught many students from around the world from age four all the way up to adults. She started her teaching career in a language school and now teaches solely online and loves it! When she’s not teaching you can often find her going for walks trying to find as many animals as possible! She’s a huge animal lover and has a cat called Albus. 

🔹Teacher Shellan has taught students from 2-18+ from 50+ different countries. She has taught a wide range of topics including ESL, science, geography, and STEAM classes. Shellan has her bachelor’s degree from the University of California, in the USA, her master's degree in Erasmus University of Rotterdam in the Netherlands and TESOL certificate. She also has experience working with students who have learning challenges including dyslexia and ADHD. Her teaching style is energetic, patient, and focuses on each student having a positive experience learning. She has lived in the USA where she is originally from, the Netherlands, and India. In India she worked on getting girls back into school. While she is not teaching you can find Shellan outside either hiking, running, rock climbing and exploring new places!

🔹Teacher Stacy holds a degree in English Literature and Fine Art, is a certified high school teacher, and has TESOL certification. Her teaching journey spans South Korea, the U.S., Tonga in the South Pacific, and Canada. While raising her three children—who are currently pursuing university studies in politics, chemistry, and linguistics—she hosted international students from Japan, Spain, France, Germany, Colombia, and Mexico. She loved sharing Canadian culture with them and continues to enjoy learning about her students' unique backgrounds and traditions.

🔹Teacher Valentina has been teaching since 2019 and loves working with children from the ages of 3 through 15 years. She also enjoys teaching a wide range of subjects. She has a bachelor's degree in sociology and a Master 150 hour TEFL/TESOL certification. In her free time, she enjoys dancing ballet and cooking.

🔹Teacher Vicki lives in beautiful Melbourne, Australia. She is a qualified teacher with an M. Ed and ESL qualifications. Her experience includes teaching ESL and English literacy to students from 4 to 12 years. She has helped ESL beginning students and advanced-level learners become confident and competent users of the English language. Her experience includes teaching literacy to primary school students including developing reading (phonics) programs tailored to individual learners' needs assisting students become proficient readers. Previously she lived in Japan and taught English.

🔹Teacher Whitney has been in the education field for over 5 years working as a tutor and teacher assistant both online and in person. She has her associate’s degree in arts and is pursuing a BS in elementary education. In addition, she is certified in the Science of Reading and TESOL. She loves working with kids and giving them the knowledge and critical thinking skills they need to be successful in and out of the classroom. During her free time, she enjoys reading, painting, quilting, and baking.

🔹Teacher Yvonne lives in the beautiful city of Bath in the UK. She has always loved learning new languages. She has a Masters in French and German from the University of Glasgow, and she speaks some Spanish and Japanese, so she understands first-hand how difficult it is to learn a new language. She encourages her students to speak in full sentences, and not worry about making mistakes, because the more they speak, the better they'll become, and will soon be using English easily and confidently. 

✨Live Class Expectations ✨

We want to do everything we can to make sure this is a positive learning experience for your learner. We message all newly enrolled learners with further details about the classes along with the expectations. All learners are encouraged to share any details they’d like me to know about them beforehand. 

It’s highly recommended that learners have the activities prepared for each class. We believe learners will get more out of the classes by being prepared for them. We use a range of activities in each class to explore the objectives of the class and reinforce what is learnt. The activities are also one of the ways we can check learning is taking place in each class.  They are posted in the classroom by the end of Sunday each week. 

🔹 Class Times
Each class has a set start and end time. Classes will start on time and finish on time so please make sure your learner is in class and ready to go!

🔹 Mute/Unmute Function
We follow Outschool’s policy to use the mute/unmute function to make each class a better experience.

We may sometimes use the Annotate function in Zoom too. It would be great if learners are aware of this. 

🔹Staying on camera
Please can you encourage your learner to stay on the camera during the class. It really helps us to both engage with them and also gauge how they are doing. We also want to make sure your learner is safe, especially if they take the class independently. 

🔹Technical Issues
Please test out Zoom before class and be sure your learner can use the mute/unmute function. We like to be fully present with my learners in class and as a result, we will not be able to respond to messages whilst teaching. For technical support, please contact Outschool.

Regarding refunds, we follow Outschool’s policy. A full refund within 24 hours of purchase or up to a week in advance of the class. Please ensure the time is AM or PM when signing up.

🔹Transfer requests 
Transfers will be actioned up to 24 hours before each class. Please note some classes are on different schedules. Details of this can be found in class descriptions. For refunds, please contact Outschool Support. 

Recordings of classes are shared in the classroom.

🔹Class Cancellations  
If a class has not met the minimum number of enrolments, it is subject to being canceled. We will send a message asking if you'd like a transfer to another date & time or full refund if the class is canceled.

✨Flex Class Expectations ✨

It’s highly recommended that learners have the activities prepared each week before they watch the recorded teaching video. I believe learners will get more out of the course by being prepared. We use a range of activities each week to explore the objectives and reinforce what is learnt. The activities are also one of the ways I can check learning is taking place in each week.  They are posted in the classroom by the end of Monday each week. 

🔹 Class Times
Please note, there are no live meetings for flex classes. Teaching videos are shorter than the live class equivalent due to no students being there for interaction. Flex classes include a range of activities to go along with the teaching video. These will be posted in the classroom at the start of each week. 

Please don’t hesitate to send me a message if you have any questions.  I’m looking forward to meeting you and providing unique learning opportunities.




30 分

6 人がクラスを受けました
年齢: 6-11
クラス人数: 1 人-6 人

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